Citizen Sues

Arthur West, of Olympia Washington, was an active user of the app. That is, until they didn’t like what he had to say and then kicked him off the platform.

Not one to be silenced, West sued Nextdoor and it’s CEO, using the precedent from a landmark sex offender case, Packingham v. North Carolina, that held the government cannot block an individual’s access to social media – which is the modern day “public square”.

West’s argument, that in partnering with government agencies, such as law enforcement, Nextdoor is acting as a quasi public body and therefore cannot restrict people from it’s public square. This is precisely the issue FAC has had with the company and their policy of banning registrants and their cohabitants from their website. (see: and

This is a case we will be watching closely and would love to participate in.

A copy of the complaint can be found here: West v. NextDoor

Thanks to the member who alerted us to it’s filing!

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211 thoughts on “Citizen Sues

  • March 9, 2023

    They just issued me my 1st 4-day ban for posting up a picture of a convicted Pedophile who poses a threat to the community. They say it’s a SHAMING VIOLATION. But on the Rules and Regs it says what I was doing is a Concern for all, so I have the right to post it. So, they have basically discriminated against my FREEDOM OF SPEECH rights even though I didn’t violate the rules of conduct based on some people didn’t like seeing it posted, maybe friends and family of his. I would love to join that class action lawsuit 100%. I’ll be back on Sunday, I guess.

    • March 9, 2023

      You don’t know if he’s a threat to the community, and he probably wasn’t convicted of what you think.

      • March 10, 2023

        He was convicted sir hence why I uploaded it because they just released him into my community. STOP BEING A PEDOPHILE SUPPORTER UNLES YOU ARE ONE YOURSELF.

        • March 10, 2023

          I’ve never seen anyone on this site advocating for crimes against children. This site and others like it, advocate for the elimination of the registry and the draconian measures related to the registry. Nothing more.
          Seeing as the information about anyone on the registry is available through the FDLE website, it seems completely unnecessary for you to have taken the actions that you did.

        • March 10, 2023

          No one is condoning or excusing what he did. He was judged in a court of law, which is where he was supposed to be judged. He did his time and was released and now he has been given an opportunity to become a productive member of society. He has a right to live his life now and to work, pay his bills, and move on with his life. Its going to be difficult for him and he doesn’t need people like you hindering his rehabilitation. You do not have a right to judge him or to do anything that would harass him. Are you going to do the same thing for someone convicted of drunk driving who moves into your neighborhood? Drug dealer?
          Why are you even here on this forum? I gather you are not on the registry and it sounds to me like you support registries. Do you not have better things to do?
          People on the registry face a lot of obstacles, and they don’t need people like you harassing them. You don’t have to associate with him and I doubt he wants to associate with you so why not just leave him alone? He deserves a chance to become a productive member of society, so give him that chance, and if he screws up, you’re more than welcome to be the first person to call 911 on him.

          • March 11, 2023

            SIR WITH ALL DUE RESPECT I have a duty to make sure residents know who he is so if something happens in their area they can check him, and others like him. Plus, I would wanna know if there is a Sexual Predator in my hood no matter what. It is my duty and Lifes work to make parents aware of who’s living among them. Sorry you feel differently but I will continue to do this work no matter what others say or feel about it. If you’ve never been a Victim, you’ll never understand. I said what I said, and I stand firmly on it. CHILDREN FIRST ALWAYS! Plus, many people DO NOT know who’s living among them until something happens. But as for me and you we will AGRRE to DISAGREE on this matter.

          • March 12, 2023

            In Florida, sheriffs take it upon themselves to notify the neighbors when someone is designated a sexual predator by the state. The problem is that the state does a very poor job predicting who is at risk to engage in predatory behavior. It’s almost never someone who’s already been held to account for criminal behavior. And almost never a neighbor. Almost always it’s a youth coach, youth pastor, or other regular person who has no criminal record. That’s why even with community notification, sex crimes in Florida keep happening over and over again.

            I don’t know the specifics of the case of the neighbor you are talking about, but if it’s been a number of years since this individual was released to the community, and they’ve remained crime-free all that time, then it’s unlikely that that’s the person your neighbors need to worry about. You have the right to be angry at them, but that is a different matter than neighborhood safety. Unless, of course, they have a history of actually preying on neighbor kids.

          • March 12, 2023

            I’d certainly would like to know where all the self proclaimed vigilantes are so that I can protect my family.
            The problem is that the people that you need to most worry about are the people who are not on the registry.

          • April 23, 2023

            I will like to know if a former or registered predator has moved into my neighborhood to protect my child, it only right, normal, and fair. However, I wouldn’t won’t him to be ashamed nor picked on. It isn’t their fault they suffer with that problematic behavior in my opinion. I have faith they all can get well and beat that addiction, but realistically, it is rare and in most scenarios, unlikely.

          • April 23, 2023

            Not everyone convicted for a sex crime and thus on the registry is a predator, Maria. There are people who are on the registry for something that occurred 10, 20,30 years ago who have never reoffended. There are those who never harmed a child or person. I’d ask why are you not as concerned about someone with a drug, dui, or burglary conviction when it comes to the safety of your child?

          • August 14, 2023

            Is it a sickness or depravity that happened to them that they never received mental help for? Hmmmmm.

            No one all of sudden becomes a Child Predator Molester, Rapist or murderer w/o something prompting it.

            There are millions of kids who’ve been molested raped and never received any in-depth therapy for it, so they go along in LIFE repeating the same to others.
            Life Long Therapy is key..

          • August 14, 2023

            I’m not sure where you get your reasoning, but you’re dead wrong. Not everyone that is molested goes on to molest.


          • April 23, 2023

            Checking on someone who committed a crime is the job of the police. I’m glad that there is someone who will do their job because they are too incompetent to do it themselves.
            It also makes me feel safe knowing that God died and left you in charge to carry on his duties.
            It’s apparent that you never read Matthew 5-7. [Moderated].

      • March 10, 2023

        Don’t be too hard on Derrick. He is exercising what is known as the ‘thermodynamic’ defense…pass the heat on to someone else to get it off of yourself.

      • March 12, 2023

        And that is the trouble with our society today. Too many people making excuses for and defending bad behavior.

    • March 9, 2023

      First of all, no one has ever been convicted for being a pedophile. Pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis, not a crime. Because it is used out of that context, the word has lost all meaning and now just serves as a dog whistle. Second, how do you know the guy whose picture you posted is a threat to the community? The answer is that you don’t. Finally you might ask yourself what is motivating you to engage in passive aggessive vigilantism by posting a picture when he is probably on the sex offense registry. You might consider getting a life and allowing others to get on with theirs.

    • March 9, 2023

      It’s my understanding that Next-door, like Facebook, is a privately owned company and therefore can set rules for what can br posted on their site. Facebook bans registrants from having an account, and several people here have commented that Next-door prohibits or regularly blocks registrants and anyone else who lives with them to use the site .
      But why would you post a picture of someone on the registry on Next-door to begin with?

      • March 10, 2023

        They threw me off because my husband is on the registry. I can’t imagine why they didn’t embrace the idea of someone posting a picture of a registrant. That’s the type of site I think it is in my opinion. I’m happy they didn’t and don’t understand why anyone would think it was a good idea to do something like that. Double shocked that that person is on this site. For what purpose?

  • June 3, 2022

    Hi I made a joking type of comment someone complained about weeds somewhere in community were to high…. I made wise-ace remark like (don’t remember word for word) Well if you want something done right you got to do it yourself…That must of been really violent wording do you think so? Since Covid people are going berserk or something.

    • June 3, 2022

      What are ‘Covid people’?

  • December 23, 2021

    Why are people so determined to access a service that they hate so much?

    • December 23, 2021

      Freedom of speech.

      • December 23, 2021

        Can we not play politics because both parties try to suppress free speech? I’m a Conservative and Former President Trump isn’t my ring leader. My problem is both parties take no accountability for their actions and it ticks me off.

        • December 23, 2021

          Brandon, You are right. Bob’s comment was edited.

          • December 23, 2021

            Nextdoor is entitled to freedom of speech, just as you and I are. We can’t just petition the government to force Nextdoor to deliver our own messages. They have the constitutional right not to, even if we don’t like it.

          • December 23, 2021

            So much for freedom of speech lol point proven

          • December 23, 2021

            You are free to speak but we reserve the right to remove comments that do not meet our member code of conduct.

          • December 23, 2021

            Right, but every other thread on here is talking politics yet that’s allowed. I was stating an opinion as you see sites like Twitter, Nextdoor banning anyone who goes against the lefts agenda of getting vaccinated. I don’t believe I said trump was my leader as the previous guy said. XXXX is making this political by his statement can that be revised please?

          • December 23, 2021

            We’re you looking for a site on vaccination? This is a forum about sex offenses.

          • March 1, 2022

            you’re right if you spoke up about the dems or the virus or vaccine they will remove you, I have been suspended for _ _ _ _ using that! it isn’t even letters! got suspended for BS, but have seen dems spell it out and not get removed they post anything they want and nothing happens to them.

          • April 5, 2022

            In other words people are not free to make comments that you don’t agree with. It has little to do with any code of conduct with Nextdoor. Nextdoor started out as somewhat helpful but has lowered themselves to the same worm crap level as the other ‘in the tank’ services as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and others. I have been put in time out more than a few times by Nextdoor for ‘violations’ that have not in any way violated any guidelines and interestingly Nextdoor is not at all interested in telling me how I violated anything. They remain silent which is a HUGE red flag as to their real agenda.

          • April 5, 2022

            I’m surprised you are even allowed on at all. My husband is on the registry and they booted me off because of it.

          • April 1, 2023

            You can go to your account settings and “request my information” to download all your records on ND. Then you can easily read what you wrote about the same time that you were suspended and you should be able to figure out why you were suspended.

          • April 1, 2023

            You see it in real time and it’s BS and so are the Moderators, who feel entitled to Hush up certain peoples Free Speech. Must be empowering to

          • December 30, 2022

            Nonsense. They banned me for saying the unvaccinated were the people spreading Covid and that makes don’t work. Both were true statements but didn’t fit the narrative they wanted out there.

          • January 4, 2023

            I had a pic of the saying, “I’d love a mean tweet and $1.43 gas right now.” A few months ago, my account was reported for a false name. I offered a copy of my ID, and without requiring it, my account was reinstated. About a month ago, AGAIN, I was reported for a fake name. They suspended my account. Hilariously, now, I AM on ND under a fake name. Makes great sense! Stupidity at its finest! Weed out the real people and bring on the fakes!

          • December 23, 2021

            FAC 3

            I didn’t intend to have Bob’s comment edited; however if all of us are going to be fair both political parties suppress free speech. Even if I somewhat disagree with a comment I’ll never want it edited. Bob is entitled to his opinion and I respect that as an American.

    • February 10, 2022

      Why? Because I have as much right to my opinion as my neighbors. They report you any time you have a difference of opinion. Why should this be allowed?

      • February 11, 2022

        Why use Nextdoor to publish our opinion? Can’t we express it elsewhere?

    • February 11, 2022

      It’s become a principled argument. Big tech and social media sites have determined themselves to be judge, jury and executioner in order to further an agenda. As has been said, social media has become a ‘town square’ of sorts.

      Many towns have moved toward posting public notices and other town notifications on FB pages, etc. They still maintain physical public bulletin boards but in a lot of places these aren’t as prominent as they once were. The Internet has become the go-to for much of the same things once found publicly posted by towns and cities and therefore some serious thought needs to go into how these towns are using social media and if social media sites are being used for this information they should be made to abide by the same rules towns have to follow when posting through physical media.

      Social media sites that do not want to ‘play ball’ and be unbiased should disallow such municipal postings if they want to maintain the right to allow content as they see fit. Once they go down this road they should rightfully be subject to some or all of the same rules that governmental agencies are supposed to be following concerning rights and privileges of the citizens.

      I personally hope Nextdoor gets their asses handed to them as should all social media sites.

      • April 1, 2023

        I agree 100% with you ND and its staff as AH.

    • August 14, 2023

      Why are people so determined to ignore the abuses of marginalized people? Because it doesn’t affect you?

  • December 23, 2021

    I’ve been suspended by ND 5 times now.

    30 Day Ban on again.

    Yeah its my 4th time getting the boot. 1st time was for telling people to trust in the Lord & not man or the Jab for Vaccine Jab.

    2nd time was for having a bible verse mentioning God in my posts but they reversed it once I pointed out that people were allowed to say God Bless America but I couldn’t have a bible verse in my post. They also took down my post that I was grieving about my dog who passed away because yet again I had a bible verse in it. It got over 200 conversations & like 180 likes. They restored it but i think they deleted it again.

    3rd time last week they said was a mistake or over site lol?

    4th time yesterday I think was because I commented on the lady post who was using her sick husband to tell ppl to get the Jab? I think they also could have done it for reporting her post as misinformation.

    I emailed next door yesterday to ask what I did this time to so greatly offend them as they think I am some sort of trouble maker now probably lol. I plan to challenge what ever their reason is and even get ahold of their CEO & other important people via Linkedin. I have like 11k connections on that site so it might help. #nextdoor #cancelculture #censorship #censorshipsucks #censor #freedom #freedomofspeech

    • December 23, 2021

      Let me know how that goes or if you have any other way of contacting them, the discrimination is real on that site. I’ve been suspended for posting facts with articles while people sit there bullying me so I just report them yet I’m the one who gets kicked off.

      • December 23, 2021

        I was booted off because my husband was on the registry, not for anything I did. Who needs to participate in something that judgmental? Not me.

      • January 6, 2022

        I’ve been booted twice in less than a month for posting ‘misinformation’ yet when I demand that Nextdoor show me what I posted that was this ‘misinformation’ they ignore the requests. However, they allow every left wing nutjob to post anything they want regardless of the validity of the post.

        • January 4, 2023

          Exactly! They can’t prove the misinformation because it isn’t misinformation. They shut down the debate if it disagrees with their opinion. Not sure where you live but on the Central California coast there are many more liberals.

      • February 10, 2022

        The exact thing has happened to me. I’m so angry because you have no recourse. They deserve to be sued for their unjust practices.

        • December 30, 2022

          There should be a new class action lawsuit against Nextdoor’s unequal treatment of people with conservative views.

          • December 30, 2022

            Glad to see no one’s calling to sue FAC over its unequal treatment of pro-registry views.

    • December 23, 2021

      I do not deal with Nextdoor because it has idiots managing its operation.

      • April 1, 2023

        Exactly Sir!

    • February 11, 2022

      I was given a 30 day ‘time out’ by Nextdoor. One of the posts they used as justification was one in which I and another member were discussing remedies and I jokingly said something about drinking whiskey and going to bed would cure anything. Nextdoor actually eluded to this as me spreading misinformation about cures. If that doesn’t show anyone the mindless censorship that Nextdoor engages in nothing will.

  • December 8, 2021

    From what I have read this morning, I am confirmed as to why I do not waste my time with Nextdoor or Facebook. I have better things to spend my time with. Let the liberals knock themselves with these sites. I couldn’t care less.

    • December 8, 2021

      Couldn’t agree more Robert… What do we need to do collect email addresses? And start a group?

      • December 20, 2021

        How can we join or sue? I was disabled form the site then they told me why. I called someone a bully, so when I was reinstated I took screenshots of individuals calling me an idiot, clown, and just other stupid stuff which didn’t bother me but I was suspended for saying someone was a bully. But they did nothing to these individuals who shamed me even though it’s against there policy. I would like to know how I can sue or contact for this discrimination all because I’m not vaccinated.

        • December 21, 2021

          I don’t see any grounds for a lawsuit as described here.

          • December 21, 2021

            …but I am not a lawyer. “Can we sue” is best answered by them.

        • February 10, 2022

          Exactly! You are not allowed to defend yourself. They totally will gang up on you if you have a different opinion. And even with links and proof they kick you off for misinformation.

        • January 4, 2023

          I experienced the same sort of thing. You are not even allowed to defend yourself when you are attacked but the person attacking you gets off Scott free.

        • August 19, 2023

          Seems like ND leads can do whatever they want. There is a very contentious HOA election going on in our community which is divided in half. The ND leads are on the opposing side and there are three female candidates (which I am one) and the opposition can call us names, bully us, shame us, post blatant lies all of which get reported but nothing ever happens to their supporters, but our side gets accounts disabled for 30 days, posts removed, etc.. We file report after reports with ND about biassed leads and nothing happens, they simply ignore us. We would be very interested in joining a lawsuit against ND.

          • August 21, 2023

            Spot on! I had my name as Elle Tiller with a pic stating I’d love a mean tweet and $1.43 gas right now. I was suspended saying that’s not my real name. They have requested to see my ID! They need to read their guidelines which state your name or what your neighbors know you as. Then I made my ID L Tiller with the same pic. They came back again saying I couldn’t use initials when a ridiculous number of people use initials. Would this be reported to the FCC? It is RIDICULOUS!!!!

      • April 1, 2023

        Let me know when y’all do cus a movement has to happen to affect change.

  • October 29, 2021

    Tonight on Shark Tank, they have a guest panel member. The founder or something from nextdoor. This will be the first time I will not watch the show. If I do, I will put my boot through the TV’s screen. I can’t afford that.

    • November 19, 2021

      Anyone know where there are examples of lawsuits (other than the one above) filed against Nextdoor, or other social platforms, which might be helpful?

      • December 8, 2021

        I don’t know about a lawsuit they seem to claim you can’t sue them. I would like to start a letter-writing campaign and threaten to boycott their sponsors and hit them in their wallets. They have a lot of companies selling stuff or offering services. If we could get them to pull their advertising money nextdoor would suffer.
        I would love to organize with others to do that. Nextdoor needs to be brought down with a reality check. They are out of control with their bias.

        • December 16, 2021

          See now, this is a good example of the sorts of comments FAC moderates

        • February 11, 2022

          Robert, I would join any letter-writing campaign against Nextdoor and threaten to boycott their sponsors.
          Please include me in any future plans. THANKS

          • February 12, 2022

            I’m in too!

        • March 8, 2023

          I agree and when you guys are ready let me know asap…


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