When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit
Information for Sex Offenders
A new study by Shawn M. Rolfe, Doctoral candidate at the University of Louisville, helps identify some of the requirements each individual state has when a registered sex offender travels there.
A chart contained in the study provides a useful reference.
Probably the worse day of our lives and the scariest when the guy that my son has had to stay with took all of his stuff and put it outside of their apartment and then changed the locks on the doors all because we won’t pay the money he wants for rent. First of all there are 3 roommates living there and it should be fairly split up 3 ways but this guy is making the other 2 each pay half and this makes it so this guy ends up staying there at no cost to himself. This guy goes against what any reasonable person would conscionably pay and in my opinion he borders on the line, if not crossed it, of extortion because he threatens to kick them out if they don’t pay. He knew going in that my son couldn’t afford what he was asking and we can’t get my son transferred to Ohio because my lovely state won’t let him live with us because we have our granddaughter that lives in the home and my parents have a in-home daycare within a 1,000 feet. This is crazy and insane that my son nearly ended up homeless and on the streets because of another offender taking advantage and trying to manipulate a way to scam us out of money to pay for his life of luxury and pay his bills. Thank the Lord that LEO were called in and they told this guy that he had no right to do what he did to our son and that he has to go through the courts if he wants our son out. So, while I am 1,100 miles away and feeling helpless my son was able to get permission from his PO to stay with my brother for the night and return to the apartment that he was in and live in a hostile environment. Instead of my son getting the proper treatment of what he needs for his finally diagnosed bi-polar he is subjected to this and our family has been turned upside down. I can’t go one week without having to deal with something. How is this constitutional for anyone? Why do I feel like my rights are being violated and not just my son’s? Where is my family’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Where is my son’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? This whole registry is cruel and I mean really cruel and unusual punishment not just to those on the registry but to those that are close to them. I love my son with all my heart and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for him but I can’t keep doing this day in and day out. Something has to give. The illegal sex sting operations need to stop and those that pose a threat to society need to be taken off the registry and be allowed to rehabilitate back into society. The truth needs to be exposed and people need to be educated on the facts of how these men get on the registry to begin with. Sorry for the book, I am just frustrated and needed to vent. Don’t mean to offend anyone. My heart is broken as a parent…
Texas used to be a bit weird in that you only had to register if you were going to be spending more than 48 hours in one location (county?address?) three or more times in one 30 day period. It made the lives of periodic business visitors, etc. a bit easier because unless you ran up against the longer time period like the 7-10 days in a row or whatever it was, you essentially got a “reboot” fairly often. I am not sure if it is still that way. A number of states in recent years, Florida included, cut the time to register WAY down. Many used to be like 10 or 14 days in one one and a total of 30 for one year or even 5 and 14. 5 per “month” with each address counting as a new one would have been fine for tourists in Florida, but no more. Hell, before Angel watch, if you were leaving the country for less than 5 nights, you didn’t even have to fill any paperwork out unless you were on probation. It was a good idea to let hem know, but they really didn’t make a record. I made like 5 short business trips to Europe and 3 to Mexico before they started telling them that we were coming. I made 3 long ones to Europe from 2005-2007 and only had to tell the Sherriffs office. No FDLE, no DHS. the first time I ran into the Angel Watch thing was in 2013 and then, DHS was pulling names off of the passenger manifests of the airline check-in in the US and sending by fax or e-mail to your destination, not getting it from FDLE.
Even most compliance offices are ignorant. Talk to one person on any given day about what the requirements are then talk to someone else the day after and you’re likely to get a different response.
Pretty hard to stay compliant when restrictions change on an almost daily basis, LE often isn’t aware and can pretty much arrest any SO on an as-felt-like-it basis.
Yup. And LEO couldn’t get away with that kind of ignorance with decent white collar criminals. But the pariahs of society (like me) get no political power whatsoever, even from highly educated judges – we’re always viewed as guilty right up front. Arrest first, ask questions later.
This is very very true, which means it is very important that WE stay aware of what the law says that we are to do. Read the statutes and take the time to make sure that you are reading them and understanding them (I realize this can be a bit of a hurdle because of the language. It is time and effort well spent).
Asking an LEO to explain them to you is a good way to hear what that particular LEO wishes the law was, but not so good for getting an accurate answer.
Most cops are power tripping “know it alls” that aren’t mentally capable being informed by a more educated person of the proper application of a law or statute. It messes with their gun toting, badge flaunting ego. “No, Sir, the proper application of that statute is because of ” will probably get you arrested and you’ll sort it out from jail or bod; because every perceived misstep of SORNA violation is a felony.
How are they going to know if you stay 5 days or 10 days? What triggers them checking into where and how long your going to a location?
Unlikely they would know unless someone reported it or they had a reason to investigate.
Or if youre not home on a spotcheck and theyre told youre out of town. Dont take the risk not worth it. I gave up on any hope of freedom to move around. Never seen inside of ancell nor know what its like on probation but im not gonna take that chance especially in this forsaken state…
Do you people actually follow these asinine ‘laws’ setup by incompetent politicians that have never even researched what the Hell They Are Passing? The Fear Machine is strong in this country isn’t it? The most Patriotic and Humane thing you can do is ignore this stupidity, travel freely and stay out of trouble. When they start tracking and requiring registration of Violent people, gang members, etc. (groups that actually pose a serious public safety threat) maybe THEN we can contemplate listening to these commonsense-less laws. Remember: the people who pass these laws generally have ZERO knowledge of recidivism rates etc., information that actually matters. They pass laws to emotionally appease the public, the same public which is misguided with good intentions.
We should follow the laws. Failing to do so brings 5 years in prison.
All I can say is “AMEN”.
OK I’m royally confused. If I’m not staying in another state for more than it seems 3-5 days then none of this matters anyway.
So its not just about stature where you come from its whwre you go. You can comply in homestate but violate visiting state.