SCAM: Review

We have been informed that a company out of Texas called “CLEARMYCASE.COM” has been soliciting individuals on the Florida Registry claiming they might be able to help them “deregister” and charging a $100 “consultation fee”.

Please do not fall for this scam.



170 thoughts on “SCAM: Review

  • January 23, 2020

    Whenever I see the taunt of “we don’t have a single complaint from the BBB” and there are several former customers with legit complaints, it’s time for those former customers to contact the BBB and let the public know what this company is all about.

  • March 13, 2019

    I have found a lot of info on these people, they have another scam that just launched called and I did some digging, John lives in a very expensive custom home in Sienna Plantation, the address is 9720 Thompson Lake Dr., Missouri City, TX 77459. There are two different addresses with Boxer Properties here in Houston that I have found and a PO Box. This needs to stop!

    • March 13, 2019

      There is also another site, that they are running as well with an address at 700 Milam Suite 1300 that is a Regus virtual office space.

    • March 13, 2019

      I just talked to the guy John Bordelon, he says he is a realtor and has been helping clients for years, the call turned very quickly. He called from 346-223-1001. He has a company called that has stolen millions of dollars from registrants. I have attached the mail out that I got in the mail just yesterday.,-LLC-346-204-5111

    • March 20, 2019

      I am more than certain that any one that received a mail out and/or gave money to John F. Bordelon, President/Founder of, can not be removed from the registry.

      • January 22, 2020

        A few years ago a ‘Jordan Bordelon’ sent me a brochure for they seemed legit. I was wrongfully accused of improper behavior with a juvenile, my 20 yr old stepdaughter who I raised since she was 5 yrs old.
        Truth is, my psycho ex is bipolar and when I was diagnosed with Leukemia she bailed out and remarried the month after the divorce was final. To keep me from taking our 2 boys on abandonment, she & her daughter made false accusations that turned me into a “monster”. said they could have the charges reversed and expunged. I gave them a $500 down payment then paid $100 monthly until the $7000 cost was paid. Now, I have nothing and want my money back.

        • January 22, 2020

          There is an old saying ” You can’t get blood out of a stone”. Although I wish you the best, I have followed 1000’s of cases of scammers and rarely if ever has a single person gotten a dime.

          There is a classic car dealership here in Florida that worked on consignment (Supposedly). That sold millions of dollars of cars for people but never told them their car sold and they kept every dime. It took years for the state to finally shut them down.
          No telling if anyone will ever get any money back.

          The first time I got a letter from Clearmycase about 4 years ago or so, I used it to try out my new shredder I had bought. I was probably the first person to know they were a scam. No so called lawyer can make the promises they made to everyone. If there was such thing as a super lawyer, they would not need to advertise.

          • January 23, 2020

            Cherokeejack, I enjoy reading what you have to say. You are one smart son-of- a- gun! Keep it up. At least in Florida, one cannot pry one’s name from the registry with a crowbar…or a lawyer.

          • January 23, 2020

            If I was really smart I would not have gotten myself into this situation by pleading guilty instead of going to trial. Was only guilty of one of the 5 charges but by pleading guilty, the judge gave me the max on all charges.
            Finally 8 years later I went to an appeals court and got the remaining part of my sentence tossed. That should have been the end of it, that is until they made the registries retroactive. My charges are from 1991.
            How come when I was told my other appeal the statues of limitations expired, they cannot retro active that????

        • January 23, 2020

          Mark Brunei
          I don’t know what state Bordelon is scamming people from now but when he was in Texas Alex Hernandez Jr. got my money back . He is from around the Houston area. That was several years ago I still get cards from him from time to time.

          • January 23, 2020

            John Bordelon home address is right outside of Houston, located at Sienna Plantation.

            Have him served with demand letter for refunds by process server. I’ve done a lot of digging on him. He uses virtual office addresses, voip phone system, and probably does all of the scamming from his home.

            The residence is his primary home, he and his wife Phyllis own the property together and I’m sure their scams paid a big chunk of the house.

            9720 THOMPSON LAKE DR, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459

          • January 23, 2020

            May I please have this Alex Hernandez, Jr.’s contact number? My husband is really in need of help. Seems like he also got scammed with about seven gran. This scam artist never did anything for him and now all phone numbers we have are no longer working and the website is no longer active.

            Please help us. Thank you Sincerely Mrs Alvarez from McAllen Texas.

          • January 24, 2020

            Thanks for the info. This gives me something to go on. They used a Houston address.
            In my situation, my ex is bipolar and conjured up the accusation when she abandoned me because I had cancer. All this was in a small “hick town” where we lived…HER hometown. I was the ‘outsider’s. She went to school with a lot of ppl in the court sys including knowing the assistant DA. Her father also worked for the warden at the prison. I NEVER had a fighting chance to win this. Now, me, a Christian family man who was involved with children’s ministries AND devoted to my wife and children was turned into a “monster”.

          • January 24, 2020

            How long did it take to get your money back?

          • January 24, 2020

            Mark less than 3months
            Alex Hernandez Jr. # is 888- 907-8994
            Or go to
            They have 8 offices in Texas they are legitimate

          • November 10, 2020

            How much did they charge u if I may ask

          • November 11, 2020

            It’s been awhile, but I think it was about $1500.00

          • November 11, 2020

            They got me for 8000

          • November 11, 2020

            That $1500.00 was what the Attorney charged that recovered the funds from the scam.

  • October 1, 2018

    This place goes and states that it cannot release the names of clients..
    We dont want the names of the clients…
    We just want a number of how many people you have cleared in the State of Florida.


    • January 23, 2020

      I can answer that for you ZERO. He is not and was never a lawyer but a professional con artist who say and opportunity to take advantage of a group of people who were desperate to get off the registry.
      If this had been any other group of people being scammed, there would be outcry across the galaxy. But since it happened to people on the registry, no one cares. Our families care, maybe a lawyer who wants your money cares and we as a collective care.
      But the Government doesn’t care, they are the ones who put us on the registry.

  • September 20, 2018

    I know there are a lot of you who need help getting your money back from CMC after being misguided into believing you could get off the registry. I used to be an employee there and am willing to provide any kind of statement, whether verbal or written, that you might need to help your case against CMC.

    Again, I extend my apologies for even being a part of this company. I was under false impressions when I worked there. As I learned more and did my own research, I started to question this company and their values. I decided to leave and to reach out to anyone who might need help in getting their money back. I now work with amazing attorneys who have provided me with clarity and confirmation of Texas laws and statutes. What John F. Borderlon did was wrong. He needs to return the money he did not rightfully earn.

    • September 21, 2018

      First, at, LLC, we have great relationships with both former employees named Jessica. We spoke with both of them and had them review the comments, it was laughable. I don’t know who you are but the fact that you are using someone else’s name is an indictment of your own credibility. Additionally, the one dynamic that keeps popping up is that Clearmycase mislead or misguided people into making them think they could get deregistered. If you truly worked for this company you would know that the state of Texas as well as 41 other states have statutes in place that do allow for early termination of registration requirements. At, we strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth by each participating state when it comes to helping deserving people terminate the requirement to register. To blindly accept the opinion of an anonymous person who is not willing to reveal who they truly are is irresponsible. As far as the former clients who are requesting a refund, let’s be real, you probably got turned down by the state agency that gives the go-ahead for you to deregister; OR the court system denied your petition; OR you did not continue to make timely payments and we canceled your agreement per the contract you signed. John Bordelon, President of, LLC

      • September 21, 2018

        I was told I had a “great case” when, in fact, I had no chance. You took $6,000 from me a bumbled along for 2 years in which I constantly had to call to get you to do anything. I’ve spoken with Stacie Shakir and Yes, y’all are a scam, that’s why every 3 months I was dealing with a different employee. Because once they figure out what you’re doing they can no longer work for you with a clear conscience.

      • September 21, 2018

        How many people have you successfully gotten removed from the registry?

      • September 22, 2018

        John Fitzgerald Bordelon knew what he was doing, that is the why CLEARMYCASE is a ghost right now. Everything John did was False, Misleading and/or Deceptive. You said “Additionally, the one dynamic that keeps popping up is that Clearmycase mislead or misguided people into making them think they could get deregistered.” John Lied straight to their faces, he provided false information to all the men he took money from. LIAR, LIAR and John called himself a Pastor, John is SATAN. If you are not scamming, guilty, dishonest come back out as CLEARMYCASE, and face you former clients face on.

      • January 24, 2020

        John Bordelon, Jordan Bordelon, or whoever you are,
        If you above statement is true then why can’t I contact you about my case? I gave y’all PROOF of me being setup with the accusation and should be able to get off the list.

      • January 24, 2020

        Mister Bordelon,
        Although I do not believe in Karma, I do believe in God. Although He is forgiving and merciful even to those who do not deserve it, He will not stand by and watch His people continually be taken advantage of.
        Although offenders are often viewed as the bottom of society, to God, stealing a piece of candy is on the same level as shooting a person.
        I pray you do a soul search and maybe one day actually help someone instead of stealing money from them. What you do not realize is, our families didn’t do anything wrong even if we did. By taking our money you also took away food and medicine away from our children.
        I will leave the judgement up to the Almighty. I know from experience, He can be an Awesome God but also He can and will correct you with life altering consequences. I speak not in judgement but from personal experience. I have been both blessed and spanked by His wisdom and His anger.
        Although you did not get me personally, I consider the people in this room my brothers and sisters. Family sticks together. Remember that. I just hope you do the right thing. I turn you over to the court of law and ultimate justice of Heaven. You can laugh all you want but He never fails us, take that to the bank.
        When you get woken up in the middle of the night and wonder why, remember this, He forgives and forgets but expects us to make things right to the best of our abilities.

        • January 24, 2020

          Cherokeejack, wonderful response and commentary!!

          • January 24, 2020

            Thanks my friend. Just so disgusting that we not only have to suffrage of the registry, but also to be taken advantage of by people claiming to care. What is the says? A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
            I am just surprised there has not been a class action lawsuit on this.

    • October 1, 2018

      Jessica please contact me 504 708-9098

    • October 11, 2018

      Jessica please contact me I paid 7100 dollars to to get my husband off the registry we have a great case for entrapment with my husband s case and I need to know if this is a scam and to get my money back to pay a real lawyer if so 3186145477

    • October 29, 2018

      Mike. Texas
      I paid faithfully every month for 3 years . They have everything they needed in 2 years. Finally i withheld a payment and they immediately called me and asked for payment. I asked what stage was my case on and they said all they need is payment to submit to sex offender council. So I paid. After a couple months they asked for payment which I gave I’ve paid 4000 already. I asked where is my status at. They again said ready to be submitted to sex offender counsel. I said thats what yall said a couple of months ago. I asked if they can send me a file because I would like to know what they have on me for 4000 dollars worth. They denied and said if i didnt pay they were not submitting. I think i am one of the fortunate ones that will be de registering in 4 years. I picked this company because I figured they can do it a few years before.I know now they are a fake. If they can’t help someone who is close to de registering then I know they cannot help anyone else. I called to get a refund and they told me we dropped you because none payment. Wow guess they figured we got this sucker for 4000. Lets move on..

      • October 29, 2018

        Don’t think just because you get to de-register it’s all over . If you move to another State with different laws they can make you register again with some states only having a permanent registry. So you have to know every law in every state to keep from problems. I know I’ve been there. You have to get educated like an attorney now for the rest of your life. It’s insanity. Only Federal law can straighten it out.

        • October 29, 2018

          That comment is right on! I was convicted in California. I moved to Texas about 10 years ago. They have a lifetime registration. I recently asked the officer who handles registration for my town about the new law in California that will allow you to stop registering after so many years and mentioned my conviction was from California. She told me that Texas has the lifetime registry and it would not matter if I was dropped from California.

        • October 29, 2018

          David thanks for the info. Ive been dealing with the registry for 16 yrs. Its tough. Your right about knowing the laws of each state. It makes it a little easier to maintain..

      • January 3, 2019

        you can apply directly to the council for 50.00 dollars…..

    • May 15, 2019

      Hello. Can you send me contact information. I need to get my money back.

    • January 22, 2020

      A few years ago a ‘Jordan Bordelon’ sent me a brochure for they seemed legit. I was wrongfully accused of improper behavior with a juvenile, my 20 yr old stepdaughter who I raised since she was 5 yrs old.
      Truth is, my psycho ex is bipolar and when I was diagnosed with Leukemia she bailed out and remarried the month after the divorce was final. To keep me from taking our 2 boys on abandonment, she & her daughter made false accusations that turned me into a “monster”. said they could have the charges reversed and expunged. I gave them a $500 down payment then paid $100 monthly until the $7000 cost was paid. Now, I have nothing and want my money back.

    • January 24, 2020

      Jessica, thank you for your honesty. You can help us. My husband was scammed by this We never thought it was a scam. We really believed my husband would get off the registry. Now 4 years later of paying monthly. Not a thing was done for him. Now we are out of pocket seven gran. If you can help us, please do.

    • January 24, 2020

      Please call me, please help in reference to CMC. They took $7000 from me over a 2.5 year payment plan.
      As you can read my other posts and replies, I am truly innocent and believed they could help with expungement.
      My contact info is:

      • January 24, 2020

        Mark Brunei
        You don’t have to have a attorney for expungements, though it would help. I was falsely convicted as you 23 years age in Kansas . I thought it would be easy . I paid the $50.00 to file the paperwork and went to court and explained the situation to the judge , who I don’t think listened to what I said. The prosecution then proceeded to accuse me of doing things that I never did and was never accused of before. They have big imaginations. The judge said he could have expunged it but that I wasn’t remorseful enough. It’s very hard to be remorseful for something you didn’t do.
        Now I’m trying to save up the money to hire an attorney and private investigator to get the truth from the accusers and take it back to court to get exonerated.

  • August 24, 2018

    for those that paid money to these people please contact your state attorney as well as the Postal Service mail fraud

    • September 10, 2018

      How do I get started , what number should I call I felt for them.

  • January 26, 2018

    My friend in Tennessee just got a letter from this group a couple days ago. 1/24:2018


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