Struggle for Dignity: How Sex Offenders Are Forced into Substandard Housing 

On February 9, 2025, the facade of the Parkside Apartments in Akron, Ohio, crumbled, displacing more than 60 residents, including 20 registered sex offenders. 19 News Cleveland reported the story, but this is not just a story of a structural failure but a stark reminder of the systemic neglect faced by individuals on the sex offender registry. Forced into substandard

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FAC Opposes Blanket Travel Bans for Persons Forced to Register as Sex Offenders

In a move that has sparked debate over international travel restrictions, the Philippines last month denied entry to seven American citizens due to their status as registered sex offenders (RSOs) in the United States. This action is part of a broader trend where countries impose blanket bans on individuals on the US “non-punitive” registry, regardless of the purpose of their

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South Africa: Sex Offenders Registry to be Made Public

The National Sex Offender Registry in South Africa is set to become publicly accessible by the end of February 2025, marking a significant shift in the country’s approach to combating sexual offenses. This decision, announced by Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi earlier in February, follows years of advocacy by activist groups pushing for greater transparency and accountability. The

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FDLE cracks down on unregistered dating accounts

A recent operation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has sparked debate over whether the arrest of nearly 50 sex offenders for using unreported online dating accounts constitutes necessary public safety enforcement or excessive policing. The operation targeted individuals who failed to disclose their online identities on ADULT dating platforms, a requirement under Florida’s sex offender registration laws.

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Legislative Team Update

Dear FAC members, your input is key to our continuous improvement and successes with legislative actions and their results.  Please don’t hesitate to email or call to join the legislative team or to provide input. This year we are focused on communications to change the narrative around people labeled as sex offenders.  Information through speaking at county legislative delegation meetings,

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OK Supreme Court rules residency restrictions can be retroactive

In a 5-3 decision this week, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled the Sex Offender Registration Act’s provision prohibiting sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a park applies retroactively to those who registered prior to the provision’s 2006 enactment. I must wonder what the final decision would have been if all eight justices had a family member impacted by

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Update on Illinois Voices filing class action lawsuit against Illinois State Police

Illinois Voices is committed to standing up for the civil rights of people on public conviction registries and their families.  We are pleased to announce that we filed a proposed class action lawsuit today against the Illinois State Police to challenge ISP’s failure to provide a fair and effective procedure to correct errors in the registry. The case is Illinois Voices

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