The US Supreme Court decided in favor of a registered sex offender in Nichols v. United States.  The SCOTUS decision came out today and it is the first time in recent memory that the Court decided in favor of a registrant.

The decision ruled that a convicted sex offender did not have to update his status on the federal sex offender registry after moving to a foreign country. Justice Alito, who wrote the opinion, said a straightforward reading of the 2006 Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act does not require registry updates after a sex offender moves out of the United States.

The key word in the above paragraph is “after”.

That said; that does not eliminate the requirement that a registrant must inform the US before (21 days before) of an intended absence from the country. That part is still law.

So while the net effect of the decision doesn’t change anything, it sure is great to get a US Supreme Court decision come out favorably.

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