What is FAC all about?

For some, a group that is perceived to advocate on behalf of “sex offenders” can be a confusing concept.

To be absolutely clear, the Florida Action Committee condemns sexual violence and does not seek to justify any form of abuse.

FAC’s primary mission is to make our State safer through policies and practices that have been empirically proven to work, as opposed to ones that are counter-productive.

We realize that to reduce recidivism, those who sexually offended in the past require support, stability, a network that will hold them accountable and the ability to live a viable life.

Current policies destabilize registrants by limiting housing and employment options, remove them from family and other means of support and impose harsh and punitive restrictions that make living a productive life practically impossible. Current policies that impose stigma for life offer no incentive for an individual to seek treatment or rehabilitate themselves.

Studies have unequivocally proven current policies ineffective. There are, however, practices that have been proven effective, such as COSA (Circles of Support and Accountability), psychological treatment and restorative justice.

For a former offender to be successful, they need the opportunity to re-integrate into society, to become something more than what society perceives them to be, to have a network of supportive individuals that will assist them with the tools to remain offense-free and who will hold them accountable for being active in their rehabilitation.

Others who have had abuse issues or addictions have groups such as AA or NA for support. For individuals on a public registry, unfortunately, there is nothing “anonymous”, which makes it that much more difficult to seek out help. Becoming a support system to these individuals, providing information and referrals and organizing member calls and meetings, helps in the rehabilitative process.

FAC Members and presenters on our monthly calls include professionals such as treatment providers, attorneys and even former probation officers. FAC has presented at ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) and SMART Justice Conferences and implemented educational programs (SSAIF) that have been adopted nationwide to help stop the cycle of abuse and caution the next generation about the consequences of sexual offending.

Our goal is to stop the cycle of abuse.



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