When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit
Information for Sex Offenders
A new study by Shawn M. Rolfe, Doctoral candidate at the University of Louisville, helps identify some of the requirements each individual state has when a registered sex offender travels there.
A chart contained in the study provides a useful reference.
So then would not simply changing hotels every 2 or 3 days or whatever it is not be a simple way around this? Say you want to stay for 8 days. You just change hotels 4 times. Perhaps picking 2 diff hotels and keep changing off every 2 days. You could easily find a hotel that is a block away making it a minor inconvenience and giving the finger to the commies at the same time.
Problem is there will be a paper trail of you being in the state more than 72 hours. Technically you need to leave the state for 24 hours than come back.
The law does not prohibit hotel hopping within the state or require leaving the state. But if going to stay at same address for three or more days in the year, required to register it.
You may want to ask your sheriff about your situation.
Three days in a motel on vacation is not a residency establishment. When I change my residency my furniture, my shop tools, my automobiles, and my mailing address all go with me. This residency registration is a perfect example of the bureaucratic ‘bull shit’ coming out of Tallahassee. I tried registering in Virginia and they thought I was crazy. They asked me what I wanted them to do? My home is in Florida. “Holiday Inn” or any other motel will never be my resident, permanent or temporary.
The fascists public SERVANTS in Florida not only want to control people’s movements within it own borders but everywhere else, as well. The political zealots in Tallahassee, in the space where their brains used to be, somehow think this is the European Union with an overlord at the helm. First, stop fearing them! They — the SERVANTS — are attempting to rule us — the PUBLIC (their MASTERS) — by fear; don’t let them as this is what they count on! They do not own the earth we live on; our Creator does. It is our natural right to travel upon His land as we please. Government did not create us; the People created the government. How can the creature (government) be greater than its creator (us)? It’s all turned upside down and only because we allowed it.
Democrat = Democracy (the few rule over the majority)
Republican = Republic (the majority rule over the few) — but the idiots forgot this and they all call it a democracy…it is by grand design to enslave people!
Our American union is so screwed up!
I have lived in 7 other states after my charge in Fla. Every state sucked and had rules and no one knows if Florida’s no defense clause so ridicule sux when getting a job or home. But thankfully CALIFORNA refused to recognize Florida’s charge against me and it was so apparent the head of Justice department called me, my cell to tell me what crap florida had erroneously put me under and removed my Registration requirements. Screw Florida if anyone hears of a cry wolf law going retro in floridat me know I miss home.
Every person all over the country and the world that is ever been convicted of any crime whether it’s mine or are they now call you a sex offender we need to get all our families all our friends and everyone that knows something not to go to Texas are go to Florida for vacations because now if you’re there for three days or more they put you on the national list for life as a sex offender if everybody stops going there and everybody keeps telling Florida what’s happening that’s gonna cost them a lot of money and I guarantee you without a doubt they’ll fix it and finally act like human beings especially for people who are now called sex offenders just because they had sex with Hey girlfriend that they been dating forever and then they turn 18 in the mother or father so pissed off they bring charges against them are people that P in a park or on the wall close to a school in the middle of night now they are sex offender plus there’s a lot of women who have been attacked and the case became a he said she said and now they are now sex offenders after the fact, Due to the laws changing which is a double jeopardy problem!!

This thing about the registry list doesn’t hurt people is a complete line of BS my wife is lost jobs wouldn’t get hired housing issues and has affected me and my family and I love Florida but now we can’t vacation there because if you’re there for more than three days you’re now sex offender we all need to get pissed off, mad and stand up and start doing something it’s criminal how Florida is treating those people who I can’t find a home and they’re living under bridges or out in the woods!!
Since when did they change it to 3? I just looked at law and it clearly states 5 days aggregate.
Effective July 1, 2018
Well guess who WON’T be visiting Florida EVER now!! Thank you for the update.
Supposed to have come up for a vote within the last 2 months!
So I assume it went thru, but 3 or 5 days is ridiculous !
Most vacations for most people is 7 days!
So can you visit for 3 days ? Is this per year?
yes – same location UNDER 3 days without registering.
Be careful Florida law states must register within 48 hours of establishing temporary residence.
Is the law now 5 days or is it 3 days that you dont have to register as an offender? And is it made public if you do
If you gonna live in Florida, I’m sure its 48 hours and yes its public. If visiting more than 2 days, then you also have to register in 48 hours.
Thank you for the info not gonna go now we were gonna visit my dad w the kids but it will be more then 3 days for Thanksgiving but forget it now
3, at any one address. And you must register it within the first 48 hours.
and remember it’s 3 days IN THE AGGREGATE during any year!
When you travel out of state for more than 3 days, do you have to change city/area you travel to or can you just change the address where you are staying. For example, can my son stay with his grandmother for 3 days and then stay with his uncle for 3 days in the same town, but different addresses?
Yes for TWO days, NOT THREE! Three or more days trigger registration.
registration where??? in the state I am visiting??? Their laws say RSOs can visit for up to a week without registering in their state. Please explain. Thanks!
Follow the laws of the state you are visiting and the state in which you are required to register.
Can you quote the statute that says this. I need a source!
He will have to register both addresses within 48 hours of establishing a temporary residence.
True, defined as three or more days. So if after 48 he has not registered it, he has another 24 hours in which he can dwell there during that calendar year and that’s it til next year.
Unless they only stay 2 days at each address: then there is no requirement correct?
Weird thing is is the inconsistancy: went to vcso to register a three day travel. Leave day 1 return day 3. Was told i did not need to and this wasnt the first time. Each time i got a signed business card that we spoke and my dates were given. I ask them to refer the law and i get the same. Sometimes ive had to literally ask for them to at least update the l.e. Viewable screen.
If someone only stays 2 days at each residence the have no requirement to register it
What is the requirement?? I called sheriffs Dept and they said within HOURS !!!!they were nasty.
Florida is nasty!! 48 hours of establishing temporary residence. Here in Virginia you have 72 hours AND they only do annual compliance checks.
I agree My wife was accused falsely by the police department and the state attorney. My wife her oldest daughter who was 13 at the time was sexual assaulted by the young man When my wife called the cops few days later after she found out The young man mom had already called the cops told them my wife rape her son at the park my wife never went to a park and have all the proof The cops did not wanted to hear it. So my wife was accused and lie by the police and
by the young man and his mother. My wife has pass every polygraph that was given to her and theirs was NO DNA found the state attorney pick the case up and force my wife to lie or she would send her to prison for 45 years for sexual battery when the paper said there was NO sexual contact the boy even admitted the truth the mother lied to the cops and to my wife public defender, The mother though she was going to get money out of the whole deal when she found out she wasn’t she wasn’t too happy about it so she drop it the kid or the mother never showed up to court So NO kid No witness No DNA Nothing only hear say!!! The state Attorney pick it up and play dirty and lied, if my wife and i had MONEY she wouldn’t be on this crap or be registered none of this would have happen. This has ruin our lives so much it kept her from doing things with her kids and family she isn’t allowed to take them to games or birthday party or do anything with them, It took a long time for my wife to come out of the house even go grocery shopping she is always depressed unhappy stress out she always talking about living in fear she always asking me are they going to come and take her away and that she never going to see her kids or me again.This is what the STATE,COURT ,COPS,young man family DID to my WIFE…She doesn’t feel safe in her own home.They missed up her mind bad waking up with nightmares always thinking someone looking at her if they are she think they work for the cops. being registered isn’t fun it puts you on edge you can NEVER be too comfortable.All we are doing right now is surviving it really hurts us physically, mentally, financially emotionally . She always getting letters from different man from different states.Saying nasty stuff to her she hasn’t gotten any letters lately i hope it stays that way She would give the letters to her lawyers she has now. She would tell her PO about it and they do nothing but take notes. She doesn’t have any privately her information is online so anyone can come to our house. She always scared going to see her PO every month praying she would make it out. always telling me she feels like she is being watch. MY wife is a Good person.She wouldn’t hurt a fly,My wife is not the same Person anymore she stays to her self i would hear her cry at every night.She would NEVER hurt anyone kids. The state attorney tried to have her kids taken from her one day at court but The State attorney didn’t win the judge said theirs no hard evidence towards my wife to have her kids taken from her.Crazy if my wife did a committed a crime why would you let her kids live with her if theirs no evidence why have her on it? My wife been through a lot before i met her and now she gone through more and only god him self know the answer to that. But right now i want this storm in her life to end i want us to be able to live and be free and be able visit others states with out reliving this all over again. My wife is INNOCENTS ,They got her for hear say!! believe it or not. it was the state idea to get her for hear say.I didn’t know that could hold up in court. I guess in Florida anything can. it was the state way to have her be put on probation my wife plea out she was force too by the state attorney she ask for a trail but the state refuse it and told her she would send to prison for 45 years and never see her kids again. MY Wife never been in trouble with the law has a clear record.My wife didn’t have a choice so she plea out this was her way for her to fight This was the state way to take money from my wife when at the time she was homeless and had no job and knowing she was innocent. What do we do to get her name cleared from being registered..?? With all do respect my wife lost all her trust and respect in the courts,Police. They wasn’t there for her they didn’t care about her feelings or wanted to hear the truth They let my wife down.Took all her right away she standing there all alone in the court room crying. When all she was doing was protecting her daughter. The night when she was being questions they refuse her to have someone to sign for her my wife is deaf in both ears. She read lips my wife was on medicine for depressions and anxiety she took some that night before she went to her mother house everything was so Clouded she couldn’t understand anything they were saying to her. My wife mind was blank. All her rights and civil rights was violated. The detective didn’t read my wife her Miranda rights before cuffing her. She requested a lawyer and they turn her down,My wife was railroaded that night. All we want is for all this nightmare to be over she shouldn’t have NEVER been registered in the first place. Sex offender are for real sex offender not the ones who never done anything wrong That are innocent.
I forgot to mention the state gave my wife 13 years. 2 year house arrest and 11 year probation. she already done 5 half years already. she on probation now her house arrest is over she been good the whole time no problems. WE are ready to have this part of this storm to be over. all her fines payed in full everything. now waiting to be off to live again.
All it take one person to lie about you and your doom forever. They don’t need proof to prove your innocently. This is the kind of world we live in there are so many innocent people are being registered everyday for the dumbest crap and lies there are innocent people going to prison for the rest of there life for stuff they never did. WHY?? TEENS are always lying about people to have there life ruin humility by the public. Parents allowed there teens 15 or 16 date 20 plus year old and then call the cops on them if they upset them they ruin there life.
All it takes is the point of a finger and you are guilty weather you are or not. There is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty, You have to prove your innocence. A crime should have some sort of physical evidence. I am sure that some of the children and youth workers have been abused in their life and lead and coach the alleged victims. Don’t ever p***s someone off because they might just point that finger and do some of their own coaching and there you are accused and guilty beyond any doubt. Then the legal system threatens you and forces a plea agreement because you are to afraid of the alternative. You are forever branded for the rest of your life and look forward to the day when it is finally over and you can rest in peace.
Danny Tucker,
Except for the friend part, your case is the same as mine; to a “T”. The false accusation, down to police station to “just talk, you can go home… oh no, you dont need a lawyer”.
Get into the room, it was like SVU on tv. I was videotaped, arrested, THEN told to sign this paper (Miranda rights) was brought to main jail, and it was LOUDLY announced “we have a kiddy-diddler here boys”. Was thrown in a cell and raped. Told the guards and they didnt do nothing. (News picked up the story–nothing happened)
The trial went the same way. 45 years. I kept telling them to stuff it, I want my day in court. STUPID ME finally took a plea deal (are you ready for this??FOUR MONTHS COUNTY TIME, 2 yrs. ankle and 10 years probation)
Four months for 5 alleged sexual battery charges??!??
I was done with ALL in 4 years!!!
On the day I was to be released from probation the judge asked why I wasnt in jail for the 45 years.
The prosecution stated that the mom & daughter REFUSED to come in to testify and “we had to get a conviction any way we could”.
There was no case to begin with; but I was stuck with a public pretender (Public defender) Who’s first words out of his mouth were NOT…
I am your attorney
what are your charges
Take a plea deal, its the easiest way out of this mess
@ Sean and @ Danny I had that happen to me as well I had two family members who are Law enforcement I was taught to tell the truth all the time. Problem was I did tell the truth; my words were twisted and I was originally charge with sexual battery then it was reduce to an L and L when I fled from a probation restitution center after being harass by a Probation office in Orlando,Fla I was in violation I was rearrested on the sexual battery charge and rearrested on the L and L charge To this day I can not fix the issue… The sad part I listen to my uncles who were L.E.O’s and put myself in jail for telling the truth, I asked for an attorney was told “we just want to know what happen,You are not in trouble” bullsh!t line. From that day on I resented those in Authority and never spoken to either Uncle! and I been having trust issuing from that forward as well
In today’s world accusation is all that is needed for condemnation. Designating someone a sex offender for life is ludicrous. I was talking with some friends the other day about sheltering for hurricanes. In Brevard County Florida a sex offender must go to a jail for shelter while the family can go to a regular shelter. I have seen nothing that keeps armed home invaders, murderers, drug dealers, what have you out of the regular shelters. I will always shelter in my home. If I’m going to die, it will be in my home and not in some shelter the bureaucrats set aside for, in their consideration, the ‘dregs of life’. SRO’s must stick together, set an impeccable example, and prove our value to the community. It’s a tough challenge but one that can be won. The stellar life that each of us lives contributes to the eventual renewal of all. I get upset every time I read in the news or see on TV that a sex crime has been committed. I know that there are those who will apply those heinous acts to all SRO’s illogically as that may be.
I personally thinks SOs should move out of Florida to have a normal life. Same with Texas. It seems their lives are being made a miserable hell. I’m in Virginia and havent experienced the hell you all are going through.
Do you have California department of justice contact information?…. I have been trying all there numbers and nobody pics up and or don’t return phone calls… transplanted from Washington state and I’m life under parole ( which I can get reduced in 5 years to not register) which equals life with gps and group therapy in California….
I was charged with unauthorized sex with a 16-17 year old minor female in 2009 in Florida. Is there any way to get off of the lifetime registration.
Probably not but check with a lawyer to see.
Shawn, how were you taken off the registration? I got on the registration in the state of Florida also. My sister lives in Los Angeles California and I am looking into moving there from the state of Nebraska. Is it just as difficult in California as it is in florida to be on the registry?
I did my 10 years of registry and am no longer on megans list can I buy a motorhome and just travel around
You need to check what each states requirement is. You may be good in yours but not in another. Check effective dates of their laws now the complication is that its not just state rules its each municipality. Meagans list is irrelevant as the new laws supercede in each area. The law was made for uniform compliance but never stopped them from getting deeper e.g. you need to register if you even touch florida within 48 hours for an aggrigate of 5 days ever . And just for stopping by youre on for life. You literally run the chance of javing to get on dozens of registries which is what sucks about this system.
Not 100% true. Many states if you show up there for more than a few days (or total days per year even If in small chunks) require you to register. They might not catch you but if you get a ticket you might be screwed and end up on their registry for life (even after you leave) and then when you return home it would be a “transfer” which might put you back on at home too.
Seen it happen. Even if you somehow expunged it, and we know you didn’t since almost no one can or does.
Just be smart man.
I flew to PA from FL to drive my brother and Sister-in-law back to FL in their Motorhome. I checked in with FL and told them what I was doing and upon arriving to PA was to check in with PA. I left on a Friday afternoon at 5:45PM and arrived in PA at 12:00 AM. My son picked me up at the airport and at 2:00 AM arrived at my brother’s home. At 10:00 AM I went to the PA State Police barracks and checked in and just before I got there they received the fax from FL. I told them I was leaving PA to drive back to FL as soon as I left the barracks. The officer that spoke to me said that since I would not be in PA for more than 48 hours there was no need to check in. Of course I told him that it didn’t matter I was following what FL told me to do.
The officer was most polite and respectful and gave me his name and contact info and when I checked in on Monday gave FL the info so they could check that I was telling them the truth about my actions.
Now that was ridiculous to go through all of that just to drive my brother back to Florida since I wasn’t gone that long. But I will follow the rules no matter how ridiculous I think they are.
I go to PA during the summer and stay with my brother for approximately 4 weeks every year and when I check in to PA they do not even register me. they just want to know where I am staying and as long as it is not more than 30 days it is all good. Then when I leave to come back to FL I just go to the barracks and tell them that I am leaving and that is it.
Are you on probation?
If you are on probation you have to get a travel permit to attend your own funeral or you will be violated in your casket.
No I never was and have been here since 2011 at the place I purchased in Florida.
I lost my Father-in-law in March. We were Snow birds for 5 years after my wife passed and in that five years there were three times even though I followed all the rules PA tried to say I was non compliant on three different occasions after checking out and returning to FL.
It was kind of upsetting knowing that since they actually threatened me with arrest.
Florida stood behind me on those occasions and I kept all of my paperwork from PA and FL to prove that I was compliant.
Most important to keep all of that paperwork just in case.