FAC Letter to FDLE Concerning Scams
Florida Sex Offender Registry News
We have recently warned our members of a scam that’s been targeting registrants.
“Detectives” (who may or may not be actual detectives – likely not) have been calling registrants claiming they missed a registration deadline and will be arrested…. unless… they are willing to take care of it immediately through the payment of a bond or some fee. They then instruct the registrant to purchase a stored value card (a prepaid debit card) and provide them the numbers.
To some, the fishiness can be smelled from a mile away. For others who are isolated and have nobody to bounce this situation off of, the prospect of there being some random registration rule they were unaware of and innocently missed is reasonable, and a call from “detective _____” would cause them to do whatever law enforcement instructs them to do under the threat of arrest.
FAC sent the following letter to the FDLE. We will let you know the results of their investigation (and if they chose to do anything or even respond) as soon as we hear.
MJ – I for one would appreciate no political statements like that brought onto this page. I come for RSO news and other related things. If I want to see political opinions (bias as it is) I will go to FB. I am not a moderator or anything – it is just a personal request.
MJs comment was removed – it was political and not relevant to the discussion.
Thank you 🙂
Bravo FAC…. Fighting the fight. Thank you.
Lol…. I thought of something so funny. With these bullshit ordinances and laws that Ron and Laura Crook have pushed so hard to delibertly hurt and hinder registrants and our families there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel! These are the same laws and ordinances that are now getting shot down by SCOTUS and rejected all over the country. Ultimately these continuing additions to the registry will have all been rejected and discontinued because of there draconian conditions and PUNISHMENT. Who helped start it all, Ron and Laura Crook. They just couldn’t and can’t stop stomping on us and our families. They have brought it to the forefront of the Supreme court and nearly every other federal judge. Here’s the BEST PART OF ALL! With these two scumbags hatefulness and evilness (as well as money scandaling) we are bringing the harshest parts of the registry down. By the time the nanny who abused Rons princess gets out she won’t have any restrictions (that they made). She will have served her time and be able to live anywhere around the miami area she pleases, just like any other person who have served their sentence. We need to thank Ron and Laura for being so vindictive!!! Their hatefulness is liberating us all…….
Believe the nanny is being deported upon release
Better for her. Wish i could get deported somewhere. My country ashames me.
Personally, a day after I reregistered, I received a robot call from Polk County Sheriff’s Office explaining and warning me of the scam.
Sounds like a job for the FBI.
Agreed. It’s good to let FDLE know what’s going on, but I think this is more FBI territory as far as investigating it goes.
I can not say enough about how blessed we alk are to have the FAC fighting for us in such a way as this. We are the sum of the earth. No matter how low level our offense was. And law makers see us as low hanging fruit. They rarely ever vote down any legislation that that tightens the nuce around our neck. It’s an easy metal pinned on on the political vest. So I just want to say thank you for helping us.