More Ron Book Shenanigans

Lobbyist Ron Book Favors Puppy Mills and Homelessness

Who would push FOR puppy mills? OH… Ron Book would.

That’s what happened when Ron Book took a job as a lobbyist for one of the states largest retailers of pets. While the County of Miami-Dade’s motto has been “adopt, don’t shop” to encourage people to adopt from the county’s shelters, Book (undoubtedly motivated by the six figures his firm gets paid for it) argued FOR the puppy mills and asked the County for a waiver from the conflict of interest, allowing him to keep his six figure income from Miami-Dade even though their position conflicts with Book’s client.

Here’s the kicker…

According to the Miami Herald, yesterday “Miami-Dade commissioners were set to vote on stripping lobbyist Ron Book from his county contract if he didn’t agree to drop a puppy-store chain as a client over the industry’s efforts to block local regulations of pet sales. Book didn’t attend the meeting, and that didn’t matter. When Book’s requested conflict-of-interest waiver came up on the agenda late in the afternoon, Chairman Esteban “Steve” Bovo requested a delay until the prominent lobbyist and two associates could be there in person to defend themselves.”

In case you didn’t say “ah ha” Esteban Bovo is the commissioner who sponsored Ron Book’s amendment to the county ordinance allowing police to arrest homeless sex offenders on site. (Conveniently, ‘the Bovo Amendment’)

Dirty, dirty, dirty!!!

19 thoughts on “More Ron Book Shenanigans

  • May 15, 2018

    Commission voted 12-0 today to DENY him the waiver. Now we wait to see if he drops the county or Petland as a client.

  • May 3, 2018

    I would really, really hate to be this man (and his daughter) when they die and have to stand before God to answer for all the ways in which they used their supposed pain to make other peoples lives (and now animals) more miserable and not better. The Bible assures us that the wicked will eventually meet their ruin and will be destroyed and brought down. And these are certainly corrupt, wicked individuals we’re dealing with here. SMH (shaking my head for all you text language challenged people LOL—laughing out loud).

  • May 2, 2018

    I’m sure my Heavenly Father is taking note of this and as the only living word of God will soon reveal the truth behind the deception, and lust of one’s money:

    “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17)

    Also, remember to prayer for your enemy…. nothing makes them so mad. Of course, That is in the way of really reads. Here’s the true verse:
    “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

  • May 2, 2018

    Ironically, attacking Ron Book for his cruelty to animals will go further than attacking him for cruelty to humans

    • May 3, 2018

      It’s sad, but you’re so true there jw.

    • June 16, 2018

      Oh, yes! No doubt!!

      Did you know that in some states if you declaw your cat and then force it to live outdoors you can be prosecuted for animal cruelty. Care to guess why? You took the cat’s means of self-defense and escape.

      The state puts a scarlet bull’s eye on us via the public registry and then forbids us to have any means of defending ourselves should we be accosted by violent or even murderous vigilantes.


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