Putnam County’s “Sex Offender Compliance” Specialist

You know how humiliating they are. The monthly “address verification” visits from police. You’re years off probation and haven’t had a single brush with the law since, but still the police show up at your doorstep to “verify” that you’re living or working where you’re supposed to.

If you live in a municipality with some class or discretion, they will show up in an unmarked or regular police car. After all; they realize that to the least extent they disrupt your housing or employment, the more likely you’ll be able to live a law-abiding life.

If you live in a municipality that’s clueless about restorative justice, they will show up in one marked “Special Victims Unit” or wearing complete swat gear. There’s no other way, after all, to paint the picture in your neighbor’s mind that you could potentially have an abducted kid in your closet.

Putnam County, Florida found a way to one-up the level of sadistic punishment by putting “Sexual Offender Compliance” on the side of their cars.

This way they will ensure you lose your job or that your wife and children are humiliated to the point of suicide whenever the car pulls in front of your house.

25 thoughts on “Putnam County’s “Sex Offender Compliance” Specialist

  • February 28, 2017


  • February 27, 2017

    This is billboard for elected Sheriff …how disgusting… what did that car cost?

  • February 27, 2017

    Okay, then what recourse do we have? How do we redress this grievance and stop this? If this is the action of a sheriff, he needs to be stopped by court order.

  • February 27, 2017

    This is WRONG. Stop oppressing those of us who have to register. 95% of us don’t deserve this level of punishment. The statistics are out there. Please come to your senses.

    • September 10, 2017

      I would move out of that jurisdiction. I don’t know how the laws are with registering, but not say anything or why you are moving – so that they can’t stick extra charges on you for no good reason and just simply move. I don’t think that is right at all and I find it very descrimatory and sorta like humiliation and inhumane treatment. You are suppose to have officers that care about their jobs being there to protect and serve, not do this kind of treatment. Everyone deserves respect – a good well trained LEO should know that. I am not one, but where I grew up up at in Franklin Indiana – I have an officer like family close to me that works with the registered sex offenders there. He jokes with them and treats them like family but is also firm at the same time with compliance and that kinda stuff but he wouldn’t go about the far or extreme and he too would consider it wrong. His name is Officer Pfeiffer and he would go out of his way for almost anyone in a community. He has worked with sex offenders for awhile as well in past visited group homes, helped Santa train events for children, hand out Halloween candy etc… he goes above and beyond for people as a whole…

      • April 12, 2019

        it’s nice to hear people like you because my husband is a registered sexual predator and he did his time 5 years prison 10 years probation never been in trouble did everything he was supposed to do took all his classes paid all his fines restitution it was a trump charged in the first place but he’s treated like a piece of crap we live in Pinellas county Florida now but he does have a decent sheriff and he’s really good to him and stuff like that but we have had sheriff’s that just treat you like crap constantly threatened you and stuff like that my husband is a good guy he’s always taken care of me no matter what we did split up for a little while and he still took care of me he treats everybody with respect and he deserve to have respect back but it’s nice to know that there are people like you out there that feel that these are still people and not animals that deserve to be put on an island somewhere and shot

  • February 27, 2017

    They should do this to those that murder people or those that sell drugs in the result of death of an overdose. Or how about these people that drive and kill a pedestrian Let’s start going after these people but NO they are to busy wasting tax payers $$. Going after the register Citzen that did there time allreay !!

  • February 27, 2017

    What is wrong with these people? They dehumanize to the point that it is appalling! Not to mention that many of these folks are off paper and there is no real requirement that they comply. Is this challenge-able? It makes me cry!

    • April 12, 2019

      My husband has to register for the rest of his life he did five years in prison 10 years probation with not even a scratch on his record never got hasn’t been in trouble with the law nothing and they act like I mean it’s a life sentence no matter what


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