When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit
Information for Sex Offenders
A new study by Shawn M. Rolfe, Doctoral candidate at the University of Louisville, helps identify some of the requirements each individual state has when a registered sex offender travels there.
A chart contained in the study provides a useful reference.
Florida is one of the toughest states for registrants. An informal study showed that a full 25% of registrants in Florida have been forced into homelessness. That percentage is consistently above 30% (latest 38%) in Miami-Dade county.
If you have a 10 year registration period in your current state, Florida will put you on the registry for life which could turn your registry obligation in your home state to life. You may do better seeking out a state that won’t require you to register.
I’m glad you have an employment opportunity. Many registrants have successfully relocated to Florida. Before you make such a move do your homework and think long and hard if the move will be worth it.
Avoid the hassles. Visit your mom for 2 1/2 days.
I moved to Florida from Virginia. I moved here to help out my aging parents. I built my retirement home here. I have made many new friends and gotten involved in many interesting activities. It took a while for the authorities to get to know me, but after some frustration, I have been permitted to move on with my life. I was released from probation 11 years early. Keep in mind, the folks in the probation business have to ‘be tough’ to justify their existence. I believe that some were ‘abused and bullied’ children, but most are pretty decent people. While I hated leaving Virginia, I now call Florida my home and I love it here.
That’s great, I got off probation after proving I didn’t need it. I passed polygraph, have a great relationship with my trooper, and have had 0 issues in va. In fact, I travel to every state and have yet to have a single issue anywhere. Florida laws are much more stricter than Virginia’s. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m interested in moving to Florida for work I’m a sex offender
Good luck with it honestly. You’ll be registered for life and there’s nothing you can do to stop it
Narcissism is a major issue amongst sexual predators with young children as victims. Not saying you are a predator but your comment has a tone of arrogance I recognized immediately. Have you considered volunteering to attend Sex offender Treatment? I recommend it honestly because it seems like you’re in the cycle
In Virginia it’s mandatory any so with a crime against a minor to complete treatment. If you fail to do so, return to prison for a period of time determined by a judge.
You know who has a tone of arrogance? People who believe in “sex offender” treatment. You are definitely in the cycle.
I’m pretty sure being a Certified Sex Offender Therapist as well as a Licensed Therapist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology qualifies me enough to make the determination. Now have a great day. I will not give you any power over the subject any further than you already felt like you have and will Ignore all future replies from someone who is in No position to attempt to Antagonize someone with No Criminal record of Sex Offenses.
No ‘licensed therapist’ diagnoses narcissism from a 1-para. web post. Nor make such hasty treatment recommendations.
It’s true that there are great sex offense therapists in the community. You, on the other hand, are a fraud, and that is why you feel antagonized.
Being a “certified Sex Offender Therapist” likely just means he/she runs a substance abuse program, substituting sex and children for drugs and alcohol. It’s an absurd approach because 1) most sex crime is the result of poor judgment rather than addiction of some kind and 2) given that the same people run in and out of the drug courts every year and are continually ordered to those programs, they aren’t very effective.
“Sex Offender Programs” – particularly the court ordered ones – can only claim success because the overwhelming majority of those subjected to them were never inclined to re-offend in the first place.
CSOT’s response to Will Allen strikes me as a false claim made by a troll. Jacob is absolutely right.
My treatment provider was a forensic psychologist who specialized in SO rehabilitation. You’re correct, many states just ask drug programs to fit in SO to fulfill obligations to the federal government for their grant money. Florida puts everyone on for life so they can get more money. Problem is the federal government is now asking them how all the out of state SO are in compliance. That’s a requisite for getting that money.
Never mind the out of state registrants. I want to know how Florida’s dead registrants are compliant. Are they reporting to each sheriff’s department at the required intervals to confirm that they are, in fact, still dead? If so, shouldn’t that be more concerning than the living ones?
This is excellent! We need more of this. We need to ridicule the stupidest and most barbaric aspects of this state-pushed violence in order to bring the whole corrupt monster down.
Romeo and Juliet cases also need a lot more ridicule. What 16 year-old is really going to need therapy if a 23 year-old hottie blows him? Where is this person?
More! More!
The only reason that Florida keeps dead SOs on the Registry is to inflate the numbers, just like when someone leaves the state permanently and remains on the list. Just to inflate the numbers.
Considering that according to Psychology Today psychology is still not yet a science and considering that even if it were your particular branch, which relies on the discredited polygraph test, not even science in a protoscience I will have to give my condolences for all the money you wasted on that “degree”. Of course then you went out and inflicted it on a bunch of people under the color of law so… condolences rescinded.
CSOT, I attended and completed treatment many years ago. I have long ago recovered my life and the life of my family. I can tell by your use of ‘fancy’ judgmental terms that you have no clue as to what you are talking about so I shall not further waste my time. I am sorry that you are having to survive with such a poor attitude.
Hello. I live in Austin, TX and I want to visit my mom (in FL) this Thanksgiving for 4 days.
Under the new insane FL registration laws, it looks like I must register with the police AND the driver’s license office to get a sex DL or ID card within 48 hours if I will be in FL for more than 48 hours. Once that happens, I have some questions:
(1) Will the police ever come to my mom’s house to check on me (her)?
(2) Will the police ever notify her neighbors?
(3) Will her address be listed on the FL sex offender registry website?
If the answers above are YES, then I was wondering …
(4) Can I stay at a hotel while visiting her to avoid all this?
That’s it. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
Jason, it is crazy that you should even have to ask such questions but that is the level to which Florida has sunk. Florida doesn’t really care if their restrictions keep anyone safer, the bureaucrats just want to appear to be earning their pay check. The Florida policies destroy far more families than they protect.
Thanks again Charles. That’s exactly what I needed to know. By the way, the amount of time we’re allowed to visit FL before we need to register: is it four days or two days?
I believe it’s now 48 hours. Make a choice and dont look back.
You are incorrect. It’s 3 or more days, after which you have 48 hours to register.
Yes I was referring to h ok w soon you had to register. Should have put 3 or more days to clarify.
When I went down to see my daughter for her 33rd birthday, they told me I had 48 to register her address. I believe its 48 hours, to answer your question.
Jason, I live in Philadelphia, not one time in 7+ years did the State Police ever visit me or checked up on me.
They know that Tier 1 S.O., are not going to mess up again because they do not want to return to jail, that’s not to say it does not happen, it does occasionally.
3 or more days is NOT 48 Hours.
Thanks for your good comment Charles. Right now I am trying to decide whether I should visit my mom and put her house on the Registry (and possibly alert her neighbors) or whether I can stay at a hotel instead. Does anyone on the forum know the answer to this question?
Here’s the thing. You register down there for one trip could cause you all kinds of headaches. First they require you to get ID card which can possibly screw up your home DL. Secondly her neighbors would be notified or hotel which can possibly kick you out. Just go and have fun and stay out of trouble. Been there many times up to 4 days and no issues.
Is it 3 days in one location? If it is, then he should stay at his mother’s 2.5 days and elsewhere 1.5 days.
Personally, I won’t ever Register in Floriduh. Ever. No matter what. They have proven beyond any doubt that they are a criminal regime. I won’t be dealing with them. If they force me to, I promise I’ll make them pay dearly.
3 days total. Just dont do stupid stuff and you will be good.
Do they check airlines it hotels at disney if I use a travel agent…..is there anyway they can find out if you stay longer….is it stay 3 days than Yu have 48 hrs or what…
They only check yearly passes at disney from my understanding. What you should do is stay off the resort and buy daily tickets. I personally haven’t been there as my trip in May was canceled. As for registering,its 3 days but will cause you all kinds of headaches. Keep your nose clean and you’re good. I’ve been to Florida many times for a day or two due to my job. Never had an issue down there.
Charles – while you might have cone in the park in the past do not assume that you can do so indefinably. There are cameras all over the park and all of our photos are in databases and the technology exists to monitor each and everyone in the park with facial recognition systems.
I am sure it will not be announced when they do it…you will just be quietly escorted out of the park and banned for life. Might be embarrassing to be thrown out of Disney world in front of the kids and/or grand kids!
It’s illegal for them to use facial recognition as they’re not leo.
Since when did ‘illegal’ mean anything?
Don’t know who told you they are illegal. You could be in for a ride awakening.
Now all the tickets are prepurchased online due to covid: anyone haveany issues yet?
https://communitylawfirm.com/faqs-about-florida-sex-offender-laws Here us a link to a Lawyer who explains it. As I stated previously entering into Florida not necessarily taking up temp resisidence.Also Disneyland doenst allow sex offenders on their property. Facial recognition technology is illegal in many places but not everywhere.
I believe (someone correct me if I am wrong) that Disney is starting to use biometrics … Including facial characteristics … For the purposes of pass and customer validation. As that becomes the norm Disney will be able to cross reference offender registries. Since ALL offenders are forbidden from entering Disney properties you run an increasing risk of being singled out. I see the day when Disney may even report an offender’s presence to local authorities, which could result in penalty for violation of Florida Statute 943.0435.
Citations needed.
I was just down there and they don’t use any kind of biometrics against databases. That’s highly illegal. They use finger print for use with pass. Simple solution is to buy day pass as they do check season pass against registries. Or just don’t go there as it’s the only place to ban SO.
one second after 48 hours you are subject to be arrested for not registering. Police plate readers shows in system the first time they see you, so if seen again after that, pulled over, etc. They will arrest you for it. Then they put you on federal sex offender list (which min is 10 years) but forever on Florida list.
I don’t agree that this is accurate. You have 48 hours after establishing a residence (permanent, temporary or transient).
Secondly, the license plate reader thing is possible, but I don’t know that they track the information or cross-reference it the way you suggest.
I’m moving down to orlando fla from VA as a SO but the crime isn’t against a minor I’m off probation but the house is across from a school i can only see things for crimes against minors not being in 1000 ft.. any help?
You also need to check the County and City ordinances. Look them up in municode.
No offense, but you should know the laws are very strict in Florida. Should stay in Virginia, more lenient.
MULTIPLE FAC members have chosen to relocate to FL from VA. “Just stay out of FL” is not the solution for everyone.
Virginia is WORSE than FL. Kids can’t even be taken to school. Employers are subject to mandatory public shaming.
Think it’s hard for a registrant to get and keep employment in FL? Just remember that it could be worse. You could be in VA.
Nah man, I’m in Virginia and yes people know where you work. However, I can take my kids to school, court approved. Also finding a job I’d very easy, just look where other SO are employed
Once you move to Floriduh, you will be on the Floriduh registry the rest of your life.
Unincorporated Orange County has no additional restrictions to the state law. However, the City of Orlando does:
Sec. 43.94. – Residency restrictions for sex offenders.
(1)As used in this section, the term:a.”Child care facility” has the same meaning as provided in Section 402.302, Florida Statutes.
b.”Park” means all public and private property specifically designated as being used for recreational purposes.
c.”Playground” means a designated area for children that has one or more play structures.
d.”School” has the same meaning as provided in section 1003.01, Florida Statutes, and includes private schools as defined in section 1002.01, Florida Statutes, a voluntary prekindergarten education program as described in section 1002.53(3), Florida Statutes, a public school described in section 402.3025(1), Florida Statutes, the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, the Florida Virtual School as established under section 1002.37, Florida Statutes, and a K-8 Virtual School as established under section 1002.415, Florida Statutes, but does not include facilities dedicated exclusively to the education of adults.
(2)A person who has been convicted of a violation of sections 794.011, 800.04, 827.071, 847.0135(5), or 847.0145, Florida Statutes, regardless of whether adjudication has been withheld, in which the victim of the offense was less than 16 years of age, may not reside within 1,500 feet of any school, child care facility, park, or playground. However, a person does not violate this subsection and may not be forced to relocate if he or she is living in a residence that meets the requirements of this subsection and a school, child care facility, park, or playground is subsequently established within 1,500 feet of his or her residence. This subsection applies to any person convicted of such a violation for offenses that occur on or after October 1, 2004, except for persons who have been removed from the requirement to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator pursuant to section 943.04354, Florida Statutes.
(3)A person who has been convicted in a jurisdiction other than Florida of an offense that is similar to a violation of sections 794.011, 800.04, 827.071, 847.0135(5), or 847.0145, Florida Statutes, regardless of whether adjudication has been withheld, in which the victim of the offense was less than 16 years of age, may not reside within 1,500 feet of any school, child care facility, park, or playground. However, a person does not violate this subsection and may not be forced to relocate if he or she is living in a residence that meets the requirements of this subsection and a school, child care facility, park, or playground is subsequently established within 1,500 feet of his or her residence. This subsection applies to any person convicted of such a violation for offenses that occur on or after May 26, 2010, except for persons who have been removed from the requirement to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator pursuant to section 943.04354, Florida Statutes.
(Ord. No. 2013-26, § 1, 5-20-2013, Doc. #1305201202)
Other municipalities in Orange County may have additional restrictions.
Plate readers id the car not the driver or occupant. They can use it to establish a timeline but not as proof it was you.
Unfortunately the law says in the state. Meaning once you cross the state line into Florida regardless of where you stay if over 48hrs in 1 calendar year you must register and you will be registered for life even if you never go back. To me thats unconstitutional. This was told to my cousin by a lawyer in Florida who had to vacate Florida while on vacation to avoid it. Alot of those attorneys there will explain it better and for free if yiu respectfully ask them.
It’s 3 or more days.
Has nothing do with simply being in the state, either, or crossing state line.
Good morning and GOD bless you. Would i need to register if I were to visit from 20Nov2020 (6pm) to 23Nov2020 (9am). I’ll be traveling by plane.
If you stay at the same address for 3 or more days in the aggregate during a calendar year, YES, you must. As to the definition of day (as to whether the 20th and the 23rd count as days) you should call the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, because it is unclear.
Since when is the FDLE clear? Call them 5 times and ask 5 different people the same question and you’re likely to get 10 different answers (at least).
Personally, I would do exactly that, but record all of them to use in defense after arrest (which, being Florida, is a near certainty).
Dont worry about the law. If you go and dont do anything stupid, they wont bother you. Go see her and not stress the law. I have yet to encounter any law enforcement officers that cared if I was in their state as an SO.
Donate to the Florida Action Committee. They are fighting for your rights. Even a couple dollars will help the causes.
I suggest everyone to boycott states especially Florida and Texas! When it starts costing them billions of dollars in travel funds and tax money, along with starting to affecting their Government officials, jobs, education money of their schools and everything else, they’ll start changing their rules! Anyone involved in Movie productions, thinking about moving their business there, are you from movie was filmed there don’t go watch it also for any products that are distributed from there maybe there are even the cruise industry that departs from there , should also get everyone you know to support boycotting the state, businesses, filming in their state! People want to boycott Georgia because of an abortion issue, this Sex Offender issue is such a bigger problem! There are countless people on this list who have been convicted incorrectly females who were raped or attacked by male person people who have aged out of a relationship to become an adult “Just to name a few”! This problem it’s a bigger thing against individual continued persecution and prosecution!!
What are the rules in Texas if your taking a 6 day vacation? Would I have to register?