Proposed legislation would require landlords to provide proof of employee background checks

SARASOTA, Fla. (WFLA) – State Senator Greg Steube (R-Sarasota) has introduced legislation that would require landlords to disclose when they’ve run background checks on their employees, Mike Vasilinda of Capitol News Service reports.

Under the proposal, known as the “Tenant Notification Act,” renters would be notified in writing whether the landlord has screened anyone with access to the premises.

The law would give tenants the right to cancel their lease and get back their deposit if they learn an employee is a sex offender, has stolen credit cards or has a history of violence.

“If there is people working in these large complexes, and they’re not background checks on whether they are sex offenders or not, and they have access to people’s homes, to me that’s a problem,” said Sen. Steube.

Others, like Erwin Jackson, a landlord who rents more than 250 apartments disagrees.

“And see no reason I should take that information and provide it to my tenants. I think there is a privacy there,” Jackson told Capitol News Service.

There are still some details of the bill that have to be worked out, such as how many units are in a complex before a background check notice would be necessary.


16 thoughts on “Proposed legislation would require landlords to provide proof of employee background checks

  • December 27, 2017

    Old Merle never had it more right ..makes me wonder why i even try

    I’d like to hold my head up and be proud of who I am
    But they won’t let my secret go untold
    I paid the debt I owed them, but they’re still not satisfied
    Now I’m a branded man out in the cold

    When they let me out of prison, I held my head up high
    Determined I would rise above the shame
    But no matter where I’m living, the black mark follows me
    I’m branded with a number on my name

  • December 27, 2017

    Oh boy this is why crimes are committed force a law exposing your past you lose your job now you got to steal things to live because they want to bring up are past i can see this going to pass LOL NOT!!! it wont pass and it won’t another stupid shit to protect kids wow really! if you want to protect kids WATCH THEM KNOW WHERE THEY ARE AT !!!!! that simple. WTF is up with this ppl.

  • December 26, 2017

    Several years ago I was employed by a large property management firm. My employer was aware of my history and knew me before my offense. I had access to hundreds of commercial and residential properties via master keys. None of the tenants knew anything about me and they all received the same level of service.
    Some “do gooder” with a personal axe to grind contacted my employer and threatened to notify all of the tenants if they didn’t get rid of me and make a public announcement within so many days.
    My employer did his best to protect me but they did notify several commercial tenants and I was black balled from or provided an escort on most of the government properties for a few months before everyone forgot and it went away.
    All this does is further erode our ability to integrate in with society after our EOS.
    Is society really served by knowing that the poor guy unclogging your toilet of your apartment went to jail for statutory 30 years ago?

  • December 24, 2017

    Another Florida redneck career politician pulling us back to the old days. While other States progressively are eliminating background checks for employment.

  • December 23, 2017

    Another way to keep us unemployable without merit


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