SCAM: Review
We have been informed that a company out of Texas called “CLEARMYCASE.COM” has been soliciting individuals on the Florida Registry claiming they might be able to help them “deregister” and charging a $100 “consultation fee”.
Please do not fall for this scam. that requires money up front is a scam. The money ($250.00) is just for a consultation and gets you nothing but lip service then down the road they require more money just to look into your case which requires all kinds of personal information. I am 74 years old and I get so many messages from scammers (phone and Emails). One COMPUTER company and another from GOOGLE trying to get on my computer supposedly from a computer company that says “you don’t know it, but you have someone connecting with your computer and they will go into your computer and straighten it out”. You just have to give them access to your computer. No money up front but they may need my credit card number if any charges are necessary. When I told the man with an India accent that he should be ashamed trying to scam the elderly and he was a disgrace to his country. He used the “F” word on me and told me to suck his “D”. Also, I have won $9000.00 and just need to pay an IRS registration of $150.00 by Western Union in order to have UPS deliver the check the next day which would never come. Ha! Even Publisher Clearing House to have the Prize Patrol deliver $500,000. I contacted PCH and they said there is never a charge and how could it be a surprise if you are contacted for information how to get to your house?
I might be 74 but I am not stupid enough to believe the idiots. So many scams out there toward the elderly. I tried to contact them but the law says they are smart and there is no way they can find out who they are and most of them are calling from another country using a local phone number. I have 2 cases on file for over a year and nothing is being done with out FCC being able to get locations on them. The law says when they call to get their name and a contact number but this DOES NO GOOD. “Never give access to you credit card number, social security number or to your computer” unless you know for certain they can be trusted. 80% of the time these people (men and women) have a foreign accent. “CLUE, it is most likely a scam”!
I use to work in law enforcement so believed I could never be scammed but tell you how it happened. Many items you buy, like the HP computer I own, when you register it has tech support in India who is provided with full access to your information even if you never call for tech support.
One fine day I was having issues with my computer that I just could not seem to overcome. Out the of the blue I get a call from HP tech support saying I have a virus and they are going to help me. I was frustrated and relieved at the same time. The guy was walking me through what to do and he knew my full name, and serial number to my computer.
I was just about to fall for his scam when he asked to access my computer I thought to myself ” hey my computer is out of warranty and even when it was in warranty they never called and offered to help”. So when I stopped right before handing over access he got mad and cussed me out and said things about my Mother. I hung up relieved I had stopped from being scammed. Or so I thought.
So somehow they used my phone number to start auto dialing every phone in the U.S and hanging up. I was getting a 1000 calls and voicemails a day from people cussing me out for calling them and hanging up. After 3 days I called the FBI and was told there was nothing they could do as this is coming from outside the U.S and my 3 choices were, wait it out and hope it goes away( I tried for 3 days ) , live with the circumstances or get a new phone number. I had to bite the bullet and change phone #’s. The problem is almost everything we buy we register the warranty and scammers who work at these places sell our phone #’s and contact info. I no longer register warranties.If it breaks I buy a new one and bring the old one back with the new receipt and say it broke. No I do not feel bad about doing that because when these companies stop scamming us then I can trust them again.
It is not too good to be true. It is the law. Our attorneys are very familiar with the statutes of the state. utilizes the statutes of the state of Florida and adheres to all guidelines outlined by the State.
Second, we actually go through the Federal Bureau Of Investigations to procure records and backgrounds of our clients.
Third, we do not have a single complaint with the BBB. The only complaints or reviews we seem to get are from non-clients and people who are unfamiliar with the statutes of the State of Florida.
Last, we do not accept everyone who wants our services. We are very forthcoming with potential clients, however some individuals are not very forthcoming with us. If we cannot help we simply tell them so and return their consultation fee.
Jessica L. – these are peoples lives you are “playing” with. Most RSOs having trouble making ends meet and you want their hard earned money to prey on them using the thing that would make their lives SO much better? Shame on you! Let’s see some stats….how many people have you gotten removed from FL registry? And how many people have you taken money from? The people at FAC know the FL stats inside and out. There are very few opportunities to be removed. My goodness even dying does not get a person removed! Ha ha ha right? Money money money from people already downtrodden…. Where are your legal credentials? If I see one of your flyers or mailings I WILL report it to authorities so you best make sure your “service” is on the up and up….
Very well and politly stated Karen!
Thanks! I notice Jessica L. has not returned to support her assertion or provide any facts. Also, if you go to their website under the RSO area it specifically talks about Texas. Maybe these “high powered” lawyers are just now realizing that (surprise!) Texas is not Florida. Jerks – it makes me SO angry!
My buddy just got a mailer from this Company are they legit..or what..It’s Not Right to play with People’s Lives.
Just an Update:
My neighborhood was just hit with a mass mailing from these guys today (Feb12, 17). Looks like the fee has gone up–to a discounted rate of $150 (You save 40% off the normal initial consultation cost of $250!!!). So pls watch out, they are still active.
The sales pitch looks to be based on the Romeo & Juliet Clause. You know the one on the books where you can petition to get off the registry if your case fits certain requirements; the one that, as far as I know, has not once been used to grant registry relief in the nine years its been on the books.
The mailer then goes on to say that these cases can get expensive, so I am assuming that the ‘consultation fee’ applies to the first conversation you have with them.
Do yourself a favor if you are tempted by this
1) Google “f.s.943.04354”
2) Read the statute you just found in the google search and see if it applies to you.
3) Pocket $150
if the statue does apply to you:
4) Cry, because currently it’s a waste of time and money to apply for clemency
5: Optional) Send $150 to FAC to fund the fight that is trying to make it not a waste of time and money to apply for clemency
WHY would ANYONE do any business with a company from another state. And not one that is from FL…..
Received a mailing from these scammers that looked too good to be true. If they hadn’t asked for $250 upfront, I might have fallen for this.
Thanks so much! If they are USA based somebody needs to call the FBI
The reason they stay in business is law enforcement does not care about sexual offenders and laughs when we get scammed. I have had to call 9-11 several times about vandalism to my home and they tell me to make a report online. Since I once worked in law enforcement I tell them if they do not send someone out to file the report I will call the Watch commander myself and file a compliant with the Governors office. They come out after that but never, ever get a follow up from a detective. The one time I did he told me since I had previous law enforcement experience, I know where my report went, in the archives of history.