Stand Up and Be Heard – The Progressive RSO

Disclaimer: JEV is currently a Florida based RSO. These are personal viewpoints and are not be used as Legal information in any Court of Law. “True Confessions” is a column designed to give out constructed information as well as criticism in the fight for reformation of Sex Offender Laws.

“I’m writing with much emotion this Month as I think I have invented a new term; “The Progressive RSO”.

The question is, as a RSO are you willing to be in the public eye and fight for reformation of these Laws that are in effect subjecting us to a life of living hell? Are you mad as hell and can’t take it anymore?

Without question most non-violent Sexual Offender Registration Laws are written as to make us a second class citizen. To make us hide away and never be heard from again. But then again, some States want the City and County you reside to know you are a danger and cannot be trusted around anyone else. Isolation leading to suicides is the key ingredient to many of these Laws. Lawmakers commonly use terms such as; “Can never be cured and “Monsters” to describe the RSO. So again, do we have to just sit here and take the additional punishments even after the Courts have spoken?

To answer these tough questions, I can only do so with my own advise. The arguments whether or not RSO Laws prevent further crimes from happening is worthless when it comes to our own lives and the damage control we must assume from these Laws. They all Talk and they Talk and nothing happens to make it easier or at least to gain some relief on the control by Law Enforcement of the RSO. In my own State, I’m forbidden to Volunteer to Organizations. So therefore, I may be non compliant is writing this column. The fact is compliance is the key in getting any Law Enforcement Agency off our backs. So I went ahead and told the cops I was writing for FAC and they told me it was totally cool!

So standing up and being heard in my own little way has help me see through my daily struggles. Joining FAC and becoming a vital force of this Organization and others bent on Reformation of these outrageous Laws has benefited myself as a person and I understand much more the issues I will have to deal with for life.

Now, am I ready to go out into the streets and scream in protest about these Laws. Probably so if I was 30 years younger but today I understand what we are all up against politically. I know what it takes to attempt to change a law. I understand the plight that FAC faces. I understand Mass Media Hysteria and Vigilante Groups want us out of Society. The fact is when I leave the house each day, I really don’t know if I will be stalked and murdered. So really.. what do I have to lose by becoming a Activist for Reformation of Sex Offender Laws?

I say.. Nothing. I read the other day through the blogs about those young neo-nazi’s that murdered a RSO and his non-RSO Wife and most commented they should be heroes, not given life sentences. The hate for the RSO is here to stay.

So what would happen if thousands of RSO’s banded together and formed a Group and marched on our State Capitols and Washington DC? Would we all be murdered? Would the citizens of the USA stone us to death like in the Middle Eastern Countries? Again, my opinion points to radical change and within causing that change we need radical action. If something like this was to take place where RSO’s were supported by rational Politicians, Lawyers, Medical Professionals and other Activists fighting for reform then I think we would be heard. Not liked.. but heard!

In the early 1900’s the KKK a million strong marched on Washington DC declaring White Supremacy, the most hateful group in American History was heard. And not until the early 1960’s was this group sought out and virtually destroyed. Freedom in America is wonderful and dangerous at the same time. The RSO is now the most hated living human in America. Are we to be compared with the KKK? Only in the fact this horrendous hate group take to the streets, the RSO has never done that. We are afraid of worst pain, violence and hate crimes against us.

But I say, what do we really have to lose? The Government, Police in many cases and Politicians have destroyed our lives making life itself nearly unbearable and most importantly unlivable. So its now we must stop today the complaining and go to work each and every one of us to fight for real reformation.

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