Results of HB 1235 beginning October 1, 2024

  • The changes in HB 1235 apply to ALL people on the registry, whether they are forced to register as a sex offender or sexual predator.  


  • For the purpose of calculating a temporary residence, the first day that a person abides, lodges, or resides at a place is excluded (meaning the first day of your in-state travel does NOT count) and each subsequent day is counted.  A DAY NOW INCLUDES ANY PART OF A CALENDAR DAY.


  • Example: What if you are in your sister’s wedding which involves being at a temporary residence for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights?  Since Friday is the first day, it would not count, but you would technically have to leave before 12:00 a.m. on Monday as any part of Monday would count as a “day.”  So, if you leave at 8 a.m. Monday (or any time after 12:00 a.m. on Monday), the statute kicks in requiring you to register your temporary residence with the local registration office and at your home-county registration office, both within 48 hours.  (Because of the Harper v. Glass Order, hopefully people will be able to report these in-state temporary residences online, but only for PFRs as sex offenders, not as sexual predators.)


  • A PFR who intends to establish a permanent, temporary, or transient residence in another state or jurisdiction other than the State of Florida shall report IN PERSON to the sheriff of the county of current residence AT LEAST 48 hours before the date he or she intends to leave this state to establish residence in another state or jurisdiction.  (The old wording was “within 48 hours”.)  Any travel that is not known by the PFR 48 hours before he or she intends to establish a residence in another state or jurisdiction must be reported to the sheriff’s office as soon as possible before departure.  


  • Any duration of travel outside the USA is reportable meaning ALL travel outside the USA must be reported.  The previous requirement only involved international travel of 5 days or more, but that has been removed from the statutes.  Travel outside of the United States continues to require notifying the sheriff’s office at least 21 days before the date you intend to travel outside the United States.  If the travel outside the United States is not known by the PFR at least 21 days before the departure date, then he or she must report it to the sheriff’s office as soon as possible before departure.


  • Beginning October 1, 2024, PFR’s will be able to report online (within 48 hours) any changes to their “vehicles owned.” 




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38 thoughts on “Results of HB 1235 beginning October 1, 2024

  • May 3, 2024

    I don’t see the changes to removal from the registry thereby making removal harder

    • May 3, 2024

      @ Iservedmytyme

      Attorney Ron advised me the new rule that begins in October will have a Florida department of Law enforcement officer appear in person at your hearing for removal to argue you should not be released from the registry.

      To me that seems unnecessary, due to the fact the prosecutor will always tell the judge the state objects to the removals from the registry. So, with two authorities stating that, it makes it an even harder uphill battle. Also seems they will have to hire new officers as that would be taking an FDLE agent out of duty to go to these hearings all over the state of Florida.

  • April 22, 2024

    In an effort to alleviate some of the confusion surrounding HB 1235, here is a link to the final summary analysis of the bill:

    Read page 1, then start reading at “Effect of the Bill,” mid-way down on page 7, stop mid-way down on page 9, just before “II. FISCAL ANALYSIS & ECONOMIC IMPACT STATEMENT.”


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