Update: Miami-Dade Transients
In this week’s weekly update, written 3 days ago, we wrote, “In the coming days, communities will start objecting and registrants will be chased out, until they consolidate at the last location to complain and, from there, we’ll quickly be back to two-hundred seventy people and beyond.”
Since that time, 44 of the 270 have been “shuffled”! There have been 44 individuals who have had to go to the Miami-Dade registration office to change their “transient location” on the 22nd, 23rd or so far today (and as of the time of this writing it’s not even 11AM).
According to the New Times article just posted. Miami-Dade Police shut down one of the locations by the airport (which was perfectly outside the 2500 foot buffer that Ron Book set) and those who were there had to pick one of the other locations we mentioned in our weekly update. 30 have joined the growing encampment along 36/37th Avenue just this week!
Now we’ll make another prediction… it’ll happen again! In the coming days, communities will start objecting and registrants will be chased out, until they consolidate at the last location to complain.
Now it remains to be argued whether the County is too ignorant to not recognize the obvious, or too arrogant to care, but we care and members of the community are going to care when the sex offender shuffle comes to their neighborhood, so perhaps it’s time Miami-Dade stopped playing games with human lives and started coming up with a permanent solution?
Even stray dogs have shelter when they are found homeless. I predict that this will continue until one of these people snaps & takes justice back by sacrificing their own life for the good of all humanity. This intolerable situation is unjust & Inhumane! Someone will pop & make a statement! Anyone care to wager on that?
Not really a good analogy as many of those “found” stray dogs are euthanized. 😮
Hey Joe. U disagree with that assertion. Miami Dade tramples on the Constitutional Eights of Registered Americans. They have been legislated into homelessness & back to incarceration for being homeless. That’s more cruel & inhumane. It serves a purpose of making ROs perpetual piggy banks for private prison investors. Death would be more humane than wearing a yellow star because a Nazi said so!
@ john
Not everyone deserves a lifetime of punishment. Those that are indeed repeat offenders and are truly dangerous do deserve to be scrutinized more than those that don’t.
However, that line of thinking of “Oh I did something bad once in my life and now I deserve punishment forever” is exactly what the establishment has trained society to subject everyone to.
In general, people can be rehabilitated and learn from their mistakes. Please do not smear this forum with “We all deserve it and we did it to ourselves”
Anon for now
Please do not moderate my post to remove calling the person an idiot for putting this type of ideology on the forum. If I was being vulgar I can understand but the truth is the type of thinking spewed by this individual can also be a mole planted by the Books which this forum trashes consistently.
Remember a seed of doubt can grow into a field if left unplowed.
Anon for now
I find it interest that the county that is enforcing this, is also the county that is apparently covering up for it’s own..
As an outsider, that is one not living in Florida, I have watched the shuffle set up and play out. It is hard even as a SO “outsider” to say but the shuffle is not about finding a place to camp let alone a residence. It is not about compassion and certainly not mercy. Folks, it is about shuffling you about until there is not one place to even pitch a tent that is not out of bounds, unsanitary or a community nuisance. Make no mistake, this is about putting you in jail or harassing you until you leave Miami/Dade. This sadly to say is a very inhumane game of whack-a-mole and wherever you pop up, a collective “they” will be there eventually to make you move. I have never been much of a fan of the ACLU, but this time they have it right. The oppressors will need to be fought in the courts of law as well as the courts of Heaven. God does not look favorably on injustice.
So very true. A homeless person has already lost everything. And now you force them from one of the few places they can live in a refrigerator box with a monitor strapped to their leg. It’s perverse and extremely punitive. It only seeks to further punish those who have lost everything by ensuring they’ll never have anything.
I think we owed it to ourselves to be in this situations. I meant if u look at the big picture. At lease we are not in a 3rd world countries were we could be killed for having a SO status. So I am glad and thankful that although u might have to shuttle around a bit, but we still have a life. We cant really blame anyone but ourselves to be where we are at. I meant it’s part of our sentence right, so why are we complaining? We have to trust our laws and order in working order. I am happy just to have a live! Be grateful guys and think positive, it could be worst!
Be grateful? Yes, always. Good message.
Only ourselves to blame? Well, playing the victim doesn’t help anyone, but there is blame to go all around. Offenders, politicians, lobbyists, profiteers, false accusers, shall I go on? If we’re going to play the blame game, let’s not be myopic.
Trust our laws? Laughable statement. Come on…get real. Remember, much of what Hitler did in Germany was legal. Once his party controlled the laws. There are plenty of inhumane laws around the world and right here in the motherland. The law of man is and always will be imperfect and should always be scrutinized and improved.
sad to say since this is a burden on the SO office to constantly reg. people i expect that they will implement a charge for reg. instead of doing the right thing and fire criminal ron book who is responsible for these lows and the voters won’t vote the idiots out of office who are reasonable for these issues as well
Okay let me just say one thing here about Ron and Lauren book it’s been about how to deal with these people. The bottom line is you can’t. A few years ago when I got out of prison in 2011 and began my probation I had to live in Orlando away from my wife who lives in Miami because Orlando was the only place I can live at my mother’s house. I emailed both Ron book and Lauren book separately using my wife’s email address and posing as her because I knew if I email them directly they would just not talk to me in a rational sense. Sadly to say no they thought I was my wife they were not rational at all in that sense either. I asked them straightforward questions such as why do I have to be separated from my husband remember I’m posing as her when all he wants is a second chance and to prove that this conviction will not Define him I pointed out to them that he had never or I had never had any prior convictions and had never had any problems. I pointed out that I had been caught in one of the online sex things and it was never have touched a child their response was robotic. Both called me a pedophile. I explain to them that the actual definition of a pedophile is someone who has interest in Prepubesant children. According to them even if the minor was 17 I was considered a pedophile. I pointed out to them that they use this term as a buzzword and that they also turned anybody as a sex offender is also a predator who will do nothing but reoffend. I pointed out to them that I had never had any kind of history of this type of behavior and nonsense my arrest in 2007. I pointed out to them that although the police had two of my computer’s the police admitted that they found no other conversations than the one I was having with the undercover policeman and that I clearly was not looking for minors on the internet. Nothing matter to them they told me thinking I was my wife that I should divorce my husband because I had no redeeming value. I asked them how could they even say that when they had never met me but it didn’t matter everybody to them is the same you are a predator and a pedophile no matter what the circumstances of the crime. I also asked him questions about how they say they stand to predict to protect children then why is it not a blanket protection. I said what about drug dealers who have sold drugs to children and have ruin their lives how are they not a danger to society and why they should not be on some kind of registry. If I said to them if you’re so interested in protecting children why don’t you protect them from drug dealers what about drug dealers who have sold drugs to mothers whose children were born with birth defects or may have even died because of the mother doing drugs
I asked them why should mothers whose children have died directly from their drug problems not be considered a danger to other children and not on a registry. Suggested a registry of any crime committed against the child not just a sex offense if they were so intent on protecting children. Each question was made with an evasive comment it would cost too much money it would be impossible to implement any excuse they can find because in reality they really don’t care about all children all they care about is their own Vengeance and hate against people who are registered sex offenders
The point is no matter what you say to these people it will fall on deaf ears all they care about is trying to ruin other people’s lives that are on the registry