Transcript of Oral Argument in Gundy
The transcript of oral arguments in Gundy v. United States, that was heard before the Supreme Court of the United States a few hours ago, is now available here:
We wanted to share the transcript as soon as we knew it became available. Commentary will likely follow.
What is the general timelime to make a decision on these cases. I have seen where oral arguments are made but no decision is heard for 6 months to several yrs later.
Good arguments from plaintiff side, too much hem-hawing, not answering questions, and I don’t knows from gov. side
The SCOTUS usually issues its decision within three months of oral argument; only the very rare case bounces around the chambers for more than six
months,and almost every decision is issued in the same term in which the case is argued.
How will this affect the new passport stamp for an offense in Florida in 1998, and also the travel requirements? It is all very confusing, so I am hoping someone might know the answers to how all this will affect me. I pray that it passes, maybe I can get some dignity back.
Not at all, as those fall under a different law, presenting its own issues, that probably is being challenged separately.
I’m not sure why Sean is referencing 2004. SORNA became law in 2006, so what’s the significance of 2004?
That is what Broward Sheriffs Office told me. That from 2004 the laws of restriction (parks, ect…) did not apply to me. It was ex post facto. I think that is when Florida/Ron Book got all stupid with the restrictions.
Let me ask all of you this…
The way the law is written in Florida, you cant be within 1,000-2,500 feet of a day care, school, park, bus stop, or “anyplace where children may congregate”.
Now Johnny and his dad set up a basketball hoop outside their house 5 doors down from me and the neighborhood kids play hoops there.
Does that mean I can be arrested because kids are playing basketball 5 doors down from me??? And “congregating there??”
AGAIN, BSO remains silent and stupid when presented with facts and asked simple questions.
(FDLE passes the buck and says “ask BSO”)
I also asked about the “park thing”…. Does that mean that I am banned from fishing in Everglades National PARK.?? I live in Oakland PARK—am I banned from there too??
Again silence from the people who are supposed to know the law.
Coward County’s Sex Offender laws seem to have been started in 2009:
As for Florida law, I believe this is the law that originated in 2004 regarding residency restrictions:
It is a beautiful thing when both sides of the panel come to our side.
Man I love Gorsuch. He was really drilling that government attorney – Mr Wall real good. Even when he tried to go around Gorsuch’s question, Gorsuch demanded him to answer his question, and the poor guy was like, ” ummm, I , umm, I, umm, I don’t know ” … hahah. I would of been like, screw this, government doesn’t pay me enough to take this crap. lol
Even though he is a government attorney and against our own interest, I respect people for saying that they don’t really know. I really do. Better than people trying to make up BS and worst, not really good at spitting BS (bad or obvious liars)
Congress gave the attorney general a “blank check” to decide how, when and who should be prosecuted. “We say that vague criminal laws must be stricken. – Gorsuch.
Ms. Baumgartel argued on point and with right timing too, word for word. I think the justices liked her even drawing laughs from them.
I would have to hear an audio version of the arguments or a video.
I hope this same panel gets more cases pertaining to us. Especially the Colorado case if it gets to that point.
I think the Lady Attorney address the issue straight to the point If Sonar get drop for those who where pre-act would be a step in the right direction. Even if a person with a Florida conviction of 1991 and released in 2011. All I saying is that I live Arizona now with a Florida conviction. There is always the chance that the Judge here will release me in 35 months (If I make it that far lol). A lot of Judges know these Laws are totally B.S.! Most of the laws were made for reelection purposes. However, a lot of people can get on with there lives too,If the judges rule in the petitioner favor. Mr Wall has a very weak argument, but because he (the Gov.) has a due process right the Justices heard his side as well.The Justices all know it is bull$hit now!!