SB 1798 “Sexually Related Offenses” heads to Governor’s Desk

SB 1798 has passed the Senate and is heading to the Governor for signature. The bill does the following: “Increasing the monetary damages that an aggrieved person may receive as a result of violations relating to sexual cyberharassment; revising the prohibition on sexual activities with animals; prohibiting the willful and malicious promotion of certain sexual depictions without consent; prohibiting a person from committing theft of sexually explicit images with the intent to promote such images, etc. ”


13 thoughts on “SB 1798 “Sexually Related Offenses” heads to Governor’s Desk

  • March 15, 2022

    FAC website highlights calls to action at top.

    Do we still need to be doing them?

    Did we dodge a bullet?

    • March 15, 2022

      we’ll remove – we have our BOD call tonight and weekly update going out tomorrow. Dodge a bullet is the theme.

  • March 14, 2022

    Well all this increase compensation better apply when I finally get my chance to sue the Book Crime Family for the hell they put me through over the years.

    I will never recover from the trauma the Book Crime Family has caused me, but if the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood ™ has taught me anything, it is that money to buy me nice things will go a long way to my future recovery.

  • March 12, 2022

    I’m not for using pictures or videos of a consensual/ non consensual relationship for the purpose of exploitation and other situations impacted by this bill, however how far will the impacts go when it’s allowed to flourish. It may not affect people now but what stops the government from more overreach. Last state I trust is Florida and I’m not confident this will end well even if the intent is in the right place.

  • March 11, 2022

    Well, Senator Book has to do something to keep her time as leader from being a complete wash. Under Senator Book’s “leadership,” the Senate Democratic party is sinking like the Titanic.

    • March 13, 2022


      She accused multiple men of gang raping her as teen for the first time, yet some advocates continue to kiss her boots. Advocates need to do their homework before they support bad bills. Prove to me im wrong Senator Book’s ass kissers.

      • March 14, 2022

        Lauren Book has proven to me long ago her narrative is malleable and conforms to her immediate needs. But I understand after the hell she put me through that others fear her.

        I don’t think for a moment she ever “feared” a person who never gave her a reason to fear. She simply plays the victim well, and I recognize that as a Registered Person, most people don’t care about me. But looking at this impartially, as the 4th Appeals Court of FL did, then her victim narrative fell flat.

        I think she didn’t fear me, she just fears truth.

        After 20 years of speaking freely and openly about alleged abuse that included a claim this female nanny defecated on her face, is going to NOT take about this alleged gang rape until she’s desperate to save abortion rights in Florida? That I find hard to believe. But then she may just sue others who dare question her. I have no money to sue for and never will, so what do I have to fear?

  • March 11, 2022

    It’s all depends….remember that Senator “Lauren” wants to pass something called “Looking Back” where she wants to have a revision of cases already done in order to compensate victims….and the above law says “Increasing the monetary damages that an aggrieved person may receive as a result of violations relating to sexual cyber harassment”…however, it would not be difficult to make a different interpretation. That would concern me.

  • March 11, 2022

    On the surface, seems normal to outlaw these, unless I’m missing something. Does not seem like a burden on registrants.

    • March 11, 2022

      This is not a bad thing for registrants.


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