Citizen Sues

Arthur West, of Olympia Washington, was an active user of the app. That is, until they didn’t like what he had to say and then kicked him off the platform.

Not one to be silenced, West sued Nextdoor and it’s CEO, using the precedent from a landmark sex offender case, Packingham v. North Carolina, that held the government cannot block an individual’s access to social media – which is the modern day “public square”.

West’s argument, that in partnering with government agencies, such as law enforcement, Nextdoor is acting as a quasi public body and therefore cannot restrict people from it’s public square. This is precisely the issue FAC has had with the company and their policy of banning registrants and their cohabitants from their website. (see: and

This is a case we will be watching closely and would love to participate in.

A copy of the complaint can be found here: West v. NextDoor

Thanks to the member who alerted us to it’s filing!

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211 thoughts on “Citizen Sues

  • April 1, 2023

    Same here they told me that by Uploading Pictures and information of Sexual Predators in the neighborhood that I was SHAMING the perpetrator and that is a VIOLATION. Hmmm

    So, in otherwords ND loves to protect these [moderated] over the protection of the community, Hmmmmmm!.

    I still post these [moderated] up on all my social media and if they stop me too, I will go to the nearest Corner in my community with High Traffic and expose how ND is banning anyone from letting neighbors know they have sexual predators in their communities.

    Better Yet I will post up a huge tarp style sign on I95 overpass to expose ND for not allowing people to post up sexual predators on their website. Once I get the medias involvement and a movement going it’s a wrap for ND.

    • April 1, 2023

      Derrick I doubt you’re qualified to identify who is a sexual predator. And you surely don’t have as much power over ND as you think you have.

      • April 1, 2023

        Sir stop being [moderated] I disseminate the information from Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Blotter. They have been convicted and found guilty of the same. You sound like a [moderated]

      • September 4, 2023

        He doesn’t have to be because flyers come out and they already convicted and release He is merely reposting it for everybody to see because most people throw those flyers away or don’t see them at all. Next door is nothing but a censorship of freedom of speech and it does not moderate equally when it allows people to post conspiracy theories and allow them to stay up and at the meantime if somebody is supporting blue lives matter you can’t even say that on next door

        • November 3, 2023

          My free speech has been violated by Nextdoor also on many occasions I’m fed up also who do i need to talk to

          • February 23, 2024

            I am getting harassed,and targeted for 3 years. All my posts get reported no matter what. I contact Nextdoor everyday, I appeal,my appeals get denied. I want it stopped & it continues everyday. I am sick of it.I want Nextdoor to be sued & to stop removing my posts.
            Nextdoor is allowing people to report me.

        • January 24, 2024

          I’m interested in a class action lawsuit. I was banned because I was speaking about finances. And I addressed the administration that made us inflated..

    • October 1, 2023

      Even though it may not be against NextDoor policies and guidelines. It is however against the law within California to do anything seen as harassment to those on the registry. Thought the question would also remain as to wonder if they are a true and actual threat. Pissing in public or streaking will land you on the registry. The football star who was going to play in the NFL still has to register even though five years later the girl came out stating that she lied and made everything up. Two fifteen years olds were dating and the girls parents didn’t like it and said the boy should have to register. The boys parents said it would only be fair if the girl did as well. So now they’re both on the registry. Not everything is child related and not everything has to necessarily involve someone. A woman can gode you on to getting ready for sex and leave the room. To then have a child walk in on you. Given that kids won’t lie. She can then also use that such thing against. So not everything can always be as it seems just because a piece of paper states as such. Life isn’t black and white. However, I got linked to this site because you can tell people on NextDoor the truth of why the economy is as messed up as it is and they’ll censor you. You mention that those that run the country went to Epstein’s island and they ignore that fact. Asking what does politics have to do with normal citizens and theft. Then report you about it.

      • October 1, 2023

        Sir with all due respect I’m referring to real life Child Predators and not those who get caught up in the system. Each case has its own validity and BTW I’m in Florida and not California and the rules are different here. I post these Child Predators up from the Palm beach County Sheriff’s Blotter Daily, on all other social media without issue. ND is the only site that gives me hell about it. Also, you’re speaking to a Victim of it as a child. [moderated]

    • December 3, 2023

      I have a challenge for you so that you can be an informed citizen who will stop believing the lies your apparently already believing without ever having really done the homework.

      HISTORICAL FACT: Convicted sex offenders have one if the lowest levels if reoffending of any other offenders. The only offenders to reoffend less than the convicted sex offender is the murder.

      Notice I said convicted sex offenders. This doesn’t apply to those who haven’t been charged and convicted. Who are these sex offender laws targeting? The registry does not nor can it target sex offenders who haven’t been caught and convicted because the registry only applies to those who have been convicted. Sex offenders are ranked as low as the 2nd lowest to reoffend. The term “reoffend” here specifically means to commit another offense of the same type as previously convicted in a court of law

      • December 3, 2023

        Sir I’m a victim of 3 sexual predators and I do not believe for one second you can cure these people. If given the chance they’ll do it again. BTW just because they haven’t been caught doesn’t mean they’ve stopped 100%. I will upload these monsters every time I get a chance.

        • December 3, 2023

          How do you determine who the monsters are? What is your criteria and qualifications? Certainly, as someone who was abused can be an advocate for others and help them on recovery.

          • December 3, 2023

            Yes, I can but I’m not that GODLY yet. At 54 years old, I still suffer from the effects of what was done to me at 7 and 8. I suffer from PTSD, Bipolar and High Anxiety for which I’m on medications for since 1990. I can’t get back what was torn from or CURE myself from the ills it caused. I’m in a LIFE of Hell dealing with metal illness based on what adults did to me. So, you can’t ask me to HELP the same people who harmed me, if anything they should be helping the people they destroyed. IJS

          • December 3, 2023

            You’ve got to heal yourself first. A good therapist can help you come to understand what happened to you and to help you manage your trauma. A person doesn’t need to be godly to advocate and help another person. Sometimes it is a matter of listening to people. Presence can be a comfort.

          • December 4, 2023

            How do you determine who they are? I determine who they are by what they do. At this VERY moment, I am awaiting a visit from my local police department to file a report for a sexual assault on my 15-year-old daughter which occurred at school in the bathroom by another female who defines herself as lesbian. She was sexually assaulted at a very young age and is doing everything she can to threaten and bully my child and put someone else through what happened to her. She threatened her with sexual assault and proceeded to feel her up and grab her chest. That is a monster. It is sick. She is rearranging my daughter’s life in order for her to feel unsafe while attending school. My daughter has spent days in bed crying since this happened and became physically sick with a temperature due to stress. THAT is what I call a monster. If you care to attempt to refute it, she also threatened to push her down stairs, spit on her, steal her belongings, etc. on a daily basis. So, for any of you who care to negate what I have said, have at it. Once a sexual predator, ALWAYS a sexual predator.

          • December 4, 2023

            So sorry that this is happening to your daughter and family. I don’t question that the person causing harm is a monster to you and your family. However, your “once a predator ” comment doesn’t hold water. There are those who never had a physical victim, caught up in some entrapment sting listed as predators. Science shows that the likelihood of a repeat sex offense is low. So the original question that I asked was how do you determine who the monsters are if their crime wasn’t against you? The likelihood that the girl who assaulted your daughter probably isn’t on the sex offender registry presently. So this registry once again shows that it doesn’t work. As for the girl who assaulted your daughter, I hope that she gets therapy and can put to rest her demons.

          • December 4, 2023

            To clarify, the science bwj refers to deals mostly with those who’ve been caught and held to account. But the alleged perpetrator here does not fit that profile and needs to be stopped.

          • December 4, 2023

            Lori’s predicament represents yet another example of the sex registry utterly failing to protect anyone.

            I am so sorry Lori, and hope there is a way out of this.

          • January 24, 2024

            Jacob, it provides me the ability to tell my daughter what route to take to the bus stop. It gives me the opportunity to show her where the rapists live. It allows me to show her how they get housing together…down the street and JUST far enough away from the elementary school in the neighborhood. It allows me to show her pictures of them, so she can run faster than a bat out of hell when she sees them. And if you’re not on the list, what’s it to you, anyway? No one will ever convince me the list doesn’t work. It sure helps protect my daughter. People need to be aware of who they are and where they live. They can be your next door neighbor. It’s like cancer. There is no discrimination as it exists everywhere. As far as I’m concerned, put their photos on a digital billboard. That should sure be a deterrent for anyone to not allow themselves to be in a position where anyone could make accusations and be aware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. It goes back to the old adage about surrounding yourself with people who bring you up and not down. In closing, I sure don’t need anyone to tell me this list doesn’t work. It does, period.

          • January 24, 2024

            Lori, your daughter is more likely to be abused by your spouse or a grandparents or uncle a classmate or someone from church than they are from someone on the registry. Statistics show that time and again, that people on the registry don’t commit more sex crimes. It’s the folks not on a list that pose the greatest danger to your daughter.

          • January 24, 2024

            This is Supersad and this is my point that sexual predators are not mostly males but females too, but they DO NOT get exposed like males do.

    • February 24, 2024

      Oh so it’s okay to shame and violate the victim but not the predator is that right?

    • March 14, 2024

      The real problem with next-door is larger than this. The problem is they allow children to be on their platform and they require everyone to give out their addresses. They published those addresses. That should be Criminal. You should be able to preserve your own address privately without giving out all of your information. That’s why I’m no longer on the platform and considering litigation for violations of right to privacy. You cannot make the terms of your platform include, doxing yourself publicly

  • April 1, 2023

    any idea how to find out who our leads are? I have been told they [moderated] deleting and voting to ban people.

    • April 1, 2023

      I’d love to know myself. I feel the moderators should be sued personally.

      • August 6, 2023

        We are staring a lawsuit in Burlingame, CA and are naming the moderators which it took us awhile to identify. We are including conspiracy and will supoena all electronic records. Will post progress.

        • August 6, 2023

          Awesome keep me posted. I need to subpoena records of a neighbor who used the N word against me. Instead of suspending them I got suspended for 30 days.

        • August 14, 2023

          If you don’t mind please email me about your case. I am in upstate NY and having major problems with the local moderation protecting white nationalists and banning minorities. I have the names of a few reviewers here. They and the Leads are shown as such in their profiles btw. I have reached out to the ACLU and SPLC about this.

        • August 19, 2023

          ALI there are several of us in Murrieta CA that are being censored and discriminated against by the ND leads which we have reported and ND does nothing. Would you mind providing the attorney’s info you are using? we can’t seem to find anyone in our area.

        • August 21, 2023

          HOW do you figure out who the moderators are?!? I’d love stick it where the sun don’t shine for these people.

          • August 22, 2023


          • November 26, 2023

            Apparently they’re random people selected to be next door team leads. But I can tell you one of my posts was removed over eight times because of a team lead who reported literally every comment and every post that I made in an effort to get my account suspended and my voice silence on the platform. I complained about this specific team lead for months and nothing was done about it. That’s the definition of discrimination and I’m still encountering issues now that my account has been suspended indefinitely because next door support pulled all the times my account was suspended which included half of the dates which this team lead had my account suspended for frivolously reporting the same post over and over just to have my account removed or suspended. These people are just regular neighbors who abuse their power when they have a personal issue with someone and make it their vendetta against the end of visual to silence their voice entirely on the platform. So now my account has been suspended indefinitely because of this team lead abusing her powers. And I’ve explained this to support countless times but they don’t keep records of anything when it comes to communication.

          • November 27, 2023

            I’m having the same problem as well and the leads can be Id’ed by a green tree by their profiles. I’ve been suspended for the same thing.

        • September 1, 2023

          Ali H
          How did you find out who the moderators we’re that suspended you? They are out of control here in Florida.

        • September 1, 2023

          Hi Ali. Can you please give me the name of the attorney that you are using to sue ND?

        • October 2, 2023

          Is your suit a class action suit? If yes, I would like to join the suit
          Joyce Cain Esq.

          • November 10, 2023

            I have been so harassed by a lead, she’s unstable. She has taken my private info, called people in my private life to verify my credibility…She even called my dogs vet! She deletes any comments of people who say they’ve had the same experience with her, then she suspends them for a month. She is insane! Nextdoor just ignores all complaints.

        • November 26, 2023

          We need to do the same as far as a class action lawsuit here in Florida because the next-door team leads and the review team members work with each other especially when there are members on the platform that the individuals do not like. They will make it their mission to make sure that the content that is reported that does not violate community guidelines will be voted in favor of the content violating community guidelines which constitutes discrimination and a violation of freedom of speech. We need to band together here in Florida and get rid of the so-called team leads who are abusing their power to suspend accounts like mine which have now been suspended indefinitely because of constant reporting of my content for frivolous reasons other than the fact these people just have something against me

      • August 6, 2023


  • March 13, 2023

    You’re exactly the kind of person PFRs despise. You’re harassing this guy for no reason other than to draw attention away from whatever skeletons you have in your closet instead of letting this guy move on with his life. Its bad enough PFRs have to deal with the registry; they don’t need people like you trying to make their lives worse.
    You really need to get a life.

  • March 10, 2023

    In today’s world you can be convicted and labeled without being guilty.

    • March 11, 2023

      Not just in today’s world but since the beginnings of time sir.

    • April 1, 2023

      Yes, I’m Black people and a male, so I know it all too well. Look at how many BM’s are being exonerated over the last 35 years based on a lie. Hmmmm

  • March 9, 2023

    If you expect to find freedom of speech on Nextdoor you are assured to be disappointed.

    • April 1, 2023

      Silence is never the answer.


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