Sheriff Grady Judd Sued
Florida sheriff who threatened arrests at shelters is sued threatened arrests at shelters is sued.
A man who claims he was denied entry to a shelter unless he underwent a background check is suing Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, who got national attention after saying on Twitter he would jail anyone with an outstanding warrant who tried to seek shelter from Hurricane Irma.
Judd called the lawsuit “frivolous” and said he would not change his policy.
The sheriff said his stance was to prevent registered sex offenders from entering shelters. But the suit filed by immigrant rights group Nexus Services states Florida driver’s licenses already clearly mark someone as a sex offender. They claim the policy was discriminatory and violates Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure.
The suit, which attorney Cynthia Conlin said was electronically filed Sunday but hadn’t yet been processed by the 10th Judicial Circuit Court, claims Andres Borreno of Virginia was told by Polk County deputies he would have to submit to a criminal background check before he was able to enter a shelter Saturday. The suit doesn’t say if Borreno had an outstanding warrant.
“The officer … also never told Borreno that he was suspected of any crime or illegal act at that time,” the suit states. “Criminal suspicion is not raised by trying to enter an emergency shelter to save one’s life and the life of family members.”
Judd said Sunday “They filed that lawsuit for free press and it’s obviously frivolous. I have a nationwide profile and they see it as an opportunity for nationwide press.”
Judd said Borreno wasn’t treated differently than others seeking shelter. He was offered shelter at the jail and was offered a ride. Judd said he didn’t know if Borreno went to the shelter.
“We check everyone who comes to a shelter to ensure they aren’t a sexual predator or a child sexual offender,” he said. “We are absolutely not going to let a sexual predator or a child sexual offender sleep next to a child in a storm shelter.”
Judd said Sunday 43 sex offenders in Polk County were being sheltered in an area of the jail that is not behind bars, and they are not in custody.
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I am ashamed right now of the compassion we have shown within our state.
Many may say so what look at who was targeted, but I believe what we did was wrong.
We told illegals don’t come to shelters, even with your children.
We told those with warrants don’t come to shelters, even though you could be killed.
We told registered persons don’t come to shelters, even though you have a family.
Now while you may say so what?
Illegal or not they deserved to be sheltered from the storm.
Warrants yes I can see taking them aside and saying you and your family can stay through the storm, but we will be taking you to jail after.
Sexual Predators and Violent Offenders I can see placing them separately and “watching” them.
But at least the families would be close and no each was safe.
Sex Offenders can include children, and are non-violent, with low to moderate risk of re-offending. Crimes can include urinating in public, sleeping with your 16 year old girl-friend (boy-friend) when you are 19 and the age of consent is 17 or 18. Mooning your classmates, and other non-violent offenses.
Homeless were told they couldn’t stay with other people they had to go to a different shelter.
People looting, robbing your neighbors, in the worst of circumstances.
Then we have the people who left their animals some tied to trees and cars, to face Irma alone, and defenseless.
Federal prisoners were left locked in their cells, during the storm instead of being evacuated, left with waters rising, and in some areas high dangerous winds.
We are supposed to set examples to persons in prisons and jails, to our children, yet we failed.
We had a chance to rise above.
Could not have said that any better.
I know this is old news but you are someone to look up to well said
You can’t take your spouse or children to the local jail or correctional facility for one so how is this considered equal protection you have to go alone and be separated from them causing stress and anxioity. Secondly I don’t know about anyone else but for me prison was the most traumatic experience of my life I had never been in trouble with the law before it left me with mental scares that I deal with to this day so going back even volenterily or temporarily as a guest is not an option. No one would ask a trauma sufferer to repeat that traumatic experience again because it’s cruel and it needs to be stopped.
My hope is that “Shady Grady” gets sued into the ‘poorhouse’. They don’t check ID’s there. I suspect that he has a serious problem in his background.
As I suggested in an earlier comment on this dangerous rouge individual who has been unfortunately been put in a position of power and gets off using that power to abuse sex offenders.
I am thrilled that his actions are having and effect but not the one this dirtbag had hoped for. I hope it is just the first of a constant barrage of lawsuits against him and he loses his job…becomes homeless and dies.
What about those with children? What happens then? No conscience for the family? What hipocracy what a lack of any sense. What disregard for humanity. Shame shame on you thus proving your badge is not even handed thus showing your supervision is biased thus exposing your justice is not blind. If not for this “class” then who else will this wrath be after? Where will it end? A sex offender does not always mean deviant does not always mean monster does not always mean abuser. Its a label put on a spectrum. Who can think of other labels placed on a spectrum of a group?
I have always been a staunch supporter of law enforcement and the men and women so tasked, but Sheriff Judd is an embarrassment. What a shame that he wears a badge!