SCAM: Review
We have been informed that a company out of Texas called “CLEARMYCASE.COM” has been soliciting individuals on the Florida Registry claiming they might be able to help them “deregister” and charging a $100 “consultation fee”.
Please do not fall for this scam.
The letter i received in Mississippi’s say free consult. The number 3462045111 when call say not in letter don’t list no name just LLC
9898 bissonnet st suit 400 Houston TX 77036
I have contacted them. And the person that has been represented by them ( My last message here) will not offer his information. Can you blame him? He just wants to finish his required sentence.
On to my contact to them. I had been fully honest. I had told them of what I had read via ” many” different outlets of information. They have yet to contact me back.
It is in my belief that this is a scam. Please be careful. This is only my opinion of my interactions with this….. ” firm”.
Clear my case rents an office room at the Houston address to meet with clients, we asked to meet at their “new” place of business and they said No because this is where we meet now. VERY SHADY..they didn’t even have my case file or any recent info on my case, after a year of collecting money. They’re a FRAUD, don’t fall for it.
If anyone has paid money for services and feels that they have not provided the services paid for, please contact me at
I am a lawyer in Louisiana helping a client who is trying to recover fees from, and I would like to find out if other people’s experiences with have been similar to my client. I would especially like to hear from Louisiana residents.
Not just Florida but Louisiana as well. I get about 1 letter every 4 months.
I good friend of mine is also on the alabama RSO even though he has never done anything to anyone in is entire life, but a federal judge who is in my opinion a terrorist has ruined his life.
My friend received two letters from Clear My Case and even called them but they wanted $150,00 up front well my friend lives on a fixed income so he did not have the money to pay them and even if he did I doubt if they could do anything for him.
alabama is a very backward and barbaric state rife with corruption and will never change their RSO law because they make a lot of money from this.
I am afraid that one day my friend is going to take his life because of this. As for Clear My Case I believe they are a total scam.
I just received a letter today from them. 1/11/18
Gail Colleta, Ron Kleiner and, please Check out the original Deregister site;
This is where plagiarized there SORNA deregistration page from. I am in Texas and would love to start some type of class action suit to stop John F Bordelon. Feel free to contact me @
please email me I need info regarding this matter
I want him stopped as well. I was sexual harassed by him. He’s not a good person.
We need to stop John F. Bordelon. He claims to be a honest business man, oh and a Preacher, but he is really just a con man. He is still scamming folks, but now he is asking for less money.
I’m from Texas and I have been paying for over 2 years now and all of a sudden I can’t get threw to them I get a message saying the number is not inservice. So I kept searching and found this number for them 346-250-0288
John: Have you had any further success in getting them? I have also been paying them for a couple of years and ran into the same situation as you, suddenly their number was no longer in service. I am thinking of filing a complaint with the attorney general’s office for the State of Texas for fraud.
Phil S I hired Alex Hernandez Jr Attorney out of Texas . He’s not cheap but didn’t take any crap off of them and got my money back from them. He’s also familiar with there scam and antics.
DavidM: Thanks for your response! Would you please post the information about this attorney, so that I may contact them.
Phil the phone # I have for Alex Hernandez Jr. is 888-907-8994 https:\
David: Thank you for the contact information to the Attorney’s Office in Texas. I contacted their offices and got a call back from an attorney and a free consult, and was told that their company had not handled any cases involving, and this was not the type of case they handled. After that, I received a second call from another person in the office, who informed me that the original caller was incorrect and that she was able to track down that their office in fact had dealt with and that she would get the contact information and email it to me. Since then, I received an email from the attorney who handled the case informing me that he had taken action against the company, and asking if I was interested in talking to them about it. I responded yes, that I did want to talk to them. I am awaiting further contact. I just wanted to thank you for providing me with the name and contact information for the attorney, and I will provide further information once I have a return contact.
I just heard from Alex Hernandez today by email. He finally was able to get service on them. I now will wait to see the results of the service.
Good afternoon,
I used to be an employee at I worked for them for quite a while under the impression that the company stood for what they told us it stood for. I was diligent in my work, but it turns out that it was for nothing. It is possible to be removed from the registry in a couple of states, but unfortunately not everyone who was a client met those requirements in their respective states. I work for a law firm now and have learned that a lot of their actions fall under DTPA in Texas. Should you choose to initiate a suit against them, chances are, you might win. Pardons are completely free in Texas. Charging from $6,000-$9,000 for an application you can download yourself, and less than $100 in court records is honestly a rip off.
I left when conflicts arose with my inquiries about the legalities of it all. I started asking questions that I was not getting answers for. I am so apologetic to each and every one of you. I am willing to provide any statements so that you may all receive your money back.
Thank you Jessica!
Jessica: Thanks for your contact and information. I am glad that you figured out that they were defrauding people and have moved on to another employment. I would appreciate any help you can provide for me. I am interested in the statement that their practices fall under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act in Texas. I am in contact with an attorney’s office here in Texas that another poster, David, put me in contact with. I did receive an email informing me that they had pursued a case for another client involving, and are interested in contacting me to discuss it. I sent a reply email and am awaiting a return contact.
Hello Jessica I’m Jose, dont know if yur the one I spoke, to,when I first was contacted by mail, about this company?sad to say, I was contacted by one of the employees there, and told me that it was a scam, so from that day I stop making payments, now 14 months later I’ve receivd calls from clear my case, want to know if I want to continue with there service, wich I feel like I got ripped off, I’ve done everything on my end!but no results, on there end, if u have any helpful info, plz do get back at me, I’ve given them over 3500
Hi Jose,
I am not sure if it was me you spoke to. There were two Jessica’s working in the company. Last I know, they were working on changing their company name. They moved from 9898 Bissonnet and went AWOL. Literally packed their stuff on a weekend and left without telling anyone, I was informed. They even changed their number. I would be happy to provide any information or answer any questions you may have. You can email me at:
I was just fired from there aug 24. The owner was sexual harassing me and when I told on him he found a way to fired me. And to most of you that are his clients. He don’t care about y’all. He will tell y’all whatever you want to hear just to get your money. Don’t believe this company. And they go by other names now. So if you get another letter from a company name PCR or NALS. THATS STILL CLEARMYCASE
To ‘No Name’ Im sorry to here that. Do you happen to have an address for PCR and/or NALS?
The sexual allegation comments you made are false. You lost your job because you were not a very good employee. We tried to work with you and gave you multiple chances, but you never got the message. The Texas Workforce Commission agreed that your case was frivolous and without merit.
I guess sexual harassment is the first thing people throw out when they lose a job these days.
David, I’m thinking about hiring your attorney. Were they successful in recovering all your money.
I just wanted the $9000 they wanted not the $160 just to talk to them for 5mins. Thats what I got back. It didn’t go to court so I didn’t get reimbursed for Attorney fees.
You didn’t have to search because we tried calling you and could only leave messages you did not reply to. We even sent you a letter with the new number. We have documented every call we tried to make to you. Tell the truth.
You have the audacity to use the word “truth”! I,too am a victim of your scam! Yes, there were times y’all called and left messages for me. I’m struggling with chemo and couldn’t always answer the phone. Y’all sent me a letter via USPS giving me your new number.
Guess what? That number doesn’t work either. I have documented that number with the other 3 numbers that DOESN’T WORK!
Instead of hiding in the cracks in the floor like a roach, come out and be the man you claim to be!
My husband has been paying clearmycase since couple years now. They have taken over $3K from us. If this is a scam. Please help us recover our money back.
Juan – FAC is not a law firm. You can file a suit in small claims court for the amount you paid.
I paid $6000+ $150 +20 fingerprinting fbi
Aug 15, 2016!!
TODAY 2018
hiring attorney Alex Hernandez 8889078994
Juan: I am not sure where you live, but, like Brad, I hired Attorney Alex Hernandez on a contingency basis, meaning he gets paid if he wins the case. He has won cases already against this company and gotten the person’s money back. In the case of a Contingency fee basis, they do take a percentage of what they get. So, you won’t get it all back. But, some is better than none. That is my philosophy.
Has anyone using this attorney successfully won their case and gotten their money back? I’m hesitant to throw good money after bad.
Jay: He has successfully gotten people’s money back and he does so on a contingency basis, meaning you do not pay him unless you gets your money, and then he takes a portion of the money as his payment.
Phil: can Alex help with sxual harassment cases? I was an employee at clear my case and I was being sexual harass by John
I passed on your email and comments to the attorney for him to be able to respond whether he also handles Sexual Harassment cases. Either he will contact you directly, or he will respond to me and either way, you should have the answer to your question.
I just got a response back to the email that I forwarded over to Alex Hernandez asking me to have you contact his office directly and he will discuss your issues and claim with you. His office number is (361)792-3811.
Phil:thank u so much
I used to be an employee at CMC, too. I am sorry to hear that such an awful thing happened to you. He pretends to be a good man, but he is not. If you need any statements or need help in your case, feel free to email me.
That is his new company.
If you click on Prices, you’ll see that he now charges approximately $1,150 for Early Termination petitions.
Jessica: yes it is. I was there at the company when they started NALS
It have been 3 years I paid 4500 plus $150 consultation they just call me and read me the disclaimer
Lawyer from Louisiana. I hope you are legit. Send your name and number and I would be glad to speak to you. Like I mentioned on post they could not even help with my case. It was a given to them. A given
Slam dunk. I know they would not like for my testimony to go viral. Please do not fall for this SCAM
Lawyer from Louisiana Please contact me 504-708-9098
I was just contacted by my Attorney, Alex Hernandez, that he finally was able to serve He has been pursuing them for months. He has also been successful in recovering from them for another client. I am anxious to see what results he gets for me. I paid them $8000 and they did virtually nothing for me.
I’m embarrassed to say that I was scammed for $7000. I gave CMC all my info showing I was setup and they said they would help get it expunged.
I am contacting you at the email you’ve provided.
I just received a mailer from I am a RSO in Kentucky, so maybe they are expanding. I was optimistic but skeptical due to the poor quality of the flyer itself since it looked like it had been printed on xerox copy machine. Come on guys, the Chinese restaurant down the street at least uses slick paper!
Now that I have done some research, and see that they require payment up front before talking with you about your case, I realize what a scam this is. IMPORTANT: No reputable law firm will EVER charge you for a first meeting or consultation. If they try to, run away and save your money.
No one wishes that flyer was legitimate more than me because it could have changed my life and you were probably hoping it could change yours. We need to fight these ridiculous unfair registry laws, but until they can prove otherwise, consider clearmycase a scam
Thanks for this web site .Ive been on the sex offender registry for 22yrs. Put on in Kansas for a misdemeanor offense .some kids climbed a fence and peeked in my window and saw me naked when I walked into my bedroom. In Kansas for a single misdemeanor charge you can be released after 10 yrs.which I was. But meanwhile I moved to Missouri. Which has a clause in there law that says “if anyone has ever been on the registry they must registr in Missouri which is a permanent registry.even if it’s for something that is not a registry offense in this state. Clear mycase offered to get me removed from the registry.I told them they would have to get state law changed .They wanted $9,000 which I sent.I never signed a contract.then I saw your site and am trying to get my money back. Any suggestions
Hey there sir did they ever get back in contact with you I done the same thing.
I would try to get my money back ASAP. These guys are a joke. They strung me along with nothing but lies for 2 years and now I’m out $6000
Just had a meeting with it went sour wanted to know if anything has happened on your end with the D registry if they helped in any way or called you back in any way as of today thank you
in our opinion it’s a complete scam.
Yes, thank you. I confirmed it today.
I live in Missouri City, Texas, I own a roofing company, we have been roofing in Sienna Point there, I know exactly where John Bordelon lives-his next door neighbor confirmed it-I have rung the Bordelons’ doorbell numerous times just recently but only after debating whether or not this address was abandoned, as this is undoubtedly one of the worst roofs I’ve seen in 21 years of roofing-he has a mansion on 2 acres-feel free to call me at 281-235-2890
Kathy Stewart, Stewart Roofing Systems in Sienna
I’ve been threw with my sentence since January 1996 and in 2014 I was pulled over by DPS and they informed me that I was supposed to be registered I went and registered so then I got a letter saying that they could get me off the sex offenders registry and it would cost me 6000 dollars so I was put on a payment plan. I haven’t been able to get them for a week now so I went online and found this number for them 346-250-0288
Just recently received a mass mailing for this as well in the state of Louisiana. Exactly as described in previous posts for other states. So glad I came here to look for reviews – I definitely will not be attempting to use this service. Thanks to everyone for the warnings.
Just a heads up, they’ve sent out another mass mailing.