Update on the New “3-Day Temp Residence” Requirement for Sex Offenders visiting Florida
Dear Members and Advocates,
Last week, two members from FAC’s Board of Directors traveled to Independence, Ohio to attend the NARSOL Annual Conference. For those who are not familiar, NARSOL stands for National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws. FAC is the Florida state affiliate for NARSOL.
Going to these conferences is always a huge benefit for all of us. We attend presentations from attorneys litigating sex offender challenges across the country to learn what’s working (and what’s not) in other states and federally. It is an opportunity to network with advocates from other state affiliate organizations, to exchange ideas and identify areas for collaboration. We also have the opportunity to do some promoting of FAC, expanding our reach and soliciting help where we need it.
This years’ conference included some sessions that were unexpected and we hadn’t seen in years’ prior. There was a session with Ohio Senators John Eklund and Mike Skindell, to talk about what they consider when passing laws. There was one with lobbyist Connie Nolder who discussed effective lobbying techniques. One of the highlights of the conference was an apology from Former Ohio Attorney General, Marc Dann, for passing the Adam Walsh Act in his State. More than a decade after it was passed (and after he’s no longer in office), he’s able to admit that it’s a horrible piece of legislation. The fact that this conference, for the first time, was attended by legislators is indicative that our cause is beginning to get political attention.
Still, the best part of the conference was hearing from the attorneys who are fighting our cause in the courts. Learning the winning points from successful challenges and hearing about all the other challenges that are in the works, is extremely motivating and offers a lot of hope. In the coming days we plan to re-post some of the videos from the conference so that you can watch them for yourself.
Locally, there has been A LOT of confusion over the change in definition of residence (from 5 to 3 days) that will come into effect on July 1, 2018. We will do our best to explain below.
When travelling within the United States (whether in Florida or outside of Florida), if you establish a permanent, temporary or transient residence for 3 or more days, you are required to report it. Previously the law was 5 days, which offered a lot more flexibility. If you are travelling within Florida, and are already on the Florida registry, you report the change at the DHSVM (driver’s license office). If you are travelling to another state or are visiting Florida and not already on the Florida registry, you report to the County registration office.
If you leave the state (or stay in Florida) and do not establish a permanent, temporary or transient residence (defined as staying in the same place for 3 or more days in the aggregate during a calendar year), you DO NOT need to report anything.
For example; if you stay over at your girlfriend’s house for one night, you don’t have to report. Do that 3 times in a year (even if it’s not 3 nights in a row) and you DO need to report it. The same applies if it’s your girlfriend’s house, your parent’s house or a street corner – the rule is 3 days in the same place, any place. However, If you leave home for three days to spend one night each at your girlfriend’s, your parent’s and a street corner, you DO NOT need to report, because you are not establishing a permanent, temporary or transient residence at any of those places.
If you travel outside the State of Florida for fewer than 3 days, and stay at a place that you’ve not stayed (and will not stay) for 3 days in total during a year, you DO NOT need to report it. But, if you travel outside the United States for any period of time (even 3 minutes), you DO need to report it 21 days in advance.
The above explanation DOES NOT include the requirements of probation. Depending on the terms of your probation, you will likely also have to report to your PO if you leave your jurisdiction for even one minute. The above explanation also DOES NOT include the requirements of registration in other jurisdictions you travel to. You should always check with the State you are going to be visiting to find out what their registration requirements are and comply while you are there.
We know the registration statute is complicated. Many of the deputies in the sheriffs’ offices don’t understand them. Even with the above explanation, there are items that are still unclear and we have written a letter to FDLE for clarification. We will post their reply as soon as we hear back, so please keep monitoring our website for an update.
The Florida Action Committee
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I’m trying to find out about the Romeo and Juliette law in FL also if my boyfriend is a registered sex offender and.is having problems st hi current address what is the time frame.he can stay with me.overnight??.Before returning without being in.trouble.FLORIDA LAWS ARE VERY SPECIFIC!!!!
problem here is explanation doesn’t differentiate between temporary and transient. The situation of one night girlfriend, one night another place, one night another place, but all in the same county (presumably), even if within the same year, would make the county the transient residence, and not the individual residences, which is technically an impossible reporting requirement, so does the transient residence then really exist at all? To make it simple if you didn’t get: one night, then another night, then another night at a girlfriend’s house, but all in the same year, is still a temporary and not transient residence, by their definition. In other words, only the first scenario I mentioned above would resemble a transient residence, but still couldn’t be a residence, because according to them a transient residence is a COUNTY, and not a place-of-stay, but how on earth do you report a county as your residence? In other words, should the transient residence line be ignored alltogether or give me an example of how you’d even be able to report something like that. Thanks.
If you are unclear about the definition of transient residence, please contact the FDLE at:
Missing Persons and Offender Registration
Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Fl. 32302-1489
Toll-free: 1-888-357-7332 (M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm, EST)
Local: 1-850-410-8572 (M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm, EST)
Email: sexpred@fdle.state.fl.us
Or contact an attorney for a legal interpretation of the statute. FAC is not a law firm, we are not license nor qualified to provide opinions or interpretations that you should rely on. One of the arguments in Does v. Swearingen is that the statute is Vague. It is hopelessly vague when it comes to several requirements. If you ask 5 different people in law enforcement what time period encompasses “day”, whether “within” 48 hours means more than or less than or examples such as yours, you will get 5 different answers
Hi. How true is this thing I’ve heard that certain sex offenders can get their registration sealed or removed from public record, if they can prove the occurrence of threats or harassment to themselves or family members? They’d still be sex offenders & registered with law enforcement, but unsearchable. Have you looked into this? I couldn’t find much on it, but an individual, of some credibility, claimed that while it’s almost impossible to get off the registry, that this was the one exception in Florida that existed; not to get off the registry, but for removal from public record (following an evidenced claim of threat/harassment filed before a Florida court). Thanks.
You should ask the individual of some credibility where this can be found because we have a very broad network of very informed and knowledgeable people and nobody has ever heard of this. I’m 99.99% sure what you heard was completely false.