Registered Sex Offender Killed While in Department of Corrections Custody

News about Florida Sexual Offenders

A man incarcerated at the Wakulla Correctional Institute Annex, a Florida prison, was killed on Monday. He was a sex offender being held in a protective management program at the prison. While very few details are being released concerning his death, the 36 year old man was said to have been killed by another inmate. His father reported that when he last spoke to him on Saturday, he was in good spirits.


74 thoughts on “Registered Sex Offender Killed While in Department of Corrections Custody

  • October 4, 2017

    My son has been on the sex registration for 20 years. The person he had sex with was 14 at the time .The sex was consensual He had adjudication withheld , was put on probation and wasn’t to have any contact with her until she was 18. He wasn’t told he was to be on a sex registration website by the court, his parole officer did it and told him he could get off in 10 years. They are married for 15 years with 3 great kids,it’s hard for him to get a good paying job to support his family and a nice place to live . The victim is still his wife and kids , this is injustice

    • October 4, 2017

      Pat – If your Son is in Florida, PLEASE fill out a case consideration form.

      • October 4, 2017

        Where do we fill out this case consideration form and where do we submit it??This is a nightmare and the kids are affected by it, not fair!

      • October 6, 2017

        I filled out one and never got a call back or any type of correspondence from this organization. I explained how it effects my life as well as my three children. Trust me it’s a waste of time.

        • October 6, 2017

          I did the same Js. I filled one out 4 months ago. I am still hoping to hear from someone. I am not even supposed to be on the registry AT ALL. But don’t give up hope. They do have alot of things going on.

    • October 4, 2017

      Pat, The SAME THING happened to me !! Only I didn’t marry or have children with my “Victim” !. Only a 1 time encounter. But I was also ADJUCATION WITHHELD !!, Wasn’t told by the Judge that I had to “Register” !! Judge did say after I was DONE WITH PROBATION, my record would be CLEARED !!!! WELL !!!!!! My P.O. is who “Registered” me !!. Then over a 3 year battle with Probation and being Violated for Crazy things(lies) like Not being at home after curfew (when I was in bed next to my Wife). I (thought) beat every violation !!. Somehow I’m Adjucation GUILTY now, And don’t know why !!. And I had a choice to Stay on Probation and figure it out on the States Dime, Or get off Probation and pay for it myself ! Well I chose option 2 !! And I tried many Lawyers, All wanted $25K to START my case !!. Now here I am 8 years later, Off probation EARLY !!. Not even a Parking Ticket !! But HUNG FOR LIFE !!. Some laws like,Only allowing 2 year’s to Appeal (or whatever you call it) a conviction should be changed. People just don’t have $25K+ laying around !!.

      • October 11, 2017

        David did everything that was requested of him. Got off probation right away, had no contact with Jackie until she was 18.never violated his probation . I fear for his life he’s been on the RSO for twenty years ,does it ever!!!! Did any of the lawyers you talked to, give you any positive hope of getting off the registry or just wanted your money. Did any of them succeed getting anyone off the registry??

        • October 11, 2017

          Every lawyer I spoke with, Said it’s “Been To Long” and I can change my Status ! According to Florida law, You only have 2 YEAR’S to appeal or attempt to get ANYTHING changed pertaining to your Conviction !! I had $10,000 CASH ready to try to get my Adjucation changed where I wasn’t a Felon anymore, And all I got was CLOSED DOORS Everytime I went to speak with a Lawyer !!. The ONLY hope I have is, To move to another state like Utah, That only requires Most Offenders to Register for 10 years, Then get off the Registery, THEN attempt to get Utah to Pardon me or atleast try !!. In Florida, Your DONE FOR LIFE !!. I wish you much luck with anything you try. I’ve been there, And Failed !!. Now I’m giving up everything here in Florida and Starting over Out WEST !!.

      • October 14, 2017

        A po does not have the authority of infusing a sentence for any crime. The state does. So if a person is serving a probationary period and in accordance to sex crime laws, then you must become a Registrant.

    • October 4, 2017

      Even with adjudication withheld the state legislature has removed the judges discretion for registration. The ONLY way to get around this is to have the state attorney to drop the charge to an offense that doesn’t require registration. The judge in my case apologized in open court that he didn’t have discretion to not place me on the registry.

      • October 5, 2017

        Yes – this happened to my son as well. The judge apologized. Adjudication withheld really means nothing in FL when it comes to RSOs – they also tried everything to violate him while he was on probation.

        • October 14, 2017

          Not true.. adjudication withheld holds weight with Clemency and Pardon Boards.

          • May 21, 2018

            Speaking from experience of someone who spent 20 years in prison clemency and pardon boards take a minimum of 5 to 7 years before it’s even red

  • October 4, 2017

    Yep you said it the Reg killing pp in Prison i once was in prison on a drug charge and my cell mate found out my past by getting my DC# then calling his GF on the phone and she looked me up got my full name and then went to the Reg to look me up and found out then told my crazy Cell mate what i did in the past then i had no choice but to fight in are cell at lock-down he confronted me with it my life was in danger because if this reg in prison they don’t put you in a cell with other sex offenders they don’t care i had to fight for my life this cellmate of mine i had no choice thank god i was stronger then him as i worked out and had more mussels then him and i was able to put him inn a coke hold and told him “you give up now of you want me to kill you” i said to him then he gave up and never fought me again i went home in 21 days later. i was 18 when i had my sex charge now i’m 46 i was 34 when i was at my end of my prison sentience when this happen.

    • October 4, 2017

      you’re exactly right. That happened so many times to other SO’s when I was in prison. They just throw you in there with everyone. All the drug offenders and people with other charges act like they’re better than the SO’s and they get treated better by the officers. Once the officers know about your charges, they will purposefully tell other inmates and allow them to make your life miserable either by fighting you, stealing your stuff, or harassing you to the point where you go to “check in”, meaning you force the officers to take you into protective custody. Ahhh. The wonderful life of having a sex charge on your name forever.

    • May 21, 2018

      Yes that happens because all sex offenders are considered a high custody ho fours and fives so they put you with whoever murderer serial killers it don’t matter. And the officers don’t care as well as the staff I spent 20 years in prison and one of the worst prisons in the state and seen it all and I’m not a sex offender but I’ll say you did good for yourself buddy because that’s how you keep people off you you fight for your life everyday in prison weather mentally or physically a lot of people can’t handle it but I speak from experience I spent about 20 years in prison and went to 12 different institutions over six separate commitments three of them were technical violations for traffic ticket. So if you don’t have a lawyer you’re definitely going to go back to prison for the most minimalist thing. Luckily this time I got a traffic ticket for careless driving for eating a cheeseburger and Dade City Florida and the cop ran my name and saw all my felonies and they came from everywhere and lock me up for suspicion of DUI even though when I got to the jail I blew all zeros luckily I was able to afford a lawyer who is very helpful and although I had to stand at Pasco County Jail for six months waiting on my parole hearing they send me back to prison for 10 days my attorney got me emergency release which is a miracle and hardly ever happens. I changed my life I’ve been out two years and I just want to help people with the knowledge I have and things I’ve been through in prison and if things I know what will work and what won’t I just want to make amends for a lot of the bad stuff I’ve done in my past so if any of y’all need any information inside information about the prison system from start to finish or even certain institutions I know it made some staff that are still at those places I might be able to help you. But I don’t try to judge but I cannot help someone who is convicted of a child sex crime that is Despicable to me and I have twin daughters. If you were 18 and she was 16 that’s one thing but if you’re 35 and she’s 16 that’s a whole nother story or something stupid like indecent exposure peeing in public I would help you with just email me

      • May 23, 2018

        You say that you want to help, but all I have heard are “Prison Horror Stories”, nothing of any substance to actually HELP our cause. We share personal experiences with others to help people realize what we are going thru, the struggles we have, the rulings in court.
        FAC posts articles of families being torn apart by residency requirements.

        You post about targets on our back.
        (we know this already– have you read ANY of the posts FAC puts up? Besides this one?)

        You say you want to help. Please tell us how… (horror stories are not helping–they just perpetrate fear)
        Sir, you are doing something that you should really take a lesson from ALL these SO’s & SP’s on here.
        WE are trying to move on with our lives; you are still stuck in that jail cell, with all your hate towards sex offenders, gangs, being beat down, extortion. That is sad.

        I am sorry you feel that way, but we on this site try to IMPROVE our lives. Yes, the fear of going back to jail, or prison is an everyday reality. But if we became obsessed with the horrors of prison life, well, we wouldnt have the quality of life we have now; restricted as we might be. It is better than prison.

        I leave you with your own words…
        AND a question…
        If you state that you dont want to help sex-offenders then what is your purpose here?

        You said…
        ” But I don’t try to judge but I cannot help someone who is convicted of a child sex crime that is Despicable”

        By that sentence, you have judged us all.

  • October 4, 2017

    Unfortunately dont think the registry had much to do with this. He was incarcerated and i know how the officers love to spread the news internally. God help us all…. it would be a travesty if he was in there for a frivolous violation of an identifier or what have you…..

    • May 21, 2018

      Yes sir you’re absolutely right the officers tell other inmates mainly gang members who the sex offenders are and what their charges are and depending on severity of the crime they would be dealt with accordingly and the police will do nothing about it. Have experienced the prison system in Florida for approximately 20 years for running a Chop Shop and the officers love to tell other people about peoples crimes it’s there sex crimes and when that sex offender gets messed up or killed they usually sweep it under the rug or cover it up because they want don’t want Tallahassee to know what’s going on at their Institution it’s sad but it’s true

  • October 4, 2017

    This is absolutely tragic and unnecessary. There are no words to describe it. As we all know, the mindset among other inmates is one of superiority when they compare themselves to inmates convicted of sex crimes. I am so sorry for the family of this man. Not much of a protective program in place there.

  • October 4, 2017

    Being on the RSO list living out in the world and being a person in prison for a certain crimes, in my opinion, are two totally different things. The record of anyone that is incarcerated is available on the DOC website. And many convicts don’t turn a blind eye to especially heinous offenses. Florida is much kinder to rapists in prison than California, for instance. Being in PC though he certainly should have had a better chance of surviving.

  • October 4, 2017

    But According to “The Government”, The “Registery” ISN’T Punishment !!!!!!!!!!! How High on Drugs does someone have to be to not see this ??????. I’m very sorry this happened to this man,But his death will NOT go unnoticed !! His death will be used as a reference ad to how DANGEROUS the Registery is !!. There are just some things that “The Public” should NOT know !! The Government does that on a DAILY BASIS !! The choose what they want”Us” to know, Because “Knowing” everything will cause a “PANIC” in Society !!!!! And that is what The Registery” has done !!!. People are KILLING other people with a certain “Label” in FEAR(& Hate) of that person MAYBE commiting another Sex Crime SOMETIME in their FUTURE Life !!! .. I hope this man’s death causes FLORIDA and the rest of the COUNTRY, To ABOLISH THE REGISTERY !! And LEARN from “THEIR” mistakes !!!. And the Prison Should be SUED FOR MILLIONS for ALLOWING harm to come to ANYONE in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY !!!!.

    • October 4, 2017

      The registry aka “the hit list” is nothing more than a public shaming list. This poor guy never had a chance. In all likelihood the guards looked the other way while this guy was murdered (so they are accessories to the murder).

      The government has demonized so called sex offenders to the point that we are not seen as worthy of even living. The registry is a hit list giving directions for crazy vegalanties direction right to your from door.

      Those labelled as sex offenders are used a political tools to manipulate the public with fear to get bills passed…to justify increasing law enforcement budgets…and just to keep the level of anxiety and fear high with the general public.

      This registry is anti-American and the Nazis would be proud that America is carrying on the propaganda techniques they used so effectively to kill millions.

      This poor guy is another to add to that list and the government just as guilty of this murder as the inmate who allegedly killed him!


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