SCAM: Review
We have been informed that a company out of Texas called “CLEARMYCASE.COM” has been soliciting individuals on the Florida Registry claiming they might be able to help them “deregister” and charging a $100 “consultation fee”.
Please do not fall for this scam.
They have employees write reviews and only one actual review by Debbie. How sad.
yeah and I am curious about the review from Debbie – first of all they are in FL and I doubt seriously her husband will be removed (although there could be special circumstances) but a person calling every week is not indicative of results. If you were paying me thousands of dollars I would call you every week too!
I am on the registry. Non- violent non- repetitive, consensual act. Have been for almost 10 years. I am just about to finish my legal obligations and then I am done.
Now, as a part of my legal requirements I must attend special classes ( anyone convicted of any sex crime MUST by law, attend these classes.
So, as you can imagine, there are quite a few RSO’s I have had the chance to speak with over the years.
Over the past year, 3 men have used this service. The prices have ranged from $3200 to $6800
All three of these men have had 0 results. In fact, after the initial consultation and paying the fee for same, they had all been told ” this is a slam dunk” or, “You have an excellent chance of beating this” ( false hope )
As you can imagine guys in the circle will jump at any chance of redemption.
As of my last class, none of these three men have received anything but lip service. No documentation of motions filed… nothing.
Therefore, it is in my opinion that ” something” is wrong with this service. Being one of the men on the front line here, I get to see and hear it all.
Personally? I would not use this service.
Contact Akinbare in the next building and David Verbit in the same building. He uses those attorneya names only, just to have an attorney’s name attached to the paperwork. Contact them, they most likely asked him to stop using their name and bar license. They were the first two attorneys. I will give you the names also of the ones who quit, and John if your reading, we both read that email as to why they quit. Illegal practices.
I am a current employee at LLc and have been for the past year. All these comments i am reading are mind boggling. When you mention we are a scam my question is, How is it possible? for one we are registered with the BBB, Secondly we work directly with the FBI that send us background checks directly from West Virginia and we are still growing now in at least 20 states helping individuals who deserve a chance of being removed from the registry. Not to mention we have a office building and direct office number with 6 lines. Scammers are usually hard to find last time i checked. Im commenting because my Boss Mr. Bordelon goes out of his way to ensure we do all we can for our clients and some of the things i am reading is not at all this mans character. Yes we charge a consultation fee just like Law offices and attorneys do. Yes we charge for us to take on your case to petition to be removed from the registry if you are eligible we let you know up front, if you are not eligible we let you know upfront. We don’t guarantee that you will be removed and explain that is up to the judge. So please let me inform you that stacie is a former employee that is upset and trying to destroy Mr. Bordelon buisness she is upset because she lost a lawsuit she filed agaisnt him. All these things she is saying is untrue. To the guy who is saying why don’t we release 3 names. It’s because we have confidentiality agreements but what i can assure you is that we will have current clients comment to drown all this negativity out. LLC, is a company that is built on Core values including Integrity, Honesty, and Respect nothing about us is fraud or scam. we are here to make a difference in peoples lives who deserve it.
Jason R., How many individuals have you been successful in removing from the Florida registry? Not names; just a count.
And as a follow up… We just checked and your company is not accredited with the BBB and your listing says “Not Rated”
Yeah – uh huh….no one said you were necessarily doing anything illegal (although Stacie did elude to that fact) but that does not mean that what you are doing is not a scam. When you take money from people KNOWING that only in very rare cases (if at all) would they be removed (in FL) that makes it a scam and you 100% know it! Also, I want to point out that in all of this Stacie is the only one out of all of you that has offered any documentation about anything…..
Thanks for posting the link to the BBB page. Maybe the employees should actually read the BBB page before they proudly tout it. I found this on the BBB page about
” Additional Information
BBB staff researched the business in November 2015 due to possible concerns with this industry. Per submitted documents, this business charges significant fees of approximately $500 to over $1,000 for document preparation, per submitted documents. BBB also learned the business owner previously ran two credit counseling/repair, debt negotiation, and foreclosure rescue businesses named Liberty Credit Partners and Sunrise Financial & Realty Solutions, indicated as high risk type of business categories. Contact information provided by coincides with those other businesses.”
Oh yes that gives us confidence!
John R., I believe you are John Bordelon or Jordan Bordelon. You fill out applications for the FBI but you never actually send them. I believe is a company built from your last two companies that was not registered with TXSOS, scams. You promise services(sell people their golden dreams), get money upfront and dont do anything you promise to do. You want to hide behind the confidentially agreements, truth-be-told you havent helped one person. I believe Stacie. I believe she probably knows about your scams from Your 2 previuos companies that were never legitimate. Having an office and website with telephone numbers does not make you legit.
My husband paid over $5000 to John Bordelon and he has not did jack. If anyone went to the office at 1802 NE Loop 410 ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78217 and spoke to Mr. Bordelon. in 2016 Please email me at If anyone in any state has received and retained the letter from with the Houston address, please scan it and email it to me at email listed above.
I don’t have the letter anything but I have been paying 260 dollars a month. I started paying them in February 2016. I’ve almost paid everything and now when I try to call them I get this number is not inservice so I did some research and I found this number for them 346-250-0288 and it is inservice
My name is Travis and I’m on the sex offender registry for NOT raping, molestation, exposure, touching, or any sexual content u can name but a he say she say. I lost 3 years of my life plus the father and daughter bond with my daughter who barely even knows me because of this matter. Very upset after almost a decade for this matter. My whole neighborhood could verify what type of individual I am and a predator, rapist, or child molester is not wat runs through my vains. I was 16 at the time clearly didn’t understand my situation or the circumstance I was in. I was force to plea no contest. I changed my plea from not gulity to no contest. Im the type of individual that want to really help people not just talk I like to show. With this on my jacket I can barely get anything done. We live in a stereo type society where people dont intuitively judge but we judge. So when someone sees my I.d. and see sex offender written across its a hesitation. A different approach from that individual. I just want to know what do I have to do to really make this happen.
Very well said. Your situation is much like many RSO’s. It’s criminal on the part of this so-called justice system. May the bureaucrats that inflict this destruction on people’s lives and the lives of their family members burn in hell. There will be a special place for them.
its funny how clearmycase defend themselfs when someone makes a bad review against them. Well let me say that i have been a client for two years and i agree with alot of the reviews. i hardly get any feed backs , phone calls , emails , letters concerning my case. because i wrote a bad review once and of course they read it, because my case manager told me. i am tried of the round arounds, this people are giving me. two years and nothing. i wish would try harder to give me some results. because not any can give away that much money away.
According to the building builders, you are sewage and most likely are trying to cash in and run as well. You and those people are being Federally investigated and no they dont have to tell you when they are building a case against you. Cash in sewage and see how quick TSA gets you off of that flight to cuba, or Mexico. We both know what I am talkinf about. Still think its hear say? I told you who you dont beat John. Regards.
According to the building builders, you are sewage and most likely are trying to cash in and run as well. You and those people are being Federally investigated and no they dont have to tell you when they are building a case against you. Cash in sewage and see how quick TSA gets you off of that flight to cuba, or Mexico. We both know what I am talkinf about. Still think its hear say? I told you who you dont beat John. Regards
Then why is the letter saying a no cost cinsult. Then the number they have listed in the letter when u call say its not in sevice
I Doubt we will hear back from “Adam” after i suggested that he prove that this is not a scam and provide just 1-3 people they removed from the registry here in Florida that does not include Romeo cases.
His response was that he can’t do to confidentiality. lol (there are no confidential in court records unless sealed).
And Fcat pointed that out as well.
So “Adam” if you don’t want to put names here then at least use the Contact Button at top of page and e-mail them to the Admins and I’m sure they will post if your legit or a scam. and if you are legit getting 1- 3 people off the list I’m sure you will have lots of people banging on your door wanting your service. Although if it is a scam you can bet the FDLE, ETC… Will be banging on your door!
i also warned him about those background checks also. The only person that received a background check from the FBI in West Virginia was myself. We argued a number of occasions pertaining to the staff he was choosing. This man and those identity thieves practically ruined a good practice pertaining to legally helping people. Do not give your funds to or bordelon or sunrise. You will be very hurt in the end, as I was when he told me ‘I dn’t give a *&% about those clients”. My mouth was wide open in shock. To all clients, please get in touch with me, if you plan to pursue a class action suit to get your funds. The FTC, CFPB, State of Texas Attorney General can help as well. They just need you to file the reports, and complaints. He will give those funds back to all involved if you spread the word and begin filing. If you need directions on how, contact me. He thought I was going to give him a way up the latter stepping on me. He has another scenario coming and its in my favor.
you sound crazy. I bet you don’t even have a life
I agree
Please let me know which two of you committed suicide in Pearland because you owed these clients their money back from last time you pulled this scam. By the way Jason is it? Go to bathroom in 9898 bissonet, I believe its the women’s restroom. On the sewage filter on the floor wherr dirty toilet water goes, a name engraved in the filter is Jason. Go figure. Quit stealing these people’s money and swimming in the sewage in order to steal it. You.
John, you and this Jason guy (maybe he’s this bro text message) really need to give those people back their money. Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. Yes this was not your first time doing this kind of scam. Now was it you or this Jason giy committing suicide in Pearland??? We are talking crazy right??
They scamed me out of $5000.00
I’m a single mother of 3 and we need that money to help survive. I have to work everyday Monday through Sunday to make ends somewhat meet.
I trusted Mr. Bordelon to get my son off the registerey like he said he would do so he could be employable.
But all that clearmycase did was lie.
Just posting this in hopes other’s don’t get scammed as I did.
Now, I don’t know how we are going to make it.
Do NOT, I repeat, Do not give your money to this company. John Fitzgerald Bordelon is a fraud that will take your money, have you sign a power of attorney giving away your rights, and using your identity for other reasons. He cannot get you off of that registry. This is a fraudulent company and you will lose your funds. He is a stalker who harasses people online before he contacts them on the registry, and they believe they will receive some kind of relief, but he is in fact the perpetrator. He enlist a fraudulent and blind private eye agency to seek you out and conduct these business measures. From police in front of your home, all the way to unwanted phone calls, so that all of a sudden you stop receiving the harrassment, when you pay for his services, or show up to one of his remote locations that will switch in 2 months. To the clients that have given their money and want their money back, and are prepared to take John Fitzgerald Bordelon to court, please contact me, as you know who I am. Stacie, an ex Office Manager who opened his company the right way. In his words “I don’t give a f&^% about those clients, while I’m defending them, and how they weren’t receiving services. He lost two attorneys prior to my leaving his company for the same reasons. He CANNOT get you off of that registry. Do not give your money to that man. To John Bordelon, if you stalk or harrass me again in any form or continue to use my legal services in your illegal operation, I will post another review. I dont want to smell a stench of you and those crooks at that office in any form in anything involving me or else. I have already filed Identity Theft charges on the Fraudulent person by the name of Stacy and also Jessica London who is extremely mentally ill and “cant do everything by herself.” This company is a SCAM.
If what Stacie is saying is true then that targeted harassment in order to make an RSO “need” his services is illegal use of registry info!
She was an employee that got fired so she’s obviously bitter. Can she provide any evidence to the claims she made ?
I understand Adam but I am more inclined to believe her than not. How do you know she was fired? She does not say that in her post. She says she is a former employee but not that she was fired. I tend to believe her myself. I would rather see some evidence from the poster on the former thread that said they were legit…..
Because i work there.
Well, sorry in that case you are 100% bias as well.
Also Adam, why was she fired? Was she mad about the way people were treated? In case it is a newsflash for you there ARE people in the World that have morals and ethics.
ADAM, how about proving to us that this so called company is not a scam! please provide 2-3 people that this so called company removed from the registry that did not involve the Romeo. just 2 or 3 people to help substantiate your claims that this is not a scam
So your asking me to break confidentiality and give out peoples name’s ?
If they were removed as a result of your efforts, it would be part of the court’s docket and a matter of public record.
You are Jordon Bordelon. Do not believe this poster.
Adam aka John Fitzgerald Bordelon, you are scum and each person that ask for their money back including myself pertaining to your fraud credit repair, and identity theft you committed, needs to be paid back to every client that you have signed. This ex employee gave you access which you no longer have to many resources in the legal arena bringing in over 1.4 million dollars, the legal way, with legal remedies. Behind my back while in the General Managers position, you were conducted malicious and vicious acts against these clients, at which time, I found out, and called you and those snakes at that office out. All motions and orders can be reviewed through the Fort Bend County Court records. I do have the audio as you know I have, video footage and documented paperwork against you and that organization John. CLOSE your doors, because I will help any class action against your company. Return the funds to all customers. He has a 0 success rate, and will not make another dime in this business.
Use your real name & stop hiding behind these post. This is an example of what they do to the people on that registry. Fake names, fake identities, and all. One of the potential clients told me that this man and his business was going down, and that I should watch out. I did not know at the time what he was talking about, but now I know.
I think you are 100% correct as it seems they are using the hit list (registry) not as intended.
maybe FDLE, the state, etc… needs to be notified.
Contact me I will send audio, text, and everything. There is a difference between disgruntled, and legally jarred and I am legally jarred and refuse to let this man and these crooks victimize another person, via credit repair, or any other way.
I got the same letter
Could this be considered harassment/intimidation under Texas Law? If so, using the Texas Registry in this manner is a Third Degree Felony in Texas. Contact the Texas Bar and the Attorney General.
wow….. sounds like you have issues