As predicted, the rash of backlash and stupid comments following Timothy Poole’s $3MM lottery win are pouring in. Every major news network has reported on it, as if no one else with a criminal record has ever won the lottery.

I’m sure plenty of robbers and drug dealers have won also, but since they are not publicly listed on the internet, we don’t know about it.

Daniel Vasquez, in today’s Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel wrote, “Florida should ban sex offenders from winning the state lottery. Period.”

Literally… he wrote that. You can read it here.

Does Daniel Vasquez think people with DUIs should win the lottery? They might go out and buy a few rounds to celebrate and…. How about drug dealers? Burglars? Murderers? Clearly people who’ve stolen money should not be permitted to win it, right?

Why don’t we just require criminal background checks to purchase lottery tickets in the first place?

So, what’s the big outrage that this writer concludes so emphatically that sex offenders should be banned from winning the lottery? Maybe he’s just used to hearing “sex offenders should be banned from…” and he’s jumping on the bandwagon?

Does he know that Sex Offenders have VERY LOW recidivism rates? Does he realize that many sex offenders never actually touched a child? Does he realize that many sex offenders are children themselves? Perhaps he should do some research and report on that?

Florida should ban ignorant reporters from winning the state lottery. Period!


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