Ron Book pleads not guilty in DUI case
This past Friday, Lobbyist Ron Book, through his attorney, Jerry Berry, filed a waiver of arraignment and plea of Not Guilty in the DUI and related charges against him.
We will continue to keep you updated as the case progresses.
Okay – He wants justice: How many people did he endanger their lives? He could have killed many people. How many family members of his possible victims did he threaten with the loss of their loved ones – or a life as an invalid?
When is his court date?
Who is his judge? (and address)
What is the case number?
Broward County Case Number: 19005520MU10A
Judge Jill K. Levy
Broward County Judge
201 S.E. 6th Street, WW6125
Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33301
I’m glad nobody was seriously hurt in little Ronnie’s drunken escapade but the problem is nobody was seriously hurt…not enough anyway so that the legal system can’t gloss it over as they appear to be doing. The only way this might have had a chance of sticking to Teflon Ron was if he had killed or maimed somebody with his vehicle…..instead we all get to watch one of the biggest slime balls of all time buy his way out again…I’m sure he’s already attempted to dig up dirt on the poor guy whose car he flipped…FAC already commented about what seems to happen to anybody who crosses him…
Does Book still have a drivers license? He did refuse the breathalyzer I think,,,,,,,,,,
My neighbor is going to trial for his DUI charge because the evidecne is spotty at best. He has been riding his bicycle to his shop every day since he got pulled over. Hell, he had to ride it to court for the pretrial the other day. But he is “little people” not the Great Ron Book.
Let him take a plea bargain and have his life f^cked like so many of us were fooled. Naturally he will not need to do that with his resources and connection.
Awe…justice in America – don’t just love it!
Hope the DA keeps in mind what a Danger Book is on the Road. While Book’s Attorney looks to bargain his slap on the wrist
Ron Book wasn’t driving under the influence…DUI. He was driving influenced by privledge…DIP. That’s what we all are if he gets away with it…DIPS_ _TS.