FAC is Not Affiliated with ‘Rally in Tally’ Protest.

Although the Florida Action Committee supports any organization’s First Amendment right to peaceful demonstration, FAC is compelled to clarify that it is not, in any way, affiliated with the ‘Rally in Tally’ protest scheduled for April 22, 2015 in Tallahassee.


The rally, which will coincide with the “Walk In My Shoes” event, is organized by Women Against Registry, Oregon Action Committee and Derek Logue, none of whom are Florida residents or Florida organizations. FAC is not affiliated with these organizations.


While we might agree with Registry Reform, we strongly disagree with the timing of this rally and are concerned that it might create confusion as to the underlying message. For this reason, we disagree with the timing of the rally and will not be participating in this event.


FAC unequivocally supports victims’ rights and bringing awareness to sexual abuse. Our goal is to end the cycle of abuse. At the same time, FAC supports registry reform and we believe, as the research supports, labeling people for life has unintended consequences which does not further public safety and rehabilitation.


The Florida Action Committee will continue to work with the Florida Legislature to reform policies which are not based on empirical evidence and to work towards prevention of sexual abuse through prevention awareness, education and safe reentry of former offenders to our communities once they completed their sentence.

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5 thoughts on “FAC is Not Affiliated with ‘Rally in Tally’ Protest.

  • March 1, 2015

    “Can’t we all with the same causes and concern just get along? Splinter groups in support of Registration reform is a bad idea. Its confusing enough for any RSO supporting and counting on a so-called Reform group to help them. Think of the RSO that has no support. The National RSO Reformation Organization should support any other group with the same causes.

  • February 22, 2015

    Maybe I’m missing something here. Other groups from other states are coming to our aid. Lord knows we need to protest 24-7. ……………yet this message distancing FAC from them………yes, I’m getting the wrong message sent but it’s not from them. I applaud them. Wish I could be there. Wish I could do something or anything to help. Definitely not going to distance myself from them. . Makes me want to ask the almighty question of, “Wassup”

  • February 22, 2015

    I feell FAC should go to the Rally inTally. WAR wants the media attention, no doubt. Why is the Oregon Action Committee going? I understand FAC wants to distance itself from a potential firestorm involving WAR, Lauren’s Kids and the media,. However, this may be one of the best times to advance the FAC message to the public ! The GPS for life bills loom large.
    1. I believe FAC should be present at Rally in Tally.
    2. This rally will receive media attention and FAC should make the argument for prevention and rehabilitation rather than continued civil punishment.
    3. Current and proposed laws (eg lifelong monitoring) create more criminals than prevent new crimes.
    4. If Florida wants to create criminals they are on the right path. Preventing people from acquiring shelter and food, gainful employment, participating in election process, and distancing them from support systems leaves vulnerable people with no alternatives. Rarely are people willing to simply lay down and die.
    5. I do not feel safer with the current laws. Civil punishments are not the answer. Prevention is the appropriate goal.
    FAC should attend.

    • February 23, 2015

      The “Walk In My Shoes” event is intended to promote victims’ rights and help stop sexual abuse. Although FAC strongly disagrees with “scorched earth” policies and the horrible and ineffective laws currently in effect, we don’t want a protest at that time to be perceived by anyone as FAC having a position that’s against victims’ rights or not in favor of ending the cycle of abuse.

      To be clear:
      – We fully support these organizations’ right to conduct the rally. It is their First Amendment right!
      – We fully support the anti-registration message that they are trying to convey.
      – We are not distancing ourselves from WAR, Oregon Action Committee or Derek Logue.
      – We are merely stating that we are not affiliated with this protest at this time.

      Since the ‘Rally in Tally’ is taking place within the State of Florida and since it’s an anti-registration event, there was a presumption on the part of the media and our members that it is an FAC event. The purpose of this statement is to clarify that it was not.

  • February 21, 2015

    I find it amazing it took you this long to distance yourself from these people. All it would have taken was a half hour google search on Vicki Henry and Derek Logue and you would have saved yourself the embarrassment and ultimate discrediting of your efforts. You cant say you were not warned.


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