Unfair Uprooting and Public Shaming of an Individual Due to a Flawed System
The recent case highlighted in this Scioto Post article, “Pickaway County Authorities Address Sex Offender Residency Violation,” reveals the unfair consequences of systemic failures. The individual at the center of the story was uprooted from his residence and publicly named in this article due to an error in the Offender Watch System, not because of any deliberate wrongdoing. Despite complying with legal requirements, he faced eviction and public shaming.
The Offender Watch System, designed to monitor sex offenders, is inaccurate. In this case, its error led to unnecessary hardship for someone already working to reintegrate into society. Publicly naming him in the article compounded the injustice, perpetuating stigma and harm. Public shaming can devastate lives, undermining rehabilitation and reintegration efforts, which are crucial for reducing recidivism and promoting safety.
Authorities must ensure monitoring systems are accurate before taking punitive actions, and the media should exercise ethical discretion when reporting sensitive issues.
In this case, the person forced to register was a victim of a flawed technology, not a willful violator. Had he been the wrongdoer he would have been arrested and faced prison time. But Offender Watch, a for-profit business, has no accountability.
The article’s title is completely misleading and the naming of the victim (in this case, the registrant) is unfair. If you have a moment, contact the publication and let them know your feelings about their unethical article and ask that it be retracted and replaced with a story about a flawed technology that destabilizes people.
So how self righteous are authorities today? If the shame of the sex registry isn’t bad enough the restrictions are problematic in and of itself. So who is coveting who in this brazen scheme called the sex registry. The actions don’t justify the means.
Sure we can all talk till we are blue in the face but much of the registry is a coveting issue. The law is to protect and serve not set up mankind in some type of sexual enticement. Government needs to take a look at this. Any Christian doesn’t set up another if he’s worth his salt..