Florida Senator Baxley Proposes New Internet Identifier Bill

To combat the order from the Northern District of Florida, Enjoining the enforcement of the 2014 amendments to the registration laws as they relate to “Internet Identifiers”, Florida Senator Baxley has sponsored a new internet identifier bill, which can be read here:



FAC is considering its position on this bill and will advise shortly.

13 thoughts on “Florida Senator Baxley Proposes New Internet Identifier Bill

  • February 7, 2017

    I also wanted to add this thought as well. This bill is also another way to get the SO’s arrested the thrown back behind bars getting the registered citizen off the street. If this passes and becomes a law, and the SO does not report the website activity, then the arrest will come shortly after discovered

    NEVER THINK that the politician is just writing law to look good in the public eye. They are devious!!! With this law, they will seek to entrap as many as possible to get us out of the public. This is why they are trying it again. It’s not about safety, it’s about imprisonment!!!

  • February 7, 2017

    JEV has just addressed the politician’s request. SO’s already have to register their email addresses and identifiers already. This new bill is a no go as registered citizen already gives up his/her info. If there is any problem with breaking the law, all the website owner has to do it just turn over the email address “with proper legal documents” i.e. a warrant!!!!


    To make a person release to FDLE where an SO makes a comment and what site it is on is a “Direct Violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution.

    I don’t understand why the politicians are trying this again as it is for the same purpose…….that is to SILENCE the SO so we cannot complain and rebut the illegal laws that the politicians are creating. SO’s have the duty to educate the public about the truth of the facts and figures that the politicians are using are completely wrong.

  • February 7, 2017

    In Florida….Law enforcement person was arrested looking at porn on computer He claims he was only looking at children under regular situations even in erotic dress could not be charged as a sexual prediator Only those that engages children in sex or sexual poses would be sexual crimes!!! Who decides the difference? Is this true?G in Fl

  • February 7, 2017

    The FDLE already has a Identifier System in place. They ask for Twitter, Facebook any Chat and Snap Chat addresses you may use as well as email, phone’s, physical addresses etc. For those that are not Registrants you cannot access this system. The Registrant has a username and password and enters via FDLE website. You then manually enter and update your Registrant info there. So when I read about anyone commenting on the system its hard for me because they most likely cannot access the FDLE page each registrant’s DOC information. You must be a Registrant for this. The public/Lawyers etc. can only go by the Statute. So when I hear that I must enter a web address of blogs I may use, the FDLE Registrant Information webpage for me does not ask or currently require this information. Its a confusing mess and I hope that FAC can get it abolished. Its literally impossible to track everyone online and would cost the State Billions.
    JEV / True Confessions

  • February 6, 2017

    FWIW my husband just got picked up for not reporting an internet identifier just for having an IPhone. They said that his smart phone was probable cause enough to arrest him (and jail him overnight). He doesnt use email, he doesnt go on the internet. But just having an iphone was enough to have him thrown in jail for failing to report his email address. Even the agency that handles the FDLE database for this didnt think he would have to report MY email address. Meanwhile we are put in the position to hire a lawyer to get this charged dropped and it wasn’t cheap.

    • February 6, 2017

      When you rereg they ask you and confirm all your phones. Hiding or not disclosing any phone you use for personal and work is most likely a violation FAC help on this?

      • February 7, 2017

        Correct – home and cell phones are required to be reported.

      • February 7, 2017

        Yes they have had his phone number for many years. He was arrested for failing to update his internet identifiers. Again, he has no email, i gave him the iphone and he doesnt use it for anything but phone and text. What i’m saying is that JSO said him having an iPhone was probable cause to throw him in the clink. There is a bit more to the story – but that is the gist of it. When he went to report the week before they insisted that since he had an iphone he MUST have an email address and he was to report again the next week, and that he better have his email address then. They didnt care that he didnt even have email on there. Or use email. It was because he had an iphone. SO, i set him up with his own itunes account and assigned him an email address the day he went back. And when he came back they arrested him.

        FAC has not been much help, sadly. Some folks emailed me back with a few tidbits. Maybe i expect too much.

        Its ok, thanfully we can afford a lawyer this time.

        I am only posting this to serve as a warning for anyone outthere using an iphone but not using email on it…..they will still harras you. My husband has only had 1 violation in 12 years, this was uncalled for.

        • February 7, 2017

          Linniex, Please keep in mind that FAC is not a law firm, we are not attorneys and we are neither licensed, nor qualified, to provide legal advise. Additionally, we do not assist people with their individual criminal matters. Our objective is to challenge the registry as a whole on behalf of all registered citizens.

          The writer has personally exchanged five emails with you so far this month concerning your specific, personal matter. I think that given the fact that your husband’s current criminal case is outside the scope of the services we provide and the fact that you are represented by an attorney who you should be deferring to for legal advise, I’m not sure what other help you are looking for that would lead you to believe “FAC has not been much help”.

          I suggest you refer to our Legal Committee page (https://floridaactioncommittee.org/legal-committee/) to see what FAC can and cannot do.

  • February 6, 2017

    Seems like a reasonable compromise by this Senator.

    • February 6, 2017

      Any compelled registration of an identifier in connection with a website infringes on our First Amendment rights and we will strongly oppose this new Bill.
      Why does FDLE need to know who comments on miamiherald.com and under what name they comment?

      • February 6, 2017


      • February 6, 2017

        Baxley contends that “The requirement for sexual predators and sexual offenders to register their electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers has been an important tool for law enforcement in combatting the exploitation of minors. ”
        Just how is that it prohibited crime? thus they are ignoring the fact that one does not have to provide personal information to police unless you’re being detained or arrested.


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