Watch Oral Arguments in 2nd DCA Entrapment case

The following is a video of oral arguments in Jason Ross DeMare v. the State of Florida (2D19-2959) the case that found Mr. DeMare was entrapped by the police. It’s good to watch, not just for the outcome, but to see what goes on in Oral Arguments before a state appellate court.

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29 thoughts on “Watch Oral Arguments in 2nd DCA Entrapment case

  • July 21, 2020

    One of my biggest takeaways from these arguments came about from something that the state’s attorney brought up. At one point he said something along the lines of, “had this been an actual 14 year old that was promiscuous”. If his concerns are actually for minors that may be online acting older than they are and trying to figure out their sexuality but unaware of the potential dangers that are online, then wouldn’t education to minors be a much better way to spend ICAC funds. Seems that would be better than giving the money to law enforcement to fund them as they try to talk men into breaking the law. Not a single child is protected by that action.

  • July 21, 2020

    Have you guys watched this? This is who needs to be training our law enforcement officers and prosecutors on the right way to do this. This certainly puts to shame the idiots running this scam on adult sites and makes them look like complete morons for doing it the way they’ve been doing it.

    • July 21, 2020

      A reminder that sexual predators are an actual thing, you won’t find them on any registry, and they’re certainly not those whom the state labels as such.

      And you certainly won’t identify them through entrapment or coercion. If the video is accurate, just set up a profile and remain passive and they will identify themselves— is it that easy?

      • July 22, 2020

        I’m adding this first paragraph after I wrote all of what follows. I went off on a rambling rant, so … fair warning … feel free to ignore.

        These days I typically don’t even bother to watch things like this. Or read many similar articles or just articles of sex offenses in general. The Registry Hit List has really just destroyed any concern, empathy, or faith that I ever had about things like this. I don’t trust anyone who is doing this type of stuff. I never trust that people are doing it for moral or altruistic reasons. I feel like most of them just get off on the drama and need to do things so they don’t believe that they themselves are just insignificant pieces of feces. They must do “good” things to improve their own self-image and esteem. But whatever the case, because of the Hit Lists and knowing what kind of immoral crap these kinds of “people” will do, f*ck them every day.

        I raised a lot of children, including many daughters. The one thing that I didn’t need to help me protect them was government and their incompetent stupidity. I didn’t need busybodies in government harassing random people in order to “help” me protect my own children. I didn’t need assh*les telling me the world and internet is full of dangerous people. I mean really, who the hell doesn’t know that and who do these people think they are “helping”? Parents who “need” this kind of help will never be helped enough to matter. They obviously aren’t that interested in protecting their children. They are more interested in drama and “gittin them there sex affenders”!

        So anyway, I’ll try to be less cynical and say sure, it’s probably fine that we try to (only) lessen the number of adults who are trying to have sex with children. Sure. However, when criminal regimes see videos/information/data/facts such as this and then they use that information to harass me and my family, that’s an act of war and I’m going to have to retaliate.

        What kind of moron thinks this video has anything to do with people listed on the Hit List? What kind of American can believe that we have a Hit List of people with whom this type of behavior has some nexus and it is legitimate to tell those people that they have to tell big government about all of their “internet identifiers”? Some “people” believe that I should be forced to tell big government my “internet identifiers”? That’s offensive, unacceptable, and shockingly, mind-numbing stupid.

        Jacob, you said, “… sexual predators are an actual thing, you won’t find them on any registry …”. But some percentage of the people listed on the Hit Lists are real sexual predators. So you will find some there. But BFD. What’s the difference and what can the criminal regimes do about it? They fantasize that forcing EVERYONE listed on the Hit Lists to tell them their “internet identifiers” is going to actually do something. How stupid are they? Do they seriously think a person wouldn’t just tell them 10 identifiers and then have 1 other with which to commit crimes? Are they really that stupid?

        The criminal state of Georgia tried to collect “internet identifiers” for a while. But they gave up. Perhaps they are not as stupid as other criminal regimes. But I have to say that if I gave all of my “identifiers” to any criminal regime but I wanted to do what is shown in this video, I wouldn’t hesitate for 2 seconds to simply have more identifiers. If you are going to commit a serious crime, do you care about telling big government? The “identifiers” requirement is a pathetic joke. It could be just harmless if it weren’t so offensive. So the criminal regimes get nothing but they have to pay consequences.

        I think we all know the real reason that the criminal regimes require “identifiers”. It is to help the criminal regimes harass the people on the Hit Lists better and in more peace. It is an attempt to silence the people being harassed. It is also just for general harassment. I think the idiots who love the Registries try to collect as much information as they can possibly get away with. Each piece of information is just an extra way to harass and cause a person problems.

        I made sure the Hit Lists were worthless today and also harmed people. Did you?

  • July 16, 2020

    Thats how it is with most lawyer and virtual all SO cases. as one lawyer said no one wants to take a chance in these type cases.

    • July 16, 2020

      That’s why we have referrals to attorneys who do.

      • July 16, 2020

        Unfortunately I didn’t know about FAC before I was charged and pushed to take a plea I went thru 3 public pretenders then 2 conflict lawyers

        • July 16, 2020

          Tim, Unfortunately we hear that a lot. Especially when it comes to not volunteering information during address verification, not falling for scammers pretending to be calling from law enforcement, knowing what to report and when, etc. The good news is that we’re growing and educating so that the registry won’t create more victims. Hopefully, if we work together and work hard, we’ll abolish it and end these scam stings too!

          • July 16, 2020

            Thats why I tell everyone I meet about FAC and get them to listen to the true facts

          • July 16, 2020

            FAC has helped me stay out of trouble, on more than one occasion.

          • July 16, 2020

            Alot in florida are on registery because of stings then on the arrest sheet they type in no one under 18 we target suspect into the crime then two sheriff in florida go on tv tell everyone how many they got what there intentions where and most important no one is going to stop them from doing the internet sex sting so how is anyone going to feel comfortable when going on adults sites possible finding there cell mate for life since they lie to do profile if 14 what are they going to do if a young lad goes on and profile he she is older turn shoe around on them i love this site helps in alot of ways families should right letters to legistration it is helping slow but is helping tanks FAC.

          • August 15, 2020

            Did I ‘hear’ you right! You said abolish the registry, right?

  • July 15, 2020

    This man is very lucky to have found an attorney that was willing to put out the whole truth about how these sex sting operations work. Many attorneys will not do that and will actually work to help force the wrongful convictions of innocent men who are not child predators. They’ll keep many important facts hidden to make judges and juries believe that the victims they have trapped are real child predators.
    It’s a huge scam with many people working in the system involved in it.

    • July 16, 2020

      Maybe should try to contact others the crime and get a good lawyer and maybe prices wouldn’t be so high they’re alot out there in florida a loan i live in jax fl and i know theres a lot of them since 2017

  • July 15, 2020

    Wow. State’s entire argument is centered on virtue testing; NOT “protecting children”. This one stuck with me above all else, though:

    @ 24:45, this DA says “the type of defendant who, despite saying “No,” doesn’t really mean “No”.”

    Once you’re caught up in one of these, you are LITERALLY guilty until proven innocent.

    And you LITERALLY have ZERO CONSCIOUS AS A HUMAN BEING to participate in one of these “proactive” stings.

    • July 16, 2020

      Not quite. When it comes to sex crime against children, you’re guilty despite being innocent. This case shows that, in that the child victim was non-existent.

      And I would still like to hear someone – anyone – explain how a person who goes to adult sites is somehow a child predator. Actual child predators before the internet weren’t known for hanging out in bars and such on the off chance they might run into someone underage who somehow got in. I would think it pretty unlikely that they would be trolling adult sites on the off chance they might run into someone underage there, either.

      And out of curiosity, when was the last time a child predator was caught outside of these stupid stings? DO they even bother trying that anymore? Guessing not.

      • July 16, 2020

        That part about the guy going into a bar on the off chance he’ll meet someone under age is actually a very good argument that an attorney should use in these types of cases. Why are we laymen coming up with these ideas and not the “professionals” who should have the education and common sense to come up with these argument ideas? Interesting that, eh?

      • July 21, 2020

        Great points Dustin, I have been asking the same questions myself. I recently had a subpoena hearing in which I was trying to get information that would try to answer those questions. I subpoenaed arrest information on the number of solicitation arrests that were made on an adult website that involved a real minor. I also asked for information on the number of complaints made of minors being solicited on adult sites. Of course, the subpoena was denied and none of the information was given.

    • July 16, 2020

      There is no protection of children this is to get grant money to keep bed fills there aren’t anyone on these stings really looking one of these days they will get teens on to chat then what

  • July 15, 2020

    Entrapment is illegal. Anybody that convert a law3 abiding citizen into a criminal is committing a crime. Aiding and abating and motivating somebody to commit a crime is equally responsible in the commission of the crime. Therefore the “law agents” are criminals and not just criminals but the brain behind the crimes.


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