In a presentation this week, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci proposed seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB), which would involve certain tier placements and petitions for registry removal, and allow registrants to view their profiles posted on the Megan’s Law website.

During the presentation, Bellucci invited CASOMB to join ACSOL and other organizations as an ally to ensure the proposed changes become law.

CASOMB stated it would create a committee to review the proposed changes.

Our Federal Government has asked all states to form a SOMB, but Florida has not seen the need to do so.  To be an effective SOMB, all sides need to be represented.  It should also be an independent agency that uses research  to inform the creation of policy and to evaluate how policies are implemented and their impact. (State off Illinois, “Sex Offenses and Sex Offender Registration Task Force Final Report”, 2017)


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