[FAC NOTE: This is actually a very balanced article. Might want to thank the journalist]

“It’s common sense. Why would you have a sex offender own a trailer park with kids?” Daggett said. “It’s all about opportunity and power, and they gave him both.”

So Daggett has been pushing for a state law that would establish zones near schools and parks in every Maine municipality where sex offenders could not live. Currently it’s up to cities and  towns whether to restrict where people convicted of sex crimes against children can reside. Daggett wants to make the “sex offender-free” zones mandatory across Maine.

Motivated by her traumatic experiences and a desire to help other survivors, Daggett has jumped into a longtime policy debate that pits a victim’s sense of justice against the tangible needs of offenders upon their release. There is no evidence residency restrictions make children safer, and people on the Maine Sex Offender Registry are already monitored by police and face difficulties finding housing.


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