No longer in FL but on the FL registry?
If you are on the Florida Sex Offender Registry but no longer living in Florida, FAC is organizing a potential legal action to seek removal of those no longer in our state.
There are currently over seventy thousand (70,000) individuals on the Florida registry. In fact; less than half are actually physically present in the community. MOST are incarcerated, moved out of the state, were only here temporarily and had to register, have been deported or are deceased.
The purpose of Megan’s Law (public disclosure) was to create, “notification programs so the public can be warned about sexual offenders living in the community.” Florida’s registry is comprised MOSTLY of people NOT living in the community.
If you remain listed on the Florida public registry, but are no longer residing in a Florida community, you may be eligible to participate. It is important to note that since most FAC members are IN FLORIDA and this potential suit would not benefit them, FAC cannot help in funding this suit. Costs will need to be shared by those participating in the suit and it is our hope that by bringing several similarly situated people together, the pooled resources will enable this lawsuit to move forward, where individual resources might not.
If you are interested in learning more; please contact
I understand this is a tough fight because those in Florida are fighting their current battles. I read a report I forget where that was done about the number of SO’s that were actually living in the community and of the roughly 70k on the FL registry it was only about 27k. If registry numbers are used for funding, wouldn’t this claim of ha ing to manage 70k SO’s be slightly fraudulent?
the report was the OPPAGA report
Is this still an ongoing fight? I have never lived in FL but was forced to register due to a vacation. The irony is I am no longer on my conviction states registry because I interstated my probation back to where I was from. I’m still on VA probation technically since my residential states administers it for them yet I’m not on their registry, yet I’m on FL’s where I’ve never ever lived.
Also if I am ever removed in my home state this will force IML to still apply to me, even though I once again don’t and never have lived in FL.
It is – we’re still trying to raise money for it.
Florida sex offender registry also posts your information FOR LIFE if you just visit Florida! I made a one-time mistake of engaging a “14-year old” in an ADULT chat room. It was a sting operation and there was no child involved. I am not on the public registry in my own state and have been off probation for 7.5 years (at the urging of the probation department in my state)……..but I visited Florida for 5 days to see family for the holidays a few years ago and now my picture and information is publicly shown on the FDLE website forever. I never lived in Florida, have never been arrested in Florida and haven’t been back to Florida. Yet FDLE gets to post my information forever and I have no way to get my information removed.
Also, neither the police nor the Sex Offender Registry in my own state were aware that Florida posted my information. I became aware because my daughter’s elementary school district discovered the Florida posting — and I received a letter from the school district saying I was banned from my daughter’s school. I can’t attend any of her school functions.
Same kind of situation. I live in CT and visited FL while on probation. I had to check in when I got there and they posted me for life. I never would have gone. I’m off of every registry except for Florida.
I was convicted of possession of 21 pictures of child porn in 2004, I was sentenced to 10 years probation and required to register for life in Fl. I completed probation in 2014. I have not lived in Fl since 2007. I live in Puerto Rico and I have to register here as per Fl law. I am 75 years of age retired and have medical problems (cancer). Is there any way to end this registration requirement.
How about people who were removed from the registry from the state they got convicted in but moved to say South Carolina and they told that individual that he falls under the state he got convicted out of but then they didn’t remove him and then he moved to Florida and provided Florida a paper showing he was removed from the state he got convicted out of but since South Carolina isn’t doing their part Florida is saying no now. This is straight bs! Now it’s affecting my job. And I thought it wasn’t supposed to. Someone please point me to the right kind of person to help.
Don – check the attorney referral page on our site.
And is this a legitimate way to answer the question I provided? Jesus I’ve talk to so many lawyers that all I get is I don’t know. I’ve being violated in so many way it is pitiful please I beg you I live in Santa rosa co.
Which of the attorneys on our referral page told you they don’t know?
I am in Washington state but was convicted in Florida and on the Florida registry. Washington does not have public notification for Tier 1 but I show up in every search due to Florida registry. One would think that the full faith and credit clause would apply and since I live in Washington, Florida is essentially violation the public notification typical in Washington.
Well then join the class action suit as you and thousands of others who are being exploited by Florida to pad their numbers would directly benefit!
Contact and donate to the legal efforts. Take some action and get your life back!!!
We can make this happen!
Can I have the lawyers name you referred this man to I know someone that is trying to move from pa to fl and is almost off but he get told that no lawyer will touch his case because it’s in the federal lawsuit and he is on the list
Unfortunately, full faith and credit seems to only apply to very specific types of judicial orders. Why do you think that we hare having debates about things like the validity of state concealed carry licenses in other states?
I think by now you would fully comprehend that actual laws don’t matter that much when it comes to “sex offenders”…meaning, that if you want to get off Florida’s list then you had better donate to and join the legal action directly addressing this issue!
Here is the link to donate and fund this lawsuit: