The Ongoing Battle against Unconstitutional Legislation and Call to Action
(Weekly Update #190)
Dear Members and Advocates,
This week’s update is quick and straight to the point. We are in the midst of battle. Going up against some very harsh bills this legislative session and we need more soldiers to help. That is by no means meant to detract from the incredible work that our legislative team has done this session. We just need even more boots on the ground to ensure that we are as effective as we were last year.
This legislative session FAC has done a far better job of organizing and mobilizing than we have during any prior session. We should all be very proud of that. We asked people to step forward and they did. We have a team leader who monitors the bills (both the ones we are watching as well as any new ones that are introduced) and updates our table daily. From there we have a team that evaluates the proposed changes to determine their impact on our population (spoiler alert… 9 times out of ten it will disadvantage us). From there it goes to a team that helps compile the statistics and talking points into a concise message, and finally it’s spoon fed to those members who have expressed an interest and willingness to contact their legislators and help us oppose these bills.
If the registry has left you feeling useless and rejected. Stop right now! You are desperately needed and your help would be immensely valuable to us!
I’d say close this message and contact us immediately, but I did spend some time writing it, so… when you’re done reading this message, immediately send us an email ( or give us a call (1-833-2-REPEAL [833-273-7325]), and let us know that you are a capable human being and you want to be part of our efforts to lobby against these horrible changes that are being proposed!
For more information on the bills we are fighting, here is a table: For more information on what’s involved in helping push back, see the links to our Calls To Action below. To get more help from others willing to help, forward this weekly update to 10 people who love and support you. If you don’t ask for help, you certainly won’t get it.
Normally, I would end the weekly update on that note, but we also had a very significant victory this week in the Ex Post Facto II case. The case IS moving forward and the judge had some pretty hopeful things to say about the state of the ridiculous “3 or more day” in person registration requirement for travel. More on that to come in next week’s update. For now… what are you waiting for? We need you!
The Florida Action Committee
CALL TO ACTION: Oppose Revisions to International Megan’s Law
Members and fellow advocates across the country. We MUST call the Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee NOW and tell them to OPPOSE proposed changes to International Megan’s Law!!! Better yet, they should get rid of that do nothing legislation altogether. A…
BACKGROUND CS/SB 512: Vacation Rentals GENERAL BILL by Community Affairs; Burgess Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law Last Action: 2/4/2022 Senate – Now in Appropriations CS/HB 325:…
BACKGROUND Senator Ed Hooper (portions of Pinellas and Pasco) has introduced SB 1932, “Sexual Offenders and Predators”. At the present time, there is no companion bill in the House. This bill is proposing to change the definition of the word “day” to include any part..
Great News! Ex Post Facto II moves forward
Ex Post Facto II will move forward!!! The below Order just came down from the Northern District of Florida. It says it’s partially granting the defendant’s motion to dismiss (which sounds like it’s bad), but that means that other parts of the motion to dismiss were…
New Calendar of Events – Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events. Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions. For questions, contact or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.
- Meet and Greet in Broward County (Hollywood) Sat Feb 26th from 11:00am-2:00pm
- Family Support Group (by Zoom) Sat Feb 12th from 11:00am-1:00pmET
- Join the County Coordinator Team. Only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county. Training starts this week for new Coordinators. Choose best day/time for you: Sun Feb13 at 7:00pm or Wed Feb16 at 7:00pm or Thu Feb17 at 1:00pm. Dial (760) 548-9898.
General Membership Call – First Thursday of each month at 8pm ET
New Member Orientation – Second Thursday of each month at 8pm ET.
All Guests must identify their First name and County. No Last Names. Unknown callers will be blocked.\
Listen by Phone:
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OPTION 1: Dial (319) 527-3487 No Access code required.
OPTION 2: Dial 605-472-5311 then Enter Show ID: 739392# (long distance rates may apply)
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With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Volunteer Today!
Florida Action Committee
833-2-REPEAL 833-273-7325
The motion to dismiss partially is a paradox to me. On the one hand maybe too many issues were added and overwhelms the court.
On the other hand, if you have multiple issues, if a few are dismissed, even if one is left, you have “Some” hope. However just because it moves forward doesn’t mean you will win. But with the language used by the judge, it sounds like their are issues with the legality of some of our requirements which could lead to even more victories.
Also, the great thing about FAC I notice, they ALWAYS stay positive. I hope FAC will be with us until the very last person is removed from the registry. They are making it harder and harder to get off the registry and God bless those who were successful. But we all know with every win, the other side makes it harder and harder to get positive outcomes.
There are so many issues in our World, from race issues, Terrorism, Covid etc. I think the last thing on anyone’s mind who is not affected by it, is sex offender issues. But what opens that door is the registry, Nextdoor, the local news constantly showing photos of men caught in fake stings.
Thank you to all you are able to help and please keep in mind, those who cannot give are not jerks. Some of us if not for our families, are one step away from living in the woods 🙁
What can I do as an out of stater that’s where I feel useless? All I can do is mobilize the people I know that reside in Florida to get involved because it’s impacts their communities and wallets. I’ll be there in spirit to fight these bombastic bills!!
One of the CTA concerns a federal bill