Watch Oral Arguments in 2nd DCA Entrapment case
The following is a video of oral arguments in Jason Ross DeMare v. the State of Florida (2D19-2959) the case that found Mr. DeMare was entrapped by the police. It’s good to watch, not just for the outcome, but to see what goes on in Oral Arguments before a state appellate court.
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If you were to switch the genders and ages in this scenario, it becomes crystal clear who the predator is – clearly it was the law enforcement officer. They groomed and trapped their victim, this man who was in a very emotionally vulnerable situation. If it he hadn’t found himself interacting with this LE predator, I believe he wouldn’t be in this mess today.
Thank you for posting up this video. The prosecution was clearly grasping at straws to make their case stick. All the prosecutor could do was “interpret” the facts in this case.
Wow!!! Open court in a zoom format. Regarding a fight against law enforcement on a case In which the DA says is about sex with a minor that the entire (tax paying) public is “privy” to. This was enlightening to say the least!!!
sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private).
That was an interesting watch. I learned a lot. LE going to such lengths is disturbing. I hate when they make all theses assumptions of what someone was thinking as if it is fact. I have to say I find it puzzling, maybe I lead a sheltered life, that a “14” year old would even talk like that? Seriously, if you took your average 14 year old, could they carry on a conversation like that? And would they for days?
The average 14 yr old would call the older guy “creepy” and block him. But the older guy was on an ADULT site looking for an ADULT woman. I’m truly disturbed by the state’s attorney trying to make this guy out to be a sex offender that might have done something had it actually been a 14 yr old. He’s so full of shit he stinks of it. No 14 yr old would be on an ADULT site lying about their age to a 38 yr old. And just for argument sake about that, perhaps a 14, 15 and 16 yr old who DO go on such sites would most likely have an “older guy” age cut off around 25. Not 38.
The state’s attorney is DESPERATE to keep the charges and conviction as if he’s gonna lose his Christmas bonus if the judges favor the defendant. This is sick! Totally sick!
Can you imagine if that state’s attorney got caught up in this type of sting just like the DA in Texas who killed himself when the cops showed up? That state’s attorney would use ALL the same excuses to try to get himself off from being labeled a “sex offender”. He’s full of shit.
Thanks for the comment back. So the “14” year old is talking more like an adult becasue the person is an adult. Which also then leads to more confusion on the part of a person who may be truly in a vulnerable state on the other end. So messed up. If you are gonna have sting operations then it should be to help the person before they do act on something.
Great video! Can we all agree, though, that the Attorney General ought to spring for some chairs?
Very interesting.Much like my case,the child victum in my case was ficticious and did not exist. Doesent matter, after spending thousands in defense I am now in the RSO list for life.
Welcome to Florida my friends how about “Defund the sheriff depts.”
I’d vote for that Robert …..if I could