Registered Sex Offender Killed While in Department of Corrections Custody
News about Florida Sexual Offenders
A man incarcerated at the Wakulla Correctional Institute Annex, a Florida prison, was killed on Monday. He was a sex offender being held in a protective management program at the prison. While very few details are being released concerning his death, the 36 year old man was said to have been killed by another inmate. His father reported that when he last spoke to him on Saturday, he was in good spirits.
In Orange County, FL while waiting to make bail in 1992 they made me wear a choker around my neck that identified me as in custody for sex crime. They made me mop the floors and yelled profanities at me for days. They would not sell or give me a razor, toothbrush or comb. I asked to be segregated from the other inmates and the guards laughed at me.
Well buddy you’re lucky that’s all they had to made you go through imagine what you made your victim go through I think call yall should be put to death I’ve been hurt so many times for not sex offenses are crimes against children or domestic you all have a walking Target on your back we have cell phones in prison now anyone can we search anybody and see what they did you lucky you made it out of there alive because nowadays The Killing sex offenders left and right in the Florida prison system and nobody cares because y’all are the worst of the worst worse than murderers
Text to talk sucks you might not like what I say but I speak for the majority people I’ve been in prison many times at this time just correcting the typos. Sex offenders have a Target on your back there are extorted raped and generally treated the same way you treated your victims but you took advantage of that’s despicable Behavior and prison is considered worse than a murderer cell phones and prisons a powerful things we can research your crimes, read your jail records, and a newspaper articles about you or Google. From my almost 20 years in prison for running a chop shop by the way I’ve seen many sex offenders become homosexual and get AIDS maybe they were already homosexual maybe they’re just mentally unstable. But I do not condone crimes against children or crimes against women or children that matter boys or girls so I think the little things that cops made you do was a cakewalk compared to the prison I just came from because if your crime was serious enough would not have made it out of there alive
@ christopher jason outland
Sounds like you are like everyone else…I ran into your type when I was locked up. On the wrong side of the law constantly yet self-righteous because your charge is different.
News flash moron: not every charge or situation is identical. But because of “your” train of thought everyone with a “sex” charge is on a god-forsaken government tracking system that is nothing more than institutionalized torture.
I used to ask the entire dorm one thing: Can one man in here tell me that they have not made a mistake in their life? (Crickets)
The fact is that the registry should exist but only for real Dangerous persons because they are out there and the only way to get those correct persons on there is by having a non-biased assessment system in place. Sounds like a pipe-dream I know but one that hopefully one day gets achieved so we can actually move on as a society rather than regress which is the way of the societal landscape currently.
Anon for now
Hey christopher jason outland, You don’t frighten many of us on here!
No one on this site condones crimes, esp against children. Sounds like you went to prison for no good reason.. for 20 years?! Suffered and came out a great guy and a judge at that. You should be kicked off this site. You want revenge? Go somewhere else
I allow anyone (unless they get too abusive) to have a voice on here. Firstly, it would undermine our arguments for freedom of speech if we censored people with opposing points of view and, secondly, it allows us to educate the uninformed.
If we respond with facts and references to actual research and statistics, people will be forced to read them in order to formulate a response. If they take the time to read and learn, maybe they will be enlightened.
Ok. Understood
Miss Gail, I understand free speech !! And I’m all for it !!. BUT this guy has done nothing but put “Us” down, Wish we were all DEAD !!. Talk about how sick we are, And has made it VERY clear that he won’t help anyone that has a Charge Against a child !!!. There are other Websites that has also Banned him and issued a WARNING against even Talking to him !!. I know I speak for the entire Group when I say, This simply doesn’t belong on this site !!. Please reconsider letting him stay !! Everything he says is NEGATIVE and aimed to promote FEAR in people that don’t know about Prison Ways. We just DON’T NEED someone like him on this site !!. He CAN’T HELP ANYONE !!.
Yeah we cannot be allowed on Next door but people such as christopher jason outland can come in here and talk about killing us? The main reason I won’t ever become a paid member in here. I love what is being done to help us but I come in here to feel safe and after seeing this guys rants and threats I no longer feel safe in here.
Accorded to your words, You give an overall opinion of what occurred in Florida prison behind the walls. You have a Holy than thou complex but stop to think your an Ex-Felon as well. Do not think for a minute you are better than the next person, You mention in and out of prison several times. I guess in your eyes that is an accomplishment. I Challenge you as a man to man!!! Take a trip to a sex offender encampment and start to live like those people for least a week then come back here and share the experiences. Somebody with all your 20-year prison experience should be able to handle inhumane living conditions. Please Enlighten us. I know the excuse you will use. You do want to be around Sex Offenders, but really We are all around you.
Also, For someone that talks so bad about another class of people, Christopher Ourland is sure HATED by many others !! His name and picture is Plastered All over Dating sites, WARNING women about him !! DangerDating has issued a “NO CONTACT WARNING about This guy !!!. Guess people that live in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw Rocks around huh !!!!.
Are you aware of the pissing in the woods or on the side of the road or off your front porch can be considered a sex offense and you can go to prison for it! There are many things that fall into the sex offense laws let’s get the laws straight before we start telling people off for them yes if we know for a fact that somebody raped their 18 month old child or anyone under the age of 12 then yes they are sex offender and yes they should be treated this but what about the 12 year olds that go around throwing themselves at the older guys what about the 12 year olds that are giving b******** in the bathroom who should go to jail in that case sure the guy should go to jail if he’s older for sure but what about the girl what happens to her doesn’t she go somewhere or get trained to behave herself appropriately because believe me there are 12 year olds giving b******* to older men in the schools!
It’s horrible, my son has been on the RSO for 20years . He can’t find a good paying job or a place to live.I fear for his life , he feels hopeless that he can’t provide for his family. His wife is the girl he had sex with , she was 14 at the time and David was 24 . They fell in love, The sex was consensual , he had adjudication withheld , put on probation , was told no contact with Jackie until she was 18. His PO put him on the registry which the court did not issue. They did get back together when she became18 got married and had 3great kids it’s been a struggle ever since. They recently moved into a small mobile home in Lady Lake Florida. A detective came to the door and told David he couldn’t stay, he was too close to a church. The family was torn apart, the kids were crying David was crying it’s an absolute nightmare . I’m very concerned about his desperation , he feels the system sees him as a monster and there’s no way out, he’s very depressed because the whole family are victims of the injustice system
We are in Lady Lake and are looking at getting rental properties that we will rent out to registrants in your sons predicament. My husband is an RSO too with a ridiculous charge. If they need help, I’m happy to chat further.
Send me your email. I happen to know where Several CHEAP Properties are not far from you. Out by the Dam Diner in Ocklawaha. I own Property out there and it’s perfect.
I’m responding because you sound desperate.. I have been a registrant since 1993. I too had Adjudication Withheld. There are few States such as Connecticut that considers this not guilty… when Megans Law went into effect then we were required to register. The Probation Officer was doing the job as ordered by State Law. My sentence and court release does not mention Registering as well. Don’t get brainwashed by all this Monster, Vigilantism and Society Hate crap. Most of us are in the same boat. If you need to talk, follow my twitter feed @JEV1A
Your son is such a poor baby he was 24 and had sex with underage girl he knew that was wrong he’s lucky you didn’t end up in prison or you might not have made it out of there alive I just did almost 20 years and if you go to prison for sex offense don’t like we have a Target on your back you have ways of finding out your charges disposition of the Court hearings newspaper articles and Google cell phones in prisons is a powerful thing and with the right research it is very easily for sex offender to be killed or raped . Throughout my almost 20 years in prison I have seen sex offenders raped extorted killed and permanently mutilated for the Despicable crimes he committed. I’ve even seen a sex offender at the same prison the child’s father was at that was abused and guess what he killed him I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for your son situation he’s a sick person who needs help you should be put under the Jimmy ryce Act and sent away for the rest of his life so he doesn’t abuse anyone anymore. He knew what he was doing was wrong I just wish they would have sent them to the prison I was at because he would have to pay to stay or pay the consequences
I love being insulted by someone that can barely form sentences.
Wasent an insult just speaking what everyone else seems to be to proper to say. Just to let you know. I have a college education but was trying to text to talk, so I profusely apologize for my grammatical errors. Wasn’t trying to insult you but your son new what he was doing was wrong and after all the years I’ve spent in prison I know what he would be if he went there. But I’ve changed my life I’ve been out two years have my own business have five cars in a 5000 square foot house and two beautiful twin daughters but in my experience sex offenders don’t change don’t get better don’t get rehabilitated depending on the crime I think they should just Jimmy ryce them all I like them abused each other at DeSoto CI main unit where they keep the Jimmy ryce offenders that are never getting out. But sorry if you thought I offended you that wasn’t my intention. Just being real and telling it how it is a person that’s been in that situation in prison not a sex offender
I appreciate your reply but you got me wrong I don’t have homophobic tendencies actually I don’t care what other people do long as it doesn’t affect me. I’ve spent 20 years in prison and been to 12 different institutions since 1995 I’ve seen the change in the prison system first hand there’s no more Rehabilitation it’s about punishment the Florida Statutes even state that. I don’t agree with people with sex charges although I know most were abused as children and the cycle goes on and I know I don’t know the facts of every crime but when you come to prison and you’re labeled as a sex offender you have a Target on your back. I’ve seen it first-hand too many times and seeing things that you cannot imagine in your worst nightmares. The officers don’t care the captains don’t care the warden don’t care and the chief of security don’t care like they say only strong survive in prison you got to be mentally strong as well as physically strong to survive that situation especially for a long period of time. When I got out I was released after 10-year bid with just the clothes on my back no money no ID what was I supposed to do? The Florida prison system does not care about inmates anymore especially sex offenders they feel that they’re getting what they deserve where they’re at I don’t judge people but some crimes I can’t stand for. I hope you’ll forgive me I do wish to be a part of this forum I think I can give good insight to what goes on inside of State Prison and how to survive. I don’t mind helping somebody that has a minor sex crimes such as peeing in public but a child rapist I can’t help that’s just despicable to me and I have children of my own. I’ve been out two years own my own business own my own house and got five cars and started from the clothes on my back with no ID and no way to get a job that’s how much they care about you because they want you to come back. Okay I rambled on long enough I appreciate your response and I hope you can come to me for a first-hand advice and knowledge regarding the prison system I’ve been to 12 different prisons since 1995 I know many of the staff and some of the inmates that are still there
We don’t condone sex offenses of any kind. We do, however, advocate against irrational laws and policies that only serve to make things worse.
As a 24-year-old woman I would not date a child.
A child’s brain, in comparison to an adult brain, is significantly different. 14-year-old’s brain is not mature enough to grasp complex perceptions of life, nor intelligently AND emotionally developed enough to handle life situations.
14-year-olds are considered kids. A 24-year-old woman like myself, is an adult.
If I were to mother a 24-year-old, there is no HELL in chance that would fly by me dating a 14-year-old. They can’t emotionally and intelligently be developed enough to support a significant other. For instance, they cant even vote! There is a reason why the age of voting is 18.
I dont have respect for men’s or women’s sexual interest on a child. That don’t fly by me.
@ 24 year old woman, I want to say I agree with you and disagree with at the same time. I was in prison with a guy who used to be my workout partner while we were lifting weight he told me he was 45 years and like young woman so I asked him how old they were He told me “O about 15 to 17 years old” I swung on him and we both went to confinement. Now where I disagree with you at…. Now I do have two sex offences I know I am not better then he is, I was 19 years old my young girlfriend tells me she 18, I meet her parents few moths later she runs away, and I find out she 15 old.. (hmmm seems like a lot of guys fit this group) I get on probation and meet another woman everything going good, The probation officer harassing my new girlfriend and then lies on me saying I am a child molester. Now 20 year old kid on the lam running from the law My girlfriend gets scare and makes up a story I broke in and sexual assault her ( yes I did have sex with her that night) either she goes to jail for harboring a fugitive or I go to jail. Guess what I get a public defender who don’t wanna fight the charges but rather made plea deals. So now I have to register because our judical system that those who can’t afford private attorneys are scare for life!! Here is a thought for you. I saw here first. it is a quote from Richard Gere Primal Fear “If you want justice go to a whorehouse. If you want to get fucked go to court.”
They should castrate all of the people who have been convicted of sex crimes. My husband was sexually molest buy his own father. I say cut it off and they can’t use it
VB, I am so sorry about this horrific thing that happened to your husband.
I hope that one day you will get over your anger at others for the actions of your father-in-law.
That is sad but that’s Florida for you my advice to you is to either get some land say in Zephyrhills where you can be away from things you’re supposed to be away from and yes ignorance is not a defense if you were convicted of a sex crime and even adjudicated not guilty but took a plea you still have to register for the rest of your life. You can choose to leave the state but you will still have to register their or Florida will come and pick you up. Some states have a 10 year registry some states have a 5 but if you come back to Florida it starts all over and you have to register for the rest of your life it’s sad but Florida is not about Rehabilitation or helping people it’s about punishment and says it right in the Florida statues
I have a family member RSO. He is threatened daily, beat on twice, extorted for all canteen items, we have been extorted, all this by gangs. They RULE the prisons. He says the prison has no choice because they are afraid of them and there are so many of them. Whenever I have complained, I am betrayed by warden’s office and any security staff that I am referred to. And they take it out on him. If he fights back, he is put into confinement. I have been told by chief of security that if he doesn’t want to get put into confinement, he has to let them beat him up and not to hit back. And yet, we know someone who was in a Federal prison here in Florida for 5 yrs as RSO and he had no problems because they kept a handle on the gangs. I feel so sorry for this family because I’m sure they witnessed much neglect and mistreatment before his death which is like a slow death. Gangs are protected. If staff ignores them and keeps a good relationship (at all costs) with them, their job is secure. They just join in the harassment.
No the officers do not care about sex offenders they are the worst of the worst there are worse than murderers who can take advantage sexually of someone that’s not of consenting age that’s despicable Behavior and prison the Gangs do run the prison I spent almost 20 years and one of the roughest prison in the state he’s lucky he’s not dead when your sex offender you have to pay to stay or you might not make it out of there alive protective custody does not protect anyone at all the officers in prisons thinks it’s funny for sex offenders are finally getting what they deserve. We have cell phones in prisons they’re not allowed but we have ways to get them we can research a person check out their Court disposition check out their jail record for the county of commitment any newspaper articles on situation and we can even Google them. Once you’re found out to be a sex offender you have a Target on your back and its best just to pay to stay. I don’t believe in those crimes I finally despicable but if you want your family member to survive he has to pay rent or they would just take it from him and hurt him so bad they won’t have to worry about canteen if they don’t kill him people don’t realize prison in Florida you have to do 85% of your sentence so people with long sentences don’t care because most are never getting out unless you’re out of work camp and a sex offenders not going to work Camp. So he has to just deal with being abused the way he abused others. And the guy you talked about that was in the face it’s a registered sex offender trust me he was either homosexual and had a man or he was paying big money to live there it’s called paying protection. If you pay protection to certain gangs although you don’t condone it they will keep that person safe as long as he pays because Florida does not pay inmates anyting you can one roll of toilet paper every 10 days and a half a hotel bar soap a week and we’re not even talking about the nasty food it’s not even edible that they try to feed you so you really need money in person to survive and everybody’s got a Hustle some are violent and take what they want including their manhood some try to be nice but they’re still doing the hustle and some just don’t care and will kill you for looking at you wrong because like I said if you do 85% of 30 years is 25 and a half years you have to do in prison. The prison I was at the average sentence was 56 years so nobody cared and there wasn’t no fighting and beating up there was stabbing and killing so the only advice I can give you for your son you may not like it but he has to pay protection and all that problems will stop otherwise might not make it home to you The Gangs do on the prisons mostly The Crips and Gangster Disciples neither one’s are everything to be messed up with and will kill you in a heartbeat especially a sex offender that’s a trophy to them so I advise you is send him extra money so you can pay protection to a gang they can protect him from everybody else tell me what prison he is at and I can make some calls but you calling the warden and the chief of security it’s not going to help anything they don’t care about Rehabilitation they don’t care about inmates and they damn sure don’t care about sex offenders
Christopher – Thanks for all your recent posts. You seem really ill informed about sex offenders and have some underlying homophobic issues.
There are many individuals who have served time in state or federal prisons in this state and others who made it out just fine. Your advise is one opinion, but there may be others.
There are also many who are registered as sex offenders who are not homosexual, do not have child victims or do not have direct victims either. Some were children themselves, some were involved in a consensual relationship with someone that lied about their age, some may even be completely innocent.
Unless comments are threatening or offensive, you are entitled to participate in our forum, and everyone’s comments and beliefs are welcome. That said; one of the purposes of our site is to educate the public on facts vs. myths of sex offenders. Your participation in our site may just be a valuable opportunity to educate.
I’m sorry Sarah for the typos I hope I got my point across from my experience I think this would be your best bet. As I was saying your friend that was in the feds and Florida for 5 years as RSO he may not admit but trust me he was paying protection or he got involved in homosexual activity one of the other. Ident to much time in prison to not know what goes on cell phones are readily available and you can look up anybody at any time IDOC website Federal Bureau of Prisons website on the FDLE website hell you can even Google them. Phones are readily available and their smartphones and people are very smart about picking out the week and a sex offenders and those are the ones that get preyed on it’s sad but it’s true and the officers don’t care you can contact the warden the cheif of security. It’s not going to make a difference the only thing that will make a difference is to contact FDLE I’ll get in touch with another inmate there you know that you think would have sympathy and help protect this guy I don’t know his crime I don’t condone crimes against children but I’ve seen a lot in my many years in prison and it’s changed me I’m on psych meds now anxiety medication antidepressants they said I got PTSD from my many years in prison and things I’ve seen what you could not imagine your worst nightmares so I hope my words to help you feel free to contact me if you need to depending on what institution is that I might be able to help you
Thank you for your response Christopher and for reaching out. He is out now, and finding life on the outside maybe not as dangerous but impossible as you well know.
I too send my thoughts, prayers and condolences to this family. Every second my son was in Wakulla CI I prayed for protection. I can assure you what the website portrays this facility to be is far from it. Again, my heart is heavy for this family!
My heart goes out to the family of the inmate that was killed. While we as family members do not condone what our family member did,they do not deserve a death such as this. They should be allowed to serve their time in safety. The Wakulla CI Annex is listed as a Faith and Character Based Institution. So much for that designation! I am sure that all the residents are not murders of fellow inmates, but the FDLE has a duty to protect those in their custody and to be held accountable for this incident. My husband had his life threatened while he was in transit recently. He was only at a location for 2 days when it happened. It strikes fear in my heart that he may be in danger at any time. The easy access to the on-line registry makes this even more possible. Another reason to have it stopped.
Wakulla CI Annex is now designated as a Class One Mental Facility…it was changed over months ago..most of the ‘well-behaved’ inmates were transferred to the main unit of Wakulla….Wakuilla Annex is now mainly housed with inmates with major mental conditions as well is now over run with gangs….it still maybe designated as FB Facility, but it is clearly not..daily stabbings etc go on….
it will get swept under the rug, just like this one..
Here’s a link to the FDOC “Inmate Mortality” statistics for 2000-2017. Numbers are aggregated on the main landing page, but there are links at the bottom for each institution.
Please do look at ACI Martin Charlotte Graceville Correctional Facility Blackwater Tomoka and Dade CI maybe some of this we’ll open up Publix eyes about the prison system it is not safe but it should be safe if the officers and the staff did their job but they don’t care I know from experience and no I’m not a sex offender but I’ve been around many of them throughout my 20 years in prison. Yes look at the mortality rates of the prisons within the state some prisons in Florida have more deaths then then all the prisoners and some other states The Gangs took over and the police are letting them run it be vigilant and know what you’re dealing with. I once sat in a classroom trying to learn one of the very few trades to the offer now in prisons in Florida and I was two seats down when a guy apparently didn’t want to stay at the institution we were at so he thought he kill somebody and go to death row so he smashed the guy in the head with a brick right in the classroom two seats down for me actually had brains and bloods on me. They made us wait in that classroom with the dead body for 12 hours call the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office came then FDLE then the medical examiner to finally pronounce the man dead. He had 6 months to go it was a non-violent. If that don’t change you nothing will I have PTSD and have nightmares because of it and that was just one instance so now I see a psychiatrist and take medication because of my prison experience not too much what I went through but what I saw this go through
You guys are making such a big deal out of one death in a prison there are many deaths and prisons all over the state every week Florida is the only state that has one prison at least one prison in every County of the state there is a lot of violence in these prisons and people get killed a seriously disfigured so let’s worry about the ones that are alive that are possibly facing death instead of something that we can’t do nothing about. This is a common thing I spent a lot of time in prison I’ve seen a lot of people get killed I see a lot of people get raped all in Florida it’s not just one prison and what color is now a psych3 prison. So it is in full of unstable psychotic individuals that are criminally insane yes it does have a faith-based section but that sectioned off and rest of the compound and I believe it’s just one dorm but this goes to show you how it can happen anywhere so please look at the other institutions mortality rates you will be surprised
Sorry typo i meant wakulla. And although some of these correctional facilities do take their faith based program seriously most prisons just do it for the extra funding and let the prisoners do what they want. Just be aware the steak it’s $140 per inmate per day times that by a hundred and twenty something thousand inmates in Florida and they also get extra $65 on top of the 140 if they’re in school so it’s a money business it’s a for-profit business that’s why there is private companies such as Geo and CCA competing to run prisons
Christopher J Outland,
Wow, such stories you tell. You should write a book. This is what I think, I think you’re hiding something. It’s been my experience from having done time that those who crow about themselves the most and boast about the shortcomings of others have the most to hide.
I’ve seen it before where guys identify and “out” the chomos and sex offenders among them only to be “outed” themselves as having done sex crimes worse than the one’s they are pointing the finger at. There’s an old country saying from my neck of the woods, “The guilty dog barks loudest”. Bark all you want, I’m not buying the hog you’re trying to sell.
Also, I don’t see what you’re attempting to offer to the readers of this site. A 5000 sq ft home, 5 cars and a seemingly perfect family life all within 2 yrs of release after serving 20 years? Come on dude, you’re either lying, extremely fortunate or, quite possibly, involved in illegal activity. By the way, what was your conviction for — just wondering since you seem to relish in knowing so much about other peoples offenses.