Registered Sex Offender Killed While in Department of Corrections Custody
News about Florida Sexual Offenders
A man incarcerated at the Wakulla Correctional Institute Annex, a Florida prison, was killed on Monday. He was a sex offender being held in a protective management program at the prison. While very few details are being released concerning his death, the 36 year old man was said to have been killed by another inmate. His father reported that when he last spoke to him on Saturday, he was in good spirits.
This goes out to Christopher Jason Outland and all the other narsacistic ex felons out there who think they are better than anyone else and blame others for things they themselves have done but will not admit.
You are not better than anyone else, You seem to be so proud of your multiple times in prison, and your 20 yrs there. Here’s a little fact for ya bub……. 95% of all sex offenders in the country do not reoffend. Since you’re so proud of your prison record, how many times have you re-offended? What are the statistics for the re-offense rate for people like you and similar crimes. I’ve known people like you in prison and out of prison. My Father in law puts me down all the time but I don’t let it bother me, because I know his secret, and he’s a narcissist. See my wife is a sex offense survivor, and yes by her father ( you know, the one who puts me down for being an RSO and being in prison). For the last 20 yrs I’ve heard it from him. So don’t come on here telling us what “bad people” we are. When you look in the mirror think of all your failures…….. with PRIDE!!!!!
(To all my Brothers and Sisters out there, sorry for my rantings)
@ Gw I have not seen him make any comments lately, Maybe he went back to jail I hope not, but if he did perhaps he come back and say “Sexual offenders have targets on their back” and “etc….” Then we hear him brag how he been in prison so many times Blah Blah, Every time he wrote something I had learn not to drink something because I might split it out and hit my lab top screen because it was funny to me .. Also there should be an off topic section here too… I was in Walmart and all these screaming kids in the check out line, some kid was hitting me with a plastic hammer chasing another kid I felt like saying hey Lady and dude please watch your kids but I was laughing to myself I was tempted to just say Hey I am A Register Sex Offender to see how fast those parents watch their misbehaving kids but the next Walmart is 15 miles away and taking the bus sucks!!
I am done playing this sex offender registration game. I refuse to let anybody threaten my life. I will Defend myself with Deadly Force if You threaten my life!!! I Took plea deal in 1989!!! Before a registration existed. I’ve got nothing to loose!!! I refuse to except the Retroactive Punishment. Laying in wait.
@ Christopher Jason Outland, I read some of your posts. I could not stop laughing someone gets 20 years for chop shop! lol, I used to live in Port Richey off of Hayes Road. There is nothing out there but you manger to get five(5) cars a 5000 square foot home all in two years. I seriously doubt this. I reread your writing and so many grammar errors you called typos. I have a sex offence on me and never had any issues in Florida state prison. I learn to fight at an early age. And I have been on close Management a number of times. Your angry and bitterness towards a sex offender makes me wonder about the skeletons in your closet. Those people in Maimi I was like that too: Homeless, hungry, and no place to go because of silly laws!! I made them violate my Conditional Release. I got released again with 30 days left on my sentence and got sent to Orlando. Place on tracking device and lived in the woods. I save my money and bought myself an airplane ticket out of that State. Now five (5) years later I live in Arizona I went to school after getting a pell grant I now have a College education and waiting to do some forklift training for this job I am interested in. The moral of the story I just told. The only thing holding a person back is themselves, now laws and silly rules. Those laws, rules and sex offence label did not define me as a person but my faith in GOD. You sound like as a person who is deeply hurt inside and trying to pull down others to make yourself look better. Have you thought about some type of counselling maybe find a good pastor or a support group to help you work with your anger issues Have a nice day!
This is heinous. It is against the law of the land and God’s law. Thou Shalt Not Kill. I have a problem being part of a society that allows legal murder outside of protecting oneself from imminent harm. It makes all of us culpable of murder.
The abuse that has been allowed to go on in Florida Prisons and other institutions needs to stop. Murdering any living thing “just because” is a serious mental illness. Those that do it need to be held accountable.
Thou shalt not kill? Cslson I’m a mortician. You should have seen the two year old boy I picked up a few years ago who was beaten and sodomized TO DEATH by his mother’s boyfriend. Literally beaten and raped so badly the medical examiner couldn’t determine if the brutality of the beating killed him or internal injury from the rape! I hope and pray if the bastard that did it isn’t killed in prison that I get to watch the state stick that needle in his arm because he doesn’t deserve to live.
My husband now of12 years. When he was a little boy starting at about the age of 3 or4 his own father sexually molest him as far back as he can remember. Until he became older and was big enough to defend himself against the abuse. Then his dad became violent and started beating him when he didn’t get his way with him so there was still abuse. The worst thing is that his mother claims she never New it was happening ( I don’t believe that!) Then he got grown up and was about23 when he came in on his father having sodomized a 16 year old boy and he said that is when he had a flashback to what his father had done to him for years and got away with it too. That’s when he grabbed him ( his father) & he says that he blacked out and Don’t remember hitting him as much as they say that he did. The neighbors call the cops and of course you know that they are on my husband cause they don’t have any idea what really happened they just see him beating up on his father. The two of them go to different jails because they are related but then there is court of course you won’t believe it but it is true story that my husband at the age of 23 got 3 years in prison for what he had done to his father ( I think he gave him a well deserved ass whooping. He’s now had a felony charge on his record for assault that is what the court called it but his father having sodomized the boy only received a 6 month stay in the county jail. While my husband was sent to the prison in lake city and he got3 years too serve day for day. That’s how the law works. Then he was39 buy the time that we got married. Then we had been married for almost two years when we saw a fertility specialist that said after many years and test later that he was certain that we both had to much damages and physical abuse from the past that we together we would never have any chance of having children . My husband told him that we would wait for GOD too make it happen. So then we had been married10 years when the gi doctor thought that I had a tumor so we went to have a ct scan too see what she was sure was going to be a tumor too find out that in fact we were having a little baby. Now all most 2 more years has went buy. Our little boy has a great father and I have the best husband a girl could ask for. Thank GOD that my husband s father died in April of 2000. So he’s not ever going to see or touch our baby boy that GOD bless US with.
Your husband is a strong individual. He survived the worst and is making life better for others.
You may see something on this site that may trigger a reminder of that awful man, your husband’s father. I can promise you, no one here condones such unimaginable criminal behavior. You may be surprised to learn that sex registry reform and abuse prevention go hand-in-hand.
Interwebz tough guy who spent 20 years in prison? Did I get that right? Boy, Glad to know that we have such arbiters of criminal morality out there looking out for the public.