Proposed legislation would require landlords to provide proof of employee background checks
SARASOTA, Fla. (WFLA) – State Senator Greg Steube (R-Sarasota) has introduced legislation that would require landlords to disclose when they’ve run background checks on their employees, Mike Vasilinda of Capitol News Service reports.
Under the proposal, known as the “Tenant Notification Act,” renters would be notified in writing whether the landlord has screened anyone with access to the premises.
The law would give tenants the right to cancel their lease and get back their deposit if they learn an employee is a sex offender, has stolen credit cards or has a history of violence.
“If there is people working in these large complexes, and they’re not background checks on whether they are sex offenders or not, and they have access to people’s homes, to me that’s a problem,” said Sen. Steube.
Others, like Erwin Jackson, a landlord who rents more than 250 apartments disagrees.
“And see no reason I should take that information and provide it to my tenants. I think there is a privacy there,” Jackson told Capitol News Service.
There are still some details of the bill that have to be worked out, such as how many units are in a complex before a background check notice would be necessary.
Did you notice that the bill includes a person that “has stolen credit cards” and “has a history of violence”. Don’t get me wrong….this bill is nothing more than another way to make sure an Registered Citizen cannot get a job or find work. But you see how the politicians include these other individuals. That’s so we can’t say they are discriminating against our group.
The Tenant Notification Act is nothing more that a “Hate Crime” waiting to become law.
” Did you notice that the bill includes a person that “has stolen credit cards” and “has a history of violence”. ”
The other two crime types are just an icing to hide the cake. It’s always about the sex offender.
There is a movement by some Law Enforcement to try and push registration of all Felons in Florida. These people believe once a Felon always a Felon. So, what are these people supposed to do to start over. America has more people incarcerated than the whole World combined. How does a country with 380,000,000 people have more inmates than all the countries combined? We are small fraction of the Worlds 6 Billion population. There are no rehabilitation programs, so they keep getting in trouble with no options, and no place to work. What a vicious circle. Seems like a way to keep the wheels of the money-making justice system turning. Blame these nutty politicians who entertain these crazy ideas and let them pass without a plan to fix the problem.
You do need to register if you are a felon. Nothing new here.
well i disagree also i own rental properties and i am not telling anyone of my past unless i want to.
More stupid stuff to target SO’s trying to get back to life and move forward. When does this end?
More useless crap legislature to spread fear and further attempt to sanitize the state of Florida diverting attention from the real criminals (those in government such as Senator Greg Steube).
It will be “sold” to the people using the same lies as all the other useless crap laws they pile on. I am truly starting to think that Florida is a lost cause.
Sure !! Continue to push out any person with a PAST !!! What is a person (or a new class of Citizen) with a past supposed to do ?? How are they supposed to reiterate back into Society ??. All these Laws are getting passed to HURT a Sex Offender (or ex felon), But what laws are getting passed to HELP THEM ???. I believe that, If the Government passes laws to prevent a EX Offender to provide for themselves and their families, Then the Government should be REQUIRED to support that person and their families !!. That’s just COMMON SENSE !! But again, We’re talking about our Government !!!!. If all these “People of Power” had to live by all the restrictions that the laws they get passed, Maybe they wouldn’t be so quick to pass ANY !!! Wake Up America !! It’s time to Stand Up against Tyranny before it’s too late !! …..
TOBM, I totally agree that if the government makes you unemployable they should give you a pension. Florida laws have, and continue to, debilitate any effort for anyone with a criminal past to “move on,” especially s-ex offenders. Also, I have heard, anecdotally, that since s-ex offenders are considered deviant and mentally ill, being diagnosed under DSM-5, we qualify for mental disability under Social Security. I have yet to find any evidence supporting that, but it makes sense that if this label prevents you from working then you should be eligible and compensated.