Surgical castration bill passes in Louisiana

Child sex offenders convicted of aggravated rape, aggravated incestuous crime or aggravated crime against nature with victims under age 13 would be forced to undergo surgery inside prisons.

If Governor Jeff Landry signs the bill, Louisiana would become the first state in America to allow judges to order surgical castration for child sex offenders.

According to Sandy Rozek with the National Association for  Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL), “It is, at best, ineffective and, at worst, barbaric.”


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9 thoughts on “Surgical castration bill passes in Louisiana

  • June 13, 2024

    Highly doubt this law, when challanged, will make it past the Louisiana Supreme Court.

  • June 12, 2024

    If they would put it in writing if a sex offender does this they will automatically be free completely no restrictions just a felony on there record I would be the first one in line!

    • June 12, 2024

      What then about someone who had a vasectomy or their tubes tied before committing a crime? I suppose that for some, a surgical procedure is less invasive than a life on the registry, but I disagree.

      • June 12, 2024

        This bill refers to castration, not vasectomy.

        • June 12, 2024

          The bill was created as a response to Louisiana’s abortion ban. The idea was that a person convicted of a sex crime would be unable to impregnate a woman. Yes, a vasectomy is not physical or chemical castration. My point is that is the judge going to order castration or a tubal ligation to fit the punishment of a sexual assault/rape.

    • June 13, 2024

      @ 4 ever

      I would donate a toe but that is all they are getting LOL
      I would rather be on the registry for life than to be castrated.
      Are we doing the eye for an eye from the Bible and chopping off thieves’ hands? I think those days ended a long time ago.
      Bad enough many of us are on the registry for life. If I am going to fight back, at least I want to do it with some sort of dignity.

  • June 9, 2024

    I’m waiting to see who challenges this law, if it goes into effect. Will it have to be someone who suffered from the penalty or someone sentenced to the penalty. I put nothing past SCOTUS, but didn’t Skinner v. Oklahoma prohibit this penalty?

  • June 9, 2024

    This bill is sickening. Make no efforts to educate, address issues of prevention. I see barbaric is where we are turning to for comfort. Can’t wait till they start cutting off the hands of thieves, passing automatic death penalties to gang members, drug dealers and the like.(sarcasm)

    • June 9, 2024

      If you sneak into watch a movie without paying, your eyes must be removed, based on the new law. Only fair right???????

      And if you are already being punished by being on the registry for life (And then some) why not throw in extras like castration as a door prize.
      Yes, sarcasm but, is it really? Stay tuned as this is not over. I keep saying this but: The more the law makers get away with, the more they will get away with. And my words have spoken the truth every time as that is exactly what they have achieved.

      I will now (Figuratively) drive off a cliff for dramatic affect. Elvis has left the building. “Thank you very much”.


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