Sex Offender, 81, Jumps Off Joliet Bridge, Drowns
An 81-year-old man who was a convicted sex offender took his own life on Friday morning by jumping off the downtown Cass Street Bridge, police said. A call came into the Joliet Police Department’s communications center at 6:59 a.m. in reference to someone who jumped into the Des Plaines River. A few officers were in the immediate area. They quickly accessed a police boat and tried to save the man from drowning.
“As the officers observed the man in the water, he attempted to be drowning himself, placing his head in the water and drinking the water,” Deputy Police Chief Ed Gregory said. “The officers said that he was determined to kill himself.”
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I think what concerns me most is the comment “He was determined to kill himself” – if he was actively alive while they were watching him it seems like there could have been enough time to save him….doesn’t it seem odd that he would go in and register and then do this? Why register if one was contemplating this? Makes me wonder…..
REALLY?????? Is this really necessary? I hope the GOOD citizens of Joliet and Illinois feel real proud of themselves for pushing this man to the point of killing himself. I am thoroughly disgusted with all the “do-gooder” people and legislators that allowed this to happen. SHAME ON YOU! I HOPE THEY CAN SLEEP REAL GOOD AT NIGHT KNOWING THEY LET A MAN DIE BECAUSE OF THEIR NON-SENSE.
What a shame that this poor man who had a lifetime worth of wisdom chose to end his life in such a horrific way. Unfortunately he say that as preferable to the social shaming and punishment of being listed on the government hit list aka the Sex Offender Registry.
At least he is not some poor kid just starting out his life on the list…don’t think most of those will wait until they are 81.
Let’s get rid of this primitive social shaming and move into the modern enlightened age where we allow those who made a mistake the ability to move on and pursue life liberty and happiness as every other American is given an opportunity to do.
Why do the sheeple allow the government to abuse fellow Americans with such a cruel and unusual punishment?
I can totally understand why he did what he did. Sad.
I hope he left a note that said, “F U.”