Perhaps the most striking illustration that if a legislator wants to get a bill passed, all they need to do is throw the word “sex offender” in there and it’ll work.

Case in point: Currently in both the House and Senate are bills concerning the use of Drones (SB 766 and HB 649). A “drone” is essentially an unmanned aircraft that is generally used for reconnaissance.

National Geographic recently reported on some pretty creative uses for drones, now that they are becoming more inexpensive to manufacture and technology is more readily available. These uses include some that you would never think of, such as  Amazon package delivery, and others that are common sense, like storm tracking.

With the use of drones come privacy concerns. Just like Google maps can capture images of your front yard, a drone could extend that to your back yard too. So legislators proposed a bill that would make it illegal to record someone’s private property without consent… Pretty common sense, right? But then some legislators want to extend that to Public areas too, which is not so common sense and has raised some debate.

Well, to punctuate her argument, Lizbeth Benacquisto, Republican Senator from Wellington, is concerned about Sex Offenders using drones to scope out children in public parks! Really?!? While it’s technically possible… is that the argument that she’s hoping will tip the scale and force legislators to vote her way? I guess the power of the word “sex offender” is that strong.


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