• If two 16 year olds text naked pictures to each other, they are sex offenders. If the same two 16 year olds actually have sex, they are not.


  • If you pay a prostitute to have sex with you, you are a sex offender and you committed a crime. If you pay someone to have sex with you and film it, you are a porn star and committed no crime.


  • Sex offender residency restrictions dictate that registrants can’t reside within 2500 feet of a school, park, day care center, etc. between 10PM and 6AM – otherwise they can travel throughout the city. Schools, parks, day care centers are closed between 10PM and 6AM.


  • Sex offender laws are designed to “protect children”. One-quarter of those convicted of a sex offense and put on the registry are children themselves.


  • Residency restrictions were passed because of the ‘high rate of recidivism’ (a myth, we know…). Residency restrictions cause housing instability and separation from support systems. Housing instability and separation from support systems are among the greatest catalysts for recidivism.
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