Sex Offenders Denied their First Amendment Rights

(Weekly Update #222)

Dear Members and Advocates,

When I was searching for First Amendment firms to help the registrants in Brevard County who were banned from their county commission meeting, I reached out to many nonprofit organizations that focus on freedom of speech. Surprisingly there are a lot of them. I sincerely believed that based on the extraordinary facts in this situation and the legal research I did into both the Federal and Florida Constitutions as well as Florida’s robust open government laws, this case would be a slam dunk for any legal aid organization that would pick it up. I turned out being absolutely right about the merits of the case, as evidenced by the success Florida Justice Institute is having thus far, but I was absolutely wrong in thinking that First Amendment rights organizations would jump on this. Actually, I should correct that statement. They jumped on it, but when they discovered who the plaintiffs were, they were equally quick in jumping out.

There is a bias when it comes to dealing with our population and that bias comes, in large part, from the media and politicians who ignore the facts and have used panic to generate viewership and political brownie points. Even those who don’t personally hold that bias know that it exists and have to account for it in their decisions and interactions. I know that FAC has to account for it all the time. When we approach people as “criminal justice advocates” the doors open, but when we disclose the population we advocate for, the change in tone is palpable – even over the phone or through an email. We get it. There’s a public perception that everyone on this list is an inhuman recidivist who has abducted and molested a kid, when that’s absolutely not true. And while we can do a great job in educating the public and might be able to change the minds of 90% of the people we speak with, there will always be that 10% who think everyone on the registry should be shot. Whether that 10% represents a single judge or juror in a civil trial against Brevard County or a nurse in a Tennessee hospital, it’s a reality we all need to recognize.

Going back to when I was searching for free speech organizations to take up the cause, it wasn’t their bias against our population that became the sticking point, but bias that would come from public sentiment. The people who actually replied were quite sympathetic and agreed that this is a case that needed to be brought. They were extremely supportive, up to the point of being willing to put their organization’s name on the complaint, which none were willing to do. They all felt that whether it came from a potential judge who believes anyone on the registry deserves nothing other than punishment, or from a donor who discontinued their support of the organization after learning of the case, the bias is out there and with that bias comes risk.

Nurses in Tennessee are currently fighting for a bill that would require anyone on the registry to disclose their status to the hospital when being admitted. Although they claim, and might possibly believe, that there will be no difference in treatment, nobody should be that naïve. What if one nurse in the unit is part of the 10% referenced above? What if a nurse was the victim of sexual abuse when they were younger? What if the nurse had absolutely no opinion on the issue whatsoever, but was just told by a supervisor that the person she is going to draw blood from is “dangerous”? Do you think she will be focusing on getting the IV needle into the vein or worrying that the person she is treating is about to sexually assault her?

There is another aspect to this proposed law that people are not considering. People might forego necessary medical treatment out of fear of being harmed (or treatment withheld) by someone who may hold a personal bias against them. Or, people might forego necessary medical treatment simply in order to avoid having to self-shame themselves at the hospital. It’s the same reason many people would rather remain in their homes or vehicles rather than having to “check in as a sex offender” at an emergency shelter during a hurricane. Put into legal terms, it will have a chilling effect on people needing medical care but are deterred from seeking it because they don’t want to humiliate themselves or be exposed to potential harm or neglect.

If people can get laws passed on the implication that county commission meetings or hospitals are hot beds of sexual violence where people on the registry need to be formally flagged or provide advance notice, this argument can extend practically anywhere. Unchallenged, hair stylists, bartenders, flight attendants, or practically anyone providing a service can seek advance notice.

One of the best ways each of us can fight back against these bad laws or bills is to share our personal experiences in connection with active litigation. Sometimes, when you attach a real-world example of how a law has or would impact you or your family, it humanizes the problem and shows how even a well-intended law has had some serious unintended consequences that, in many cases, can even be a matter of life or death. We saw this over the last couple of months when a 71 year old homeless registrant was unable to obtain cancer surgery because of his housing situation and further, how his housing situation led to him being killed by a hit and run driver.  Neither tragedies were the legislative intent behind the residency restrictions, but both were a direct real-life consequence of the law.

On the top of our website, we pinned a request. We are seeking your participation in fighting back against some horrible laws here in Florida by asking you to submit real-life examples from real-life human beings in support of the ex-post-facto challenge. If you have ever asked yourself what you can do in order to alleviate your situation, this is a perfect opportunity for you to take action. You can find more details and information here:

If you want your voice heard, email your summary to and we will consolidate the responses. If you don’t have email, print a hard copy and mail it to the address on our contact information. If you don’t have a printer, write it in crayon on a napkin, we don’t care. We need these ASAP!


The Florida Action Committee


See Calendar of Events – Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.  For questions, contact or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions

Aug 20 – Meet-and-Greet in Daytona

Aug 26 – Women Only Meet-and-Greet – Fort Lauderdale

Aug 27 – Meet and Greet in Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood

Become a County Coordinator.  The only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county.  If you are interested in joining the County Coordinator Team, leave message at 833-273-7325, Option 1, or email

Letter-Writing Campaigns – If you would like to participate in sending educational information to specific decision makers in Florida, please  contact  Volunteers must be willing to proudly identify themselves by using their own name and return address on the letters.


Tennessee nurses push for new law to add protection from sex offenders

Nurses in Nashville are hoping to put a new bill on the books that would add another layer of protection against registered sex offenders. The hope is to have legislators take up a bill that would require sex offenders to present their offender identification card…

IL: Joliet has plan to force convicted sex offenders to move from their home: Build a park nearby

Joliet City Council members unanimously voted Tuesday night to buy a house, with plans demolish it and turn the land into a park — a tactic they hope will legally allow them to force out convicted sex offenders who are living in an apartment building nearby. The move…

FDLE investigates death of Florida inmate

A 35 year old serving a sentence for a sexual offense in a Florida correctional institution was killed on July 27th. The FDLE is investigating his death….

What’s next for Brevard County?

Yesterday the Brevard County Commissioners voted unanimously to enact an amendment to their proximity ordinance that would allow private businesses to self-declare themselves a “park”. As a “park” these businesses would be considered another landmark creating a 1000…

With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Volunteer Today!

Florida Action Committee

833-2-REPEAL     833-273-7325

5 thoughts on “Sex Offenders Denied their First Amendment Rights

  • August 9, 2022

    What if all individuals forced to register start participating in this? Why not make a registry of those who are abusing their power to abuse others, etc.? It’s a safety thing. That can be argued. Those who abuse their power are unethical and a risk to others. It would be helpful to have a registry like this to make others aware of who these individuals are. I mean it’s the same logic they’ve been using to justify their registry. So, how can it be wrong or illegal to do this?

    • August 10, 2022

      Ironic because once I posted about having registries for everything in opposition such as an “Abusive cop” registry. Even though it was in jest (Which I am assuming yours is) I got immediately shut down by FAC Moderators stating we are trying to get rid of registries, not add new ones. And frankly, I agree.

      • August 10, 2022

        Forgot to add:
        Registries were created for Weddings and Newborn baby gifts, not for causing harm to those who have done their time and paid the price with punishment.

    • August 10, 2022

      I don’t think the woman complaining has a leg to stand on. He isn’t writing slanderous things about her, and I’m assuming the pictures he took of her were taken in public which is 100% legal. The Supreme Court has ruled that there is no expectation of privacy while in public.
      While what he is doing might be viewed as a good thing, I agree with FAC that we do not need more registries. They do absolutely nothing to protect the public, and in Sobin’s case, its for punitive and shaming purposes only. Take for example this past Sunday when I was out for a ride on my bike. I was stopped at a red light and a bunch of high school girls were on the corner at a bank parking lot advertising their car wash. The girls were cheering to passing cars and asked me to let them wash my bike, so I pulled into the parking lot and let them. (they did a very good job and I paid them handsomely) while I talked to a couple of the parents. One of the moms even gave me a popsicle because it was a hot afternoon.
      As I was leaving I laughed to myself when I realized that these girls and parents were very nice to me and had absolutely no clue that I was on the registry. I’m sure if they had known I probably would have been stoned.
      My point is, me being on the registry did NOTHING to protect those young girls. They were safe because I’m not a monster, even though the State wants people to think I am. I can go out in public and mingle with people of all ages and no one knows my status. I actually make it a point to be around people of all ages whenever I’m in public because I’m a friendly person and will talk to anyone. The registry does absolutely nothing to “protect” the public from me, mainly because I’m not out to harm the anyone. I do what I want, when I want regardless of the registry.
      Your idea to create more registries in retaliation may seem to be a good idea, but I think the best way to retaliate is to live your life as normally as possible and mingle with people of all ages with no ill intent as I do. Show the public you’re not someone to be feared.

  • August 9, 2022

    Your article stated:

    “It’s the same reason many people would rather remain in their homes or vehicles rather than having to “check in as a sex offender” at an emergency shelter during a hurricane.”

    In 2004 when I lived in Seminole county, we had 4 hurricanes in less than a month. Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. Our area was evacuated but I, for the reason you stated above, stayed in my house. All four times I lost power, once for 11 days straight. I had roof damage, windows broken, vehicles smashed, and trees fallen to the point if I left, I had to do so on foot.
    This experience was scary and shameful but I felt if I was going to die, I was going to do it in the comfort of my own home and not at a shelter that (Even if they let you in) put you in a designated “Sex offender” area with warnings to others to not go in that area for their safety.
    After that, I have ridden out every hurricane since. The last big one we had also devastated my new area and was without power for over a month. That was Irma in 2017. One day one of them may take me out but I will do so on my terms and on my Knees preparing to meet my maker where there is only one registry, the book of life.


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