OH: Committee recommends eliminating residency restrictions for sex offenders
A proposed change to Ohio’s Criminal Code could eliminate residency restrictions for sex offenders.
The Criminal Justice Recodification Committee has finished reviewing Ohio’s extensive criminal code after two years. However, not everyone agrees with some of its recommendations.
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) opposes this specific recommended change, saying it’s meant to keep children safe. Right now, sex offenders cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, daycare center or pre-school.
“They made some recommendations on a variety of bills,” said director of government affairs for the FOP Michael Weinman. “One of the most alarming is allowing the sex offenders to live anywhere.”
He said the restrictions create a safe zone in areas where there’s a concentration of children.
“From a police perspective you’re getting the potential offenders away from those victims,” said Weinman.
State Public Defender and vice chair of the Criminal Justice Recodification Committee Tim Young said there’s no empirical data that shows these restrictions protect kids.
He said residency restrictions can leave some sex offenders homeless, which can create more problems.
“As soon as you destabilize someone to homelessness you’re far more likely for them to commit another crime,” said Young. “There’s a higher likelihood of crime with these restrictions than without.”
He said eventually some of these offenders stop reporting to sheriffs and probation officers, leaving law enforcement without any oversight or control.
“I want our government to spend money on things that are effective and if we’re spending money on this and we spend millions on this, on enforcing these restrictions, on enforcing registration requirements,” said Young. “I know that means we’re taking money away from actually making my children safe.”
He said the Recodification Committee had a broad range of members including prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and law enforcement officials. Young said they’re hopefully their recommendations will be introduced as an omnibus bill when the next legislative session begins.
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I’ve fallen and no longer getting up. Kicked to curb.and boot kicked daily. Totally broken and bleeding internally. Over two year probation plea deal 20 years ago
It’s the “GOD COMPLEX” that all cops have, they also think they have the “MINORITY REPORT” vision. As everyone knows, they are wrong on both counts……..
On another note…… Thankfully, some politicians with a few brain cells left. and they are using them wisely. Now they got to get it through the legislature. ( Hopefully they have some functional brain cells left.) Now, if we can get some of these KNOT HEADS in Florida to use their functional brain cells to do the same. ( THAT’S REALLY SCARY).
Let them research the states that have done away with these residency restrictions. Some folks just have a difficult time letting go of the control that keeps them believing these absurd untruths.
I guess they like the chain around their necks. So sad
* My comment was meant as a reply to John Coble’s.
It stuck out like a huge sore thumb, stinking of unconstitutional profiteering agenda. The FOP are such an indirect beneficiary of an enlarged police state, I would assume, anyway. They are a tiny piece of the pie in the end. So, are they really so desperate as to be scraping for long-term pennies or are they really just so stuck in a delusion that they are okay with being overtly anti-data, anti-statistics, and anti-truth? Neither option sounds good for anyone.
Well, I have donated money to that organization numerous times in years past but that won’t happen ever again. I will only support Constitutional agendas henceforth. In fact, I think I will do my best to discredit the organization & sway others from donating $ too.
Did anyone else notice that the FOP’s statement refers to children as being victims? How can preemptive statements such as this continue being used before any crime is committed? Sounds like a weak argument against straw people.
Yes I read the statement the same way. Children are synonymous with “victims” (no offense required) and that ex-offenders are dangerous to the public. The texting soccer Mom is far more dangerous to these kids than the men and women who have already served their time.
Like I’ve always said(and will continue to say). Children are SAFER around MOST (S)ExOffenders !!!!. I’m considering making a 4X8 sign and posting it on my yard stating this !!. After this whole ” We’re not worthy of being Safe in a emergency” thing with the Hurricane and Shelters, It’s really made me want to “Fight” more than ever !!!. I was (am) ashamed of my charge and didn’t want the “Spotlight” shined on me, And have been just trying to Survive. As I’m sure every other Ex Offender has been doing. I don’t have the money to “Fight”, But I have a voice (and a loud one thanks to being raised in the country where we yelled instead of used a phone.lol) And now I plan on using my “Voice” to EDUCATE the Public about how useless almost ALL Sex Offense Laws are !. And the FACT that Ex Offenders DONT REOFFEND !!. My ONLY concern is, I’m on very very high doses of Pain Medication, And if I miss my dose, I could die, And we all know that the “Jail” won’t give anyone a “Pain Killer” even with a Current Script !!. Being Arrested doesn’t scare me, But going without my meds, And the withdrawals and sickness that I’ll have to go through DOES SCARE ME !!. I almost died in Polk County Jail once when my PO Violated me on a BS Violation !! I laid in my own Puke, Urine, And diarrhea for 3 Solid days (in the “Medical”Unit) and almost died !!. Thankfully a fellow inmate went and told the Nurse during Med Time, That I needed Attention . Once she saw me, She ordered me to the Hospital and I survived !!. So knowing what I face in jail, Is what has kept me quiet for almost 8 YEARS. But I feel NOW IT’S TIME TO RISK IT ALL before it’s too late !!!. The “Public” needs to know The “TRUTH” before EVERYONE ends up on The “Registery” !!!!!. And if any of you value your Future, I’d advise you to “Cowboy Up” and Do the same !!!. It’s time EVERY Ex Offender stands up for Every other Ex Offender as well as themselves !!!. Sorry for the long post, But I’m Fired Up Now, And I’m ready to Fight !! And Fight To The DEATH if that’s what it takes !!!!.