Scams persist
A member from Jacksonville contacted us today to let us know that he was targeted in a sex offender scam. This time the person was pretending to be calling from the US Marshals Office.
He writes, “today I was contacted by someone who stated he was with the US Marshals Office. He stated I did not pay my registration fee. I contacted my Det who stated it was a scam. This occurred in Jacksonville Fla.. So always verify any contact through you Det!!!! Another reason registry should by better controlled.
I too was scammed by the same scam. They got me for $650 before Walmart employees and Mgr. intervened on my behalf. I reported it to the Volusia county sheriff. I knew better but got caught in this scam.
“…Another reason registry should by better controlled.”
???? ?????
Another reason why the registry should be eliminated!
Funny I thought the same and almost posted it. Great minds think alike
Why do not all the ex felons register and then there are the ones who work in government who commit more crimes than anyone else and some are sex crimes.
Does anyone know if there is a list of all US states that charge a fee and States that do not? And if there are any penalty’s for non payment and what said penalty’s are? Thanks.
FL does not charge a fee. Some counties might, but it’s unclear what they can do to someone who refuses to pay.
For all other states, check NARSOL State Wiki (select a state in the sidebar):
AL: $10 quarterly
AR: $250 one-time fee after conviction or after moving into the state.
CO: Municipalities can charge up to $75 initial/ $25 renewal
GA: Those convicted of a “Dangerous Sex Offense” on/after July 1, 2006 must pay $250 annual fee
ID: SVPs pay $50 annual fee plus $10 per registration period; all others pays $80 annual fee
IL: $100 Initial; $100 annually; can be waived if declared indigent
IN: Counties authorized to impose up to $50 annual fee and $5 per address change
KS: $20 per registration period
LA: $60 Annually; failing to pay within 30 days constitutes FTR; some local ordinances have created fees of up to $600;
courts can establish own rules to determine indigence
ME: $25 Annually
MA: $75 Initial; $75 Annually; can be waived for indigence
MI: $50 Annually
MS: Grants Dept. of Public Safety to charge a fee (currently at $11)
OH: Sheriffs are granted authority to charge up to $100 annually
OR: $70 Annually
TN: $150 Annually; local agencies can charge up to $50 more; failure to pay is FTR unless declared indigent
UT: $100 Annually; $25 more can be charged if the registering agency is other than the DOC
WY: Initial Registration, Up to $125 state plus 25% county ($31.35 max); Registration update: Up to $25 state plus 25%
county ($6.25 max)
These are the exact same FREAKING fine type fees as probation. How in the H E double hockey sticks does a judge NOT see this is punishment????????????????
A fee is like a what you pay for a drivers license which is OPTIONAL because you can choose NOT to drive. You have no choice in having to register which is MANDATORY. Punishment.
ANY other fee is optional. You do not go to jail for not paying your property taxes, they just put a lien on your home.
When will one of these judges look at the oath they took about justice and liberty for ALL ?
I swear we can point to a blue wall and the judge will say “Oh no, I declare it yellow and my ruling is final”.
Crazy how they force you to pay a fee while making it harder to get a decent job or get an education to improve your career. Do judges read Hitler’s playbook instead of the United States Constitution? We need more judges that actually honor their oath!!
I have read Hitlers Mein Kampf to try and figure out what would make him do what he did. Seems the book was #1 a very hard read and #2 really didn’t really answer any of my questions. I think he made up a lot of things as he went along, was power hungry and for some reason, full of hate.
When I say Hitler’s playbook that’s what I mean. He made people believe in his ideology based on propaganda; hatred; power hungry/abuse of power; corruption and people fell for it. As a German; Hitler is a disgrace just like the politicians that have passed registry laws based on the same bull ship!!
Guys, nobody is following Hitler’s playbook here. I promise you. Don’t even worry about that!
Pardon the graphic language, but it’s the only way I know how to make my point here: If registrants’ families ever are targeted for shipment to death camps, or even being gunned down in ditches, I will eat my words.
Otherwise, that’s not likely to happen. The public recognizes this intuitively, so whenever we get a receptive ear from someone who’s open to abolishing the registry, and we bring up Hitler, they often stop listening or taking it seriously. Understandably so.
Here’s a little history for you cherokee Hitler was not even german ! He was Austrian and Czech. He had an fascination with Germany because he felt they were a strong smart perfect people so he said he was german altho let’s look at the contrast of his idea of the perfect German blond hair blue eyes 6 foot tall or taller strongly built he was short dumpy dark hair and eyes nothing like his idea . He was a fraud and a scourge to germany.
I am well versed on Germany and have been to both there and Austria. 98% of people in Austria speak German. They have open borders and do not even check your passport and most of the time you don’t even know you have crossed into Austria. I wanted the stamp in my passport but when we got off the train, there was no one there to even stamp it. Blah
That was back in 2005 so not sure if any changes were made since then. There were a lot of countries I visited that never stamped my passport. The only proof I have is photos of me standing in front of undeniable landmarks LOL
NASOL website has a list of all the states regarding their laws; but I don’t know if it mentions fees. Right now I know of 3 states that don’t; yet that goalpost could change like summers in the Midwest.
I live in Phoenix Az area… I just pay a fee when I renew my I.d. once a year and if I move… Nothing to sheriff depts. I don’t have 1000 foot law over my head but it does exist for Lvl 3……… Predators…I am lvl 2 but with fla Conviction. The cost of living is fair.. Just the summer months May,June, July,Aug and Sept.eats up your electrical bills I paid 91.00 dollars but my rent is like 500.00 I would not say it the best place to live Just do what is required and you be ok… I been here close to 9 yrs now and never had any issues The registry dept officers are very respectful and kind But be careful of the wolves in the sheep cloth.
Just provide the information they asked and stay on top of it. If you gave them an email and wondering if not you gave them that email go ahead and give them that email again better to spam them another follow up then go to 4th ave jail.
That should be a simple matter to investigate simply by reversing the phone number. If the issue was then given the press, perhaps we might get some media support to identify and discourage these type scams. The recent conference spoke about the value in speaking out in making change. Easy to say, hard to do. Would not the SOR officer offer this option or offer to do this preliminary investigation. There are laws against using this public information against those on the Registry.
They spoof their numbers.
The crime is a misdemeanor and good luck finding someone in law enforcement to enforce it, let alone investigate it.
I mean everyone’s situation is different but, why the heck do you all NOT have unlisted phone #’s?
I do not think anyone on the registry should be in the phone book. If you DO have an unlisted #, you need to find out who leaked your info.
They call unlisted numbers and cell phones.
They sure do when I was in Florida someone called from the sheriff’s office from a number I didn’t have; so the call went straight to voicemail. Anytime they would call me I would know about ahead of time. One time a cop called me from a 1-800 number and that call went straight to voicemail. Next time he stopped by he asked me if I received the call. Where I am now you have to schedule an appointment and sometimes you end up playing phone tag; but at least you know it’s legit even during the pandemic.
Why these scams aren’t stopped is beyond me. After all it stops a cop from pretending to be a teen instead of testing rape kits. Sorry I saw that on NASOL website this morning and that floored me.
There is software that generates thousands, millions of random 10-digit numbers. Some numbers turn out to be legitimate and some do not actually exist.
Keep in mind that US Marshalls do not enforce registration fees.