Columbia County, Florida temporarily needs a different venue to hold their annual football jamboree, an event relished by the community.  It could be moved to Annie Mattox Park, but allegations surfaced that a person who is forced to register sits on the park board.  The association said they will be looking elsewhere.

The cancelation sparked an uproar at Thursday night’s Columbia County Commissioners’ meeting, which was September 16, 2021.  So far, the video is not up at

This man with a past sex offense was accepted on the board for Annie Mattox Park.  That tells us a lot, mainly that he is NOT re-offending and is a law-abiding citizen.  What is wrong with the Columbia Youth Football Association?  Lack of knowledge.

Several weeks ago, Annie Mattox Park had to be closed following a weekend shooting incident; yet, the Columbia Youth Football Association is okay with that but not having a man who learned from his past mistake(s) and is now acknowledged by his peers to be worthy of serving on a park board.

This association needs to be educated on the facts:

  • The re-offense rate for people who have a past sex offense is far lower than that for other crimes.
  • Ninety percent or more of future crimes will be committed by people NOT on the registry. Who is watching them?
  • Approximately 93% of child victims know their perpetrator, debunking the “stranger danger myth”.

Please send a letter to:

Columbia Youth Football Association

PO BOX 1326

Lake City, FL 32056-1326

If you need some research to support your position: (See page 14, “Sex Offense Recidivism”.) (See Conclusion on page 59.)  (The Department of Justice’s 2019 report on the recidivism rates of released inmates, whose most serious offense was rape or sexual assault, found there was a re-offense rate of 7.7% over a 9-year period.  That means that 92.3% of the sex offenders released did NOT re-offend.)  (Karl Hanson’s presentation at the January 2021 One Standard of Justice Webinar in Connecticut.  Start at 23:20.) (Start viewing video at 1:15)  (Paragraph 13 – Nearly all sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone NOT on a registry.)   (Among cases of child sexual abuse reported to law enforcement, 93% are known to the victim.)


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