FAC Announcements April 2024


“PETITION TO THE UNITED NATIONS TO INVESTIGATE THE UNITED STATES’ SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY AS A VIOLATION OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.” Reached 6,884 signatures.  Help us get to 7,500 signatures before the NARSOL Conference in June! Tell friends and family to sign the petition at: https://www.change.org/p/public-sex-offender-registration-is-violation-of-universal-declaration-of-human-rights   NOTE: If asked for a donation, the funds will go to Change.org, NOT FAC. No donations are necessary.

Ex Post Facto II Lawsuit – Bench Trial concluded in November 2023 in the Northern District Court in Tallahassee.  The judge released his ruling in April 2024 that clarified reporting of temporary addresses.  More information here.

Ex Post Facto I Lawsuit – Bench Trial will be in the Southern District Court in Miami.  No dates have been set.  The judge is waiting for the outcome of the Ex Post Facto II case in Tallahassee before proceeding. 

Marking on Driver’s License – Lawsuit has been filed to remove the SP marking from the license, however it is likely that the statute number will remain.

Municipal Lawsuits – The FAC Research team is compiling a matrix of all county and city ordinances.  In many cases, the restrictions in the ordinances violate a constitutional right.  Attorneys will begin challenging the ordinances once plaintiffs are confirmed.  If you are interested in being a plaintiff in a municipal lawsuit, contact legal@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325 Option 4.

Washington, DC – For the second year, FAC representatives participated in a vigil on the steps of the United States Supreme Court in solidarity with organizations throughout the USA.  They were a voice for over 1-million registered-citizens and thousands more affected-citizens that have loved ones on the Registry. FAC has already started to plan for the vigil in March 2025 and to have transportation arranged for more members to attend.  See the video here.

NARSOL – National Alliance for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL) will hold its 16th Annual Conference in Atlanta GA, June 20-23.  If you or a family member is interested in attending, let FAC know and we will be available to answer any questions, and to ensure that are included in a special meet-up for Florida members attending the conference.  Email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325.  This is the first year that every FAC board member will be attending the conference.

FAC Calls Are Recorded – You never have to miss a Monthly Membership Call or a Weekly Update.  You can listen to the latest weekly update or monthly meeting by calling: 605-475-4953, enter access code 739392# then enter the Recording ID or press # to hear the last recorded meeting or update.  

We Text Reminders – Get reminders to register on your months via text message.  To receive instructions, just text “START” to 727-233-4785, then text “SETUP” and the specific months, like “SETUP May November” to receive a reminder in May and November.   

Monthly Membership Calls –  All calls at 8pm ET.  Call 319-527-3487.  Any trouble connecting or if your phone service provider wants to charge you, then simply text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 to receive a call back from Free Conference Call and be connected to the meeting at no charge.

  • First Thursday every month – Topic of Interest and a Guest Speaker
  • Second Thursday every month – New member orientation call.  No agenda.  Call in to learn more about the FAC organization, get resources and referrals, discuss issues and concerns, volunteer to help and meet other members.

Legislative Team – Meets monthly on the second Wednesday and more frequently during the Legislative session or as needed for specific Call to Action. To join this team, contact membership at 833-273-7325 Option 1 or email jennifer@floridaactioncommittee.org.

Research Team – Meets monthly for assignments and discussion of new projects (days vary).  Must have access to the internet and enjoy researching arrest records or compiling data to support lawsuits, legislative or educational correspondence, and other actions.  To join the team, contact Chris at fac.region8a@gmail.com

Support Groups – To participate in any of the support groups below, contact the membership team at membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.

  • Every Monday Night- Peer-led support group.  Join others that may be experiencing concerns and want to seek support from other members – good and bad – we help work through the negatives and we also come together to celebrate the positives.  NEVER FEEL that you are alone.  This is a safe place, with no judgement, and just ready to connect with others.  Join Zoom Meeting at this link: https://zoom.us/j/91415273144 and Meeting ID: 914 1527 3144.  Or you can participate by phone only: CALL 305-224-1968 US and then enter Meeting ID: 914 1527 3144.


  • Family Members only – Zoom Meeting (by Video or select audio only) on second Saturday of each month.  Group session is peer-led and free of charge.  


  • Women’s Group – Women Forced to Register (WFR) can participate in this group that meets regularly by phone, and at special events.  There are two subgroups, one for support called SHINE (Sisters Healing Injustices and Networking for Encouragement), and one for speaking engagements called VOICES (Victory Over Injustices, Courageous Educating Sisters).  Join SHINE or schedule a speaker from VOICES.


  • Men’s Group – Men Forced to Register (MFR) can participate in this group meets by ZOOM (video or audio/phone only) on the second Tuesday of each month at 8pm.  


  • Veteran’s Group – Persons Forced to Register (PFR) that are veterans, or family/friends of veterans on the Registry, can participate in this group. Meets by phone on the fourth Tuesday each month.    


  • LGBTQ Group – just forming now. Please contact the team if you want to help us organize the group, or if you want to participate in the meetings.


Meet and Greets –Join us for food, entertainment, discussion, and guest speakers.  Friends, family and adult children are welcome to be your guest!  Meetings are sponsored by Community Out-Reach Partnership (CORP), and Justice Transitions.  To attend and make sure we have enough food, text or call RSVP to 904-438-8322 or email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org.  Schedule for 2024 Meet and Greets will be available soon.


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11 thoughts on “FAC Announcements April 2024

  • April 18, 2024

    Something that needs to be mentioned–

    When you sign any change.org petition, it asks for a donation. The donation goes to change.org, NOT to those who made the petition. If you want to financially support anti-registry activism then send your favorite group or website, like OnceFallen.com 🙂 … or FAC, the money directly to them instead.

  • April 15, 2024

    Actives are good and group involement is also Being creative is good to get the signitures one needa. As far as activities why not have a craft event or bake sale along with an in person petition drive to gather signatures and also inform the general public. It may help meet your goal. I am sure much of the general public would be sympathic to this cause as opposed to some goverment establishments. Remember its all about Justice and fair standard practices.

    It would seem to me that FAC is in a rush to competing with NARSOL and its goal (just my opinion) when I’m sure both are wanting to achieve the same goal by different establish venues. As far as a contribution I have signed the petition and will send our a small check to you. Other venues many can take is to protest around the capital in tally or other area’s in Florida.

  • April 14, 2024

    Love FAC! Once my loved one is off probation we will be vigorously involved.

  • April 14, 2024

    What an impressive and comprehensive list of activities and direct actions!!

    Thank you Florida Action Committee and supporters!

    These 27 years I have been on the registry have taken a deep toll on me and my family.

    I am extremely grateful we have joined together to fight back against our ignorant politicians and the media!

    • April 14, 2024

      Same here, I was put on, in 1997 which is 27 years ago. I was in my thirties then; I am now in 60s. A shame all those who die and never get any relief. I don’t want to be that guy and shouldn’t have to due to a retroactive law.

    • April 14, 2024

      And remember – it’s really the extreme ignorance, belligerence, and apathy among the people/voters themselves that feeds those same negative attitudes to politicians and the media.


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