Courts Former Lucas County probation officer pleads guilty to having sex with clients
Ohio Probation Officer Convicted of Sex Offender Offense
A former Lucas County probation officer who was accused of having sex with two of her clients pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of sexual battery.
Angela Kimball, 40, of Walbridge, faces up to five years in prison when she is sentenced Dec. 4 by Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Dean Mandros, although as part of a plea agreement, prosecutors said they would ask the court to place Kimball on community control.
Probation Officer Must be on Sex Offender Registry
Judge Mandros told Kimball she also would be classified as a sex offender who must register her address with the county sheriff every 90 days for the rest of her life.
Tired Of Being Mistreated WOW i so much agree you said it just how i thought.
Haggerty High just had its third teacher I believe arrested in 3 months for sex with students and none were offenders. Imagine that.
I believe she is listed as a sexual preditor because offenders usually dont have to report that often. Another thing once again a woman gets no jail time. While I was pleading my case to the judge the assistant state attorney stood up pounded the table with her fist and demanded I be sent to prison and I didn’t even have a victim
One of those who made a living controlling others on this useless registry must now ‘taste the bitter medicine’ they have been forcing on others. I do not wish such treatment on anyone…even if they have been part of the problem and misery of others. I just hope that one day the ‘light’ will come on and the registry will be refined to reflect the service to the community that it was intended for from the very beginning. Unfortunately there are some who truly need to be monitored, but for the most part, those on the registry could be removed and society would have nothing more to fear than they do with the registry. Law enforcement has more of importance to concentrate on than to worry about an SRO going to the store to buy groceries or get a hamburger and a shake.
I would think she would be considered a sexual predator, not offender!
Huh !!!!??? Another Sexual Crime committed by someone of “Authority”, And the WERE NOT on “The Registery” !!!!. But she is now !!. Lotta good that did to protect her victims !!!!. What a JOKE this “Registery” crap is !!!. Everytime someone else gets Arrested for a “Sex Crime” and they are NOT on the “List”, Just proves it’s a waste of time and money, AND proves it’s a form of PUNISHMENT !! Everyone that has been Convicted of a sex Crime has tried to fight to prevent their name from being added to “The Registery” !!! Because EVERYONE knows it’s the RUINING of their LIVES !!!. My Honest opinion is, If the Government wants to put people on a List that RUINS Their lives, Prevents them from finding Work, Or Housing, Then the Government SHOULD BE REQUIRED to support said people !!. And not by just giving them $200 a month in Food Stamps !! I mean, By providing DESCENT Housing, And either a DESCENT Job, Or Provide them with enough money to LIVE !! That’s just my opinion though !!. I bet if I ruined someone’s life AFTER they completed their sentence, I’d have to provide these things to them ???.