FAC Letter to Fair Elections Legal Network Regarding Brief on Solution to Felon Voting
The Florida Action Committee sent the following letter to the Fair Elections Legal Network, who litigated the case of Hand v. Scott, requesting sex offenders and murderers not be sacrificed in the brief containing proposed solutions to the felon voting case.
Good video to watch. ACLU Kentucky,you will see why Rick Scott doesn’t want felons to vote…
Disgusting that politicians deny felons the right to vote; many of the men and women denied the right to “no taxation without representation” are veterans.
The vast majority of our fearless, political paragons of protection have never strapped on anything heavier than a briefcase/money bag provided by special interest groups (private prisons, the Books et. al) in defense of Americans.
I would love to hear our pampered panderers explain to this, or any veteran why we don’t rate the right to vote once our debt to society has been paid. Anyone who has served in the military is much more deserving of the freedom to vote than a political hack that refuses to risk his or her political seat in order to take a constitutional stand against laws that clearly violate the same, let alone their very lives or limbs in defense of The Constitution.
The floriduh governor should be most ashamed of all; he loves to parade around in his Navy cap, but has consistently failed to uphold his constitutional oath on so many levels I doubt he’s ever read the document. Shame on him and every pathetic, political, fear-mongering hack that has created the living damnation RSO’s endure and the disenfranchisement of so many that have served freedom at much greater personal cost than he or they ever will.
Remind them the Judge said a way that doesn’t exclude any particular group.
Attack these laws on a FEDERAL Level! Which would wipe off the books all these horrendous state laws all across the nation.
There are so many registrants across the country-nearly a million of us now, and if you include the families of people these insane sex offender laws affect-TENS of millions. Why can there not be an organizational effort to raise enough money to hire a top notch legal firm to attack outrageous laws pertaining to registries and nearly universal petty state laws that have no obvious objective but to punish further people who have already served their time for these offenses, most especially laws that automatically class even non-contact, non-violent offenses as tier 3 based solely on a lifetime registration sentence, which nearly everyone receives in Federal courts. Many of these laws are on an expost-facto basis, such as the one in Illinois covering this very law passed in 2012 by the state legislature. I was a Tier one convicted in Florida in 2007, yet now living in Illinois where I am listed as a Tier 3 “Sexual Predator”on the internet. My sentencing judge was appointed by an ACTUAL predator ten times worse than I never even thought of being!
There is such an organization; FAC. We raised money to hire a law firm to file the Ex Post Facto lawsuit on our behalf