The Need For, and Results From “Calls to Action”

(Weekly Update #196)

Dear Members and Advocates,

We dodged a bullet. Or, to make a more proportionate reference, we dodged a missile. Senate Bill 1932 went nowhere this legislative session and is officially dead. SB 1932 would have made some incredibly burdensome changes to the registry, the worst of which would have amended the definition of day to be any “part” of a calendar day. For purposes of how many “days” constitute a residence, this would have been an absolute disaster, since anywhere you spent “part of a day” three or more times during a calendar year would have become registrable. Thankfully, the bill died in the criminal justice committee.

We will never know whether it was the immediate and significant responses to our calls to action that made the difference or some legislators simply read the proposed changes and said, “come on!”. We believe that our efforts in raising the objection to all legislators, pointing out the absurdity of the changes is what made the difference. It was our efforts in educating the legislators on the potential impact of the bill that made the difference. Otherwise and ordinarily, any bill seeking to make “sex offender laws” tougher would have sailed through without thought. Bottom line, we’re getting a lot better at this.

Also dying on the vine were HB 725 (which would have meant no restoration of civil rights, ever, for registrants), SB 512 and HB 325 (which would have required stays of as little as 24 hours at a vacation rental require registration), and SB 1732 (landlords can be held liable for renting to a registrant).

We owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to our legislative committee who identified the bills, researched their effect on our population, tracked the status as they proceeded through committees, prepared calls to action, assembled contact lists for legislators, and provided us with talking points to help guide our emails and phone calls. We also owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to all of those who stepped up and did something. Whether you made phone calls, sent emails or mailed letters, you certainly made a difference!

While we can breathe a sigh of relief over 2022. Now is not the time to relax. Now is the time to work on our mission for the next legislative session, and that is to propose legislation! It might seem like a long-shot, but other states have been successful in proposing bills and FAC is a large enough, informed enough, and knowledgeable enough organization to prepare the draft of a bill and see if we can find a sponsor. It might seem ambitious and aggressive, but we are ambitious and aggressive!


The Florida Action Committee


New Calendar of Events – Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.  Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions. For questions, contact or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

  • Join the County Coordinator Team.  Only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county.  Training for new Coordinators is available.   Choose best day/time for you:  Wednesday 7pm (March 16 or 30), Thursday 1-2pm (March 17 or 31), Sunday 7-8pm (March  20 or 27)   Dial (760) 548-9898.
  • Fearless Group Call  Monday March 28 at 7pm Dial (727) 731-2927
  • Meet-and-Greet in Hillsborough April 2 from 11am-1pm. RSVP (727) 731-2927 or email
  • Free Viewing of “Untouchable Documentary” April 4-7.
  • Monthly Membership Call Thursday April 7 at 8pm.  Topic: Untouchable Documentary.  Guest speaker Shawna Baldwin.  Dial 319-527-3487
  • Family Support Group (by Zoom) Sat Apr 9 from 11:00-1:00pmET
  • New Member Orientation Call Thursday April 14 at 8pm.  No Agenda.  Learn more about FAC, ask questions, get resources, volunteer. Dial 319-527-3487
  • A national conference is planned for March 2023 that includes a vigil on the steps of the United States Supreme Court.  Watch for details!

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13 thoughts on “The Need For, and Results From “Calls to Action”

  • March 16, 2022

    I don’t know other who have read this news but from my humble point of view this is HUGE wins!!! Did you read how many bills are dead or going down? Is about 5 and each was suppose to make it harder for us. Guys and ladies this is HUGE wins.. this means legislator are changing their mind when this bills arrive to their desk .. they might go like .. this again!! They are changing how they view things and that is huge to our future success. And indeed it has been FAC playing an enormous role in representing us, putting a face for us. I’m very appreciative of what FAC does for us. My most sincere appreciation to you!! We go for more!!

    • March 17, 2022


      Bills can go either way. So much pork and add ons are included in bills that one of two scenarios play out. Either they want something to pass so badly that they do not care if part of the stipulations say no dogs allowed in the entire city limits.

      On the other scenario, they hate something added in so bad they do not want to vote until that part is removed. If the other side doesn’t budge, often the entire bill just dies. Both of those can be a good or a bad thing, a win or a lose, depending on what side you are on. And occasionally everyone loses because both sides lost something in the dead proposal.

      Of course there is a rare third option. That is where they bicker back and forth and negotiate adding or removing items to make the bill passable. But even then, there is no guarantees a bill with pass or be squashed either way.

      Compromise is not a word that both sides always agree on. Like a bunch of playground kids who don’t get their way, retribution in any future bills is sure to follow. It is a miracle that anything gets passed.

  • March 16, 2022

    Does this mean i can attend a wedding in VT for 24 hours and not register? i want to make sure i am not breaking any laws i will leave FL and fly to MA and drive to VT then the reverse the next day.
    can anyone help me with this?

    • March 16, 2022

      If you can, check Vermont registry laws. Go see, unfortunately, the registry office in Florida. Give them a departure and return date. I would give Florida only the information that required.

  • March 16, 2022

    We need to start lobbying now to stop bills like this in the future. Are we ever going to get to Florida State supreme Court?

  • March 16, 2022

    We as a collective will take any win we can get. Together we stand, divided we fall. All of us may not always agree on things but when we get any kind of win, it is a miracle.

    Seems there are more pressing issues in the World than coming up with more severe sanctions on register citizens every single meeting of the powers that be. Let’s take the win and keeping on the good fight. Not to steal a line from Doctor King, so I will improvise.
    “We have a dream”.

    • March 16, 2022

      The man who said that line, like us, was discriminated against based not on facts, but ignorance. On gut feelings. On incorrect assumptions. On ignorance passed down by generations. So I feel the similarities are there Cherokee. Amen, brother.

  • March 16, 2022

    Have said it before and will say it again..if not for the leadership of FAC and the efforts of all that get involved we would be in a worse hell.

    Huge thanks to all you warriors!!! Inspiring

    • March 17, 2022


      Thank you
      Every once in a great while, I get inspired. Other times I am a sloth LOL

  • March 16, 2022

    Thank everyone for our efforts !



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